I'm using Exjts 4 and i want to change the button text color. Here is my code:

     xtype: 'button',
     text: 'My Button',
         color: 'red'

3 Answers 3


In case someone needs it. I do not know if it's a dirty solution but it works

 xtype: 'button',
 text: '<div style="color: red">My Button</div>',     

Davor Zubak shed light on a solution although it failed in my complex application. I achieved what I want by this:

  1. Button's cls: 'myButton'
  2. In my css file, define:

    .myButton .x-btn-inner {
        color: red;
        font-family: Georgia;
        font-size: large;
        font-weight: bold;

This way it only overrides the ExtJS theme for the particular buttons who have 'myButton' cls.


There is some strange behavior in Extjs 4.2.0, but there is an override possible. Give your button a class using cls:'yourClassName' property and then in CSS make a full path to span holding the text, like so: .yourClassName div a span. Also give your css property a !important value to successfuly override base class.

Ext.create('Ext.Button', {

    text: 'Click me',

    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),

    handler: function() {
        alert('You clicked the button!');

    cls: 'foo'

and in css simply:

.foo div a span
    color:#ff0000 !important;

Here is a example.


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