I need to provide a pageId on every URL however I don't need the user to see this pageId. For example

http://{domain}/{product-name}/{product-id}/{pageid} <-- I don't want to provide this

I have in my Global.asax:

routes.MapPageRoute("route-name", "path/{productName}/{product-id}", "~/ProductPage.aspx");

Is there some way to configure this route so it has a "hard coded" parameter page id for example something like this ---

routes.MapPageRoute("route-name", "path/{productName}/{product-id}", "~/ProductPage.aspx?pageid=1");

1 Answer 1


Is there some way to configure this route so it has a "hard coded" parameter page id

Why yes... yes there is.

MapPageRoute has an overload that accepts a set of defaults for route values.

//Create route and set default values
   new RouteValueDictionary{
      {"product-id", 1}

So now if you hit this route without a "product-id" specified, it will always default to 1

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