Saturday, February 27, 2010

Outdoorsy Type

This was too good not to share! On a quick trip to Darn Cheap Fabrics, Glenhuntly, this morning I spotted this freakin' hilarious fabric in the quilting section.
It even comes in a few different colourways!
I've never seen anything like it. And boy, did I get some strange looks from a nearby man when I was taking photos of the fabric! I'm sure he thought I was into a bit of fabric soft-porn :)

FYI it's called 'Outdoorsy Type' and it's an Alexander Henry.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Swap Teasers

I'm participating in a couple of swaps, both of which end very soon! As always, I'm cutting it fine, but these will definitely be finished and posted off on time. I promise!!
First up are my mini little hexies for the Pillow {Talk} Swap. To give you an idea of scale, one edge of each hexagon measures 2.2cm (or 7/8ths of an inch). It's been very timely that I joined this crafty group as it's given me some dedicated hand stitching time!

I really struggled to think of something to make for the Doll Quilt Swap 8. To be honest, I started a few, and finally decided on this one on Monday. The pattern came from a quilting mag that someone had given me (which I will reference just as soon as I can find it again!!). I kind of followed the pattern, but cut the basic shapes (house, windows, door etc) the size I wanted. I really like how it evolved from a rather boring looking house to an autumny house with a lot more colour and dimension. A little more work to be done, but it's coming along very nicely, thanks!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Blocks for Rebecca

February is Rebecca's month in the Beehive. She wanted a big pinwheel block (like that found in Material Obsession 2), and some smaller nine patches if we so desired.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Blocks for Brenis

Brenis from the Bee Addicted 3 quilting bee requested improv blocks for her month. She didn't mind the size of the blocks, she just wanted some high contrast with the text/numbers fabric somewhere in the middle.
In my haste to get these to the post office this afternoon I didn't measure any of them - but I figure they range between about 8 - 10 inches square.
My fave to make was the one with the cross, but I do really love the thin brown strip on the block below (separating the spots). If I hadn't just cut up 1 metre of Kona charcoal last night for the Australasian Bee, I'd get stuck into some blocks for myself (featuring some very thin dark strips).
Next on my list of things to make is the doll quilt top for DQS8 and some more hexie flowers for the pillow swap. Hopefully I can make a start on the doll quilt tonight!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

A month in pictures

How does one start blogging again after a couple of months of complete slacking? Pictures, I guess. So here goes....
The beginnings of a cushion for the Pillow Talk Swap
My blocks have started arriving home from the Beehive quilting bee
Sandy Point Beach
Sandy Point Beach
Sunset at Sandringham Beach (or thereabouts)
Block made for Bee Addicted 3
Block made for Bee Addicted 3
Block made for Bee Addicted 3
Block made for Bee Addicted 3

I've also signed up for the 8th Doll Quilt Swap, started my own Bee, started applying for jobs, and am battling an annoying run of insomnia. More bee blocks have been made but not photographed - my darling daughter has misplaced my camera charger and spare battery. Grrr. Now hopefully I can get back into semi-regular blogging!

Giveaway Winner!

Finally! I used the random number generator (but still cannot work out how to add a screen shot of that! So the winner is.... comment number 3 - Kelly! Congratulations, Kelly. I have your details already, so I'll pop something in the post to you soon.