I'm participating in a couple of swaps, both of which end very soon! As always, I'm cutting it fine, but these will definitely be finished and posted off on time. I promise!!

First up are my mini little hexies for the
Pillow {Talk} Swap. To give you an idea of scale, one edge of each hexagon measures 2.2cm (or 7/8ths of an inch). It's been very timely that I joined
this crafty group as it's given me some dedicated hand stitching time!

I really struggled to think of something to make for the
Doll Quilt Swap 8. To be honest, I started a few, and finally decided on this one on Monday. The pattern came from a quilting mag that someone had given me (which I will reference just as soon as I can find it again!!). I kind of followed the pattern, but cut the basic shapes (house, windows, door etc) the size I wanted. I really like how it evolved from a rather boring looking house to an autumny house with a lot more colour and dimension. A little more work to be done, but it's coming along very nicely, thanks!