This parcel of goodies is off to the UK, hopefully in time for Christmas! I've really enjoyed sewing up all these goodies, and I'm delighted that all the materials (except for a packet of textas) came from my stash.

This hat was knit by my sister for the newest of the UK clan - born early November.

Some Christmas tree decorations made from Yo-Yo's, buttons and ribbon.

A texta roll (there are plenty of tutorials out there for pencil rolls/crayon rolls etc, but really, it's not rocket science. I just made up the pattern based on the size of my textas.)

Tied with some grosgrain ribbon.

Some little shoes for the little man. Again, patterns for little shoes can easily be found on the internet. I used a pattern that I had when Ollie was a babe.

I made up two Nintendo DS pouches using a tutorial found
here. My photos don't really do it justice, as I don't have the DS and games to model in the pouches.

Basically, the pouch has a large side pocket for the game console thingy, and three little pockets for the little games.
I've also posted off the
gratitude wrap I made last week, and one of the
pear pincushion I made a while ago, all packaged within a
fabric basket for the new babe. The Christmas presents were wrapped in some home made Christmas wrapping paper (I'll have to post about that this week) and some handmade Gocco printed gift tags. All in all, a very handmade Christmas!