Saturday, March 29, 2008

Time away...

We've gladly had a couple of days away, despite still feeling a little under the weather. We went to Healesville (just north-east of Melbourne). So nice to breathe in the fresh air and feel the crisp coldness of it.Ollie braved the icy waters of Badger Creek Weir, just up the road a bit from Healesville Sanctuary. Such a gorgeous picnic spot. I'd attach more pics, but blogger is playing up a bit, it took 25 mins to upload this one!

...needless to say, the quilt is still a WIP...

Saturday, March 22, 2008


The latest WIP - a quilt for Ollie.
I've used some Prints Charming fabric given to me by my sister, some Aunty Cookie stuff, and the rest was in my stash.
It could potentially be finished by the end of the week, but don't quote me on that. It is closer to being finished than any other quilt I have ever started.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Another great week...

Ollie's gastro ended on the weekend, he was back to normal by Monday. That's when Miss J's symptoms began. Slurred speech, confusion, twitching cheek. Ended up in emergency on Tuesday night, back on Wednesday. After a total 15 hours in emergency and one MRI, we know it's not the worst case scenario (thank god). Still don't know the cause, more tests to come. She was symptom free today, but Ollie has his gastro back, much worse than before.
Just how do you get the stink of diarrhoea and vomit out of your carpet??? Oh yes, it's been a good week.
I did manage to finish this reversible apron (finally) over the weekend. I'm about 70% happy with it, I'll make some adjustments on the next one.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Hot, hot, hot...

Ridiculously hot weather in Melbourne this week (though thankfully I'm not in Adelaide!). Not the best weather for a sick little boy! It's too hot to cuddle, but he needs lots of them. Too hot to sleep, but he needs more of that, too. Just been laying on the couch, or in mummy's bed, reading lots of stories, rubbing sore tummies.
Not much sewing or crafting or cooking getting done. This fabric arrived a week ago, patiently waiting to be turned into something special.
This is a WIP that hasn't been touched in over a week, dangerously close to being pushed aside and forgotten. Just knowing the joy it will bring me upon completion has meant I have left it to sit on a chair in the kitchen, watching me daily, hoping to be completed....
Another WIP that will end up in my etsy shop eventually. If the hot hot hot weather ends soon.....

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Our garden

Our backyard has a little bit of grass down the side of the house, but most of it is just a hot and sunny concrete slab. If I had money to throw away, I'd put down some artificial turf and big pot plants, but I don't, so I have to make do with the budget I have.
This week Ollie and I planted an assortment of fruits, vegies and herbs. Above, I have a dwarf lemon tree in the big brown pot (planted a couple of months ago - it has 17 lemons on it that are growing bigger every week!). We planted spring onions, rocket, baby spinach, rhubarb, parsley, chives, oregano, sage, mint and basil.
This long and boring fence will have two colours of passionfruit growing up it. I need to put something other than the little bits of lattice up on the fence for the passionfruit to grow along. Maybe next week. One of the pots also has a strawberry plant, the other has more chives.

I've never planted so many things at once - usually I just have a pot of chives. I'm happy to just have a play around at this stage - to see what works and what doesn't. Maybe I've planted everything too close? I will soon find out, I'm sure.