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Questions tagged [teamwork]

Questions about working together with co-workers or a team. (Teamwork questions are at risk of being "put on hold as off-topic" for being about career advice or education.)

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1 vote
2 answers

Is 'backporting fixes and creating releases' a common job role?

Context: The software development company I work for develops an application which is released with SemVer versions. Typically customers use the last 2-3 minor releases, so for an example if the ...
FabianTe's user avatar
  • 525
-1 votes
2 answers

4 Months of Code Rewritten in 2 Days Team Dilemma [closed]

I recently had a project that I took me 4 months to do , I hit some very significant bugs that where impossible to track down. I said this code is absolute garbage and started from scratch, drank a ...
Chris Johnson's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

How do I find indicators to show that code review is improving quality of a code base?

I was asked to review and handle merge request for a code base, which has been contributed by dozens of programmer with basically no regulation (or perhaps there was but nobody follows), so I set up ...
Rahn's user avatar
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40 votes
6 answers

What's the correct way to do pair programming?

We've been utilizing pair programming (or something like it) for a few years. As a senior engineer on the team - I find that pairing actually negatively impacts the team's throughput. The common ...
antonpug's user avatar
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1 vote
5 answers

When code review becomes a formality what procedure can I take to amend it?

I am dev manager, managing 8 developers. I am facing a problem that the code review becomes more and more a formality even though we all know the code review is important. We do have code review ...
Qiulang 邱朗's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

How to prevent in house frameworks and libraries from becoming technical debt

My company develops many relatively small projects that a lot of times do the same things and have a similar structure. (e.g. read/write to a databse, data pre processing, building a query etc.). This ...
krezno's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

When is there a case for refactoring large parts of a codebase at once? (if ever)

I work with a specific engineer (let's call them X) that, even though they have many years of experience in the industry, has a lot of trouble to manage the scope of code changes. For example, say ...
Little Pizza's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Etiquette / Leadership / Sharing Best Practices - How much should I try to influence?

I recently joined another team part time where I kinda know several of the people, and they know me for my design work mostly, but I'll be doing design and some development with them. There's a lot of ...
redOctober13's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Best way to keep development and testing in synch

We have 1 frontend developer and 2 backend developers and 1 QA. QA is responsible for writing the end-to-end tests using Cypress. FE developer writes the unit tests. Backend developers write the unit ...
systemdebt's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Is there reliable evidence of the benefit of implementing all practices of an Agile methodology (e.g Scrum) vs only some of them? [closed]

For example, the Scrum Guide states (emphasis mine): The Scrum framework, as outlined herein, is immutable**. While implementing only parts of Scrum is possible, the result is not Scrum. Scrum exists ...
Francesco Bianco's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

First time teamwork (PHP): version control and continuous integration?

A colleague and I are going to be working together on a single project for the first time. This raises a few technical questions for me. Like how. I think a version control system is a must now, if it ...
JaredNinja's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Code review patterns for multiple teams working on a single product

We're scaling out development on a single product from a single team to multiple teams. What are the patterns to ensure coding style, patterns and technology is used consistently? Is there one person ...
LazyCoder's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

Why is the term "bug" very negative to some? [closed]

Our software user interface was originally written in another language. Some of the English translations are poor. When I raised one of these as a bug, the manager got angry with something like "...
AlainD's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

My Boss Wants Fancier Methods [closed]

I work in a young (< 3 year-old, <15 employees) startup. Our core data product is a recommendation engine. One of my primary responsibilities is to prototype the recommendation engine. Because ...
Adam Freeland's user avatar
42 votes
4 answers

How to effectively work with teammates whose fixes to bugs cause more bugs? [closed]

Everyone creates bugs, including me and my teammates. When bugs are pointed out to them, they're friendly and try to fix the bug. But their fix is 'wrong' and just creates a more subtle bug. Usually ...
Jovash's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

What is the most effective way to explain code in a code review using a pull request?

I work for a small company with only three programmers (including myself). Our workflow is: We write the code; We create a pull request on Github; We ask for code review; We merge the pull request. ...
pharoeste's user avatar
-3 votes
3 answers

How can I tactfully point out that a colleague's work is bad? [closed]

As my first job, I joined a startup with a small number of developers. I mainly work with this one other person -- let's call him Paul for now. We are the only two devs on our team. He joined the ...
Alex Coleman's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

What are the challenges when scaling a dev team from one to two?

I work for a small-medium sized startup with a development team of 20 people and a very strong engineering culture. Engineering itself is split into smaller sub-teams and I am the only person ...
kecat7082's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Explaining why a code's modifier should also be its committer [closed]

The context of this question is the early stage of introducing a VCS into an academic setting consisting of non-SW-engineers, largely unaware of modern best practices related to coding as a team. At ...
Dev-iL's user avatar
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33 votes
9 answers

Un-ticketed work, how much is too much?

We work in scrum teams with a product owner who is responsible for the backlog and prioritisation of that backlog. Recently the topic of un-ticketed work came up, developers for one of the ...
Sutty1000's user avatar
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4 votes
6 answers

How to harness the chaos within the development team?

I'm a rather experienced software developer. I worked with many teams and projects throughout my career so far. The recent two projects, however, challenged me in an unusual way. Namely: they were ...
Arkadiusz Kałkus's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

How to ensure that developers see only the project modules they are working on?

This is my first time PM experience. I have created a developer team and we want to work on an Angular-NodeJS project. I have defined some tasks and divided the project into the different modules/...
user3486308's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Combining development and support departments

I'm the manager of a reasonably small sized development department with 13 developers, 5 testers/QA, and 2 UX-designers. The support is split into two parts "Customer service" (CS) and "technical ...
user12850098's user avatar
52 votes
12 answers

How do you normalize coding style among multiple isolated developers?

We're a small/medium sized company with a dozen or so software developers, developing our own in-house software for in-house use. Given that there's so few of us and there's just so much work to be ...
Vilx-'s user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How to prevent CI/CD process from being suspended while big changes happen?

This is more of a procedure and maybe a philosophical problem. The development team I am in is divided into Scrum teams or Squads that work on the same product. Occasionally, either one of these ...
redflour's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Level of detail of a refined user story in SCRUM

The main subject of my question are the user stories, after they have been put in the backlog, discussed, refined and ready to be put into the upcoming Sprint. Do they have to list all the possible ...
Stack Diego's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Git strategy for separate teams in one project without access to eachother source

We have one project and separate teams which work on separate modules. What we need is a strategy that allows our teams to work on one project but without access to each other source codes. one ...
Hamid's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Separation of responsibilities in different project areas

When I'm saying "area" I usually mean some relatively large unit or service, which is a part of a whole product, i.e. API service, location service, warehouse service, etc. Context: a project with 20+...
yekope's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
2 answers

Are pre-commit or pre-push hooks that run lint and unit test scripts worth it? [closed]

I guess the argument for pre-commit hooks that lint and run unit tests would be that every single commit is clean. The argument against them is that they take a lot of time to run, which can add up ...
Gwater17's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Splitting up a big project for several teams by git

We have a big angular project that works with several APIs provided by other projects. This project has a common part that is shared by all. It includes smaller sections dedicated to different teams ...
Hamid Mohammadi's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How To Get A Junior Developer To Stop Bikeshedding [closed]

I'm having an issue with a junior developer bikeshedding PRs. They are the primary approver for one repository. Things that should be up for an hour or minutes on PR spend days sometimes with back-and-...
Lan's user avatar
  • 475
8 votes
4 answers

What part of development should a software designer do? [closed]

My manager recently promoted me to "software designer". I am not aware that this title exists. As far as I know SAs creates high level code design and do diagrams. I have a hard time understanding ...
lightning_missile's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

How to be a good team member and push the team towards new paradigms and technologies at the same time.

I am pretty new within our Scrum team. (Round about 4 months) Whenever I suggest some paradigm like "DevOps" or technology like "Kubernetes" to solve issues I am criticised at least from a part of the ...
user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Managing git repository

I don't know if I am over-complicating stuffs but here is our setup. 3 Code hosting servers (QA, Stage, and Production) 3 main git Branches (dev, stage and master) for respective servers 10-15 ...
Ruchan's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

A simple GIT workflow for tiny team

I've just joined a project that a developper has been working on solo for 15 years. This is the first time he's had someone collaborate on a project. I've just convinced him we need version control on ...
Kyohei Kaneko's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Working on issue that relies on changing code

I work in a small team making software, we run pretty close to scrum, tickets and sprints, and use git. I however work in a different timezone, so communication can be a bit disjointed, though ...
baler's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to make the working habits/personality traits of a team more transparent? [closed]

We are a recently formed team of 4 developers, some of them new to the company, some of them assembled from other, disbanded teams. I would like to know my team members better, how they "tick", how ...
chiborg's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Easily exclude commits on a merge based on some condition

My eyes are destroyed. I am using a screen reader. We are using git as our version control system on our project. We host our own server and use ssh to access it. We put each module under separate ...
lightning_missile's user avatar
9 votes
7 answers

How should "useful throwaway" scripts be handled?

You know how it goes: there is some small repetitive task for which you found a way to quickly automate 95% of the work. You create a script, run it, manually fix the output, and you're done. Of ...
Frank Kusters's user avatar
45 votes
3 answers

How to deal with a not-yet-implemented method that will be done by a co-programmer?

This is a question about how to work in teams. Recently I worked on my first larger (~80 classes, Java) programming project with a team of 6 people, though only 4 of us were continously working on ...
lucidbrot's user avatar
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27 votes
4 answers

How to handle a TODO in a pull request?

When I review the changes in a pull request, I sometimes stumble upon a comment with a "TODO" note which may be there for different reasons, in our case mostly because of: the solution used to solve ...
alecxe's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Shall I use low quality insecure software if I'm asked to?

I work for a finance startup managing the technical stuff. The COO decided to create a new web site using a contract developer and the owner of the company paid for it ($9k). I'm asked to use the new ...
Chloe's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Contributions of a problematic team member to an open source project [closed]

I'm currently coordinating the development of a software for a certain scientific computational task. The developers are all working on the project on a voluntary basis. Our goal is to publish the ...
Just a Developer's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to co-ordinate separate product teams without lumbering everybody with excess process and meetings?

About a year ago we started on the journey of slowly breaking apart our legacy E-commerce platform and replacing it with smaller rewritten services. We now have several teams each focusing on separate ...
Sutty1000's user avatar
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1 answer

Where should I place a license?

I'm creating a site for commercial needs, for myself or for sales. In them, I'll use the Laravel framework. Laravel is licensed under the MIT license. The MIT license tells to me: The above ...
Junior's user avatar
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52 votes
7 answers

PM opting for an overly-complex setup which nobody has experience with [closed]

Recently I started a project which didn't seem too hard to make, the concept was a fairly simple application that had to accept input every now and then (maybe 10x a day), and try to perform some ...
DeleteLater's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What strategy to better articulate myself when summarising technical details

I am required to speak at daily stand ups, change review and architect reference group meetings. I usually find that I speak too quickly, include too much or not enough details, or go back and forth ...
LazyCoder's user avatar
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11 votes
6 answers

Where and when do design, architecture activities take place in Scrum

The traditional Waterfall lifecycle includes a specific phase for design and planning. In Scrum there is no big up front design. A small amount of design to conducted when breaking down features into ...
LazyCoder's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Is artificial complexity commonplace the larger a company or community gets?

It always seemed normal to me that the larger a company gets the less amount of work is put by its employees into making the company profitable. There are obviously no clear marks for this, but I ...
George's user avatar
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103 votes
13 answers

How to deal with 'almost good' code from a junior developer? [closed]

I got a question about team managing. Right now I'm dealing with a junior developer who's working remotely from a coding factory. The guy is open to criticism and willing to learn, but I got some ...
Zalomon's user avatar
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