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Questions tagged [communication]

Questions surrounding communications between programmers and the others involved in software development. This can include stakeholders, management, end users, designers, testers, and other developers.

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0 votes
2 answers

Is there some standard or virtually standard way to document code in a language agnostic and IDE agnostic fashion? [closed]

In java we generally do it the java-docs way and in js the popular method these days is vscode documentation using @param, @returns, @example etc but I would prefer if there were some language ...
Raven Danish's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to document a concurrent communication protocol for less theoretical people

We are developing a multi-user web-based application, where the users can join a "room" and a complicated handshake has to be set up between them, to be able to use a library on each ...
staccato's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Multiple objects using the same connection for communication, filter messages "above" or inside the objects?

I have a single connection being used by multiple devices, and I'd like to filter the messages so that each device only reacts to messages intended for it. This can be done with an unique ID field in ...
Mahi's user avatar
  • 406
3 votes
5 answers

How do I find indicators to show that code review is improving quality of a code base?

I was asked to review and handle merge request for a code base, which has been contributed by dozens of programmer with basically no regulation (or perhaps there was but nobody follows), so I set up ...
Rahn's user avatar
  • 147
0 votes
1 answer

How to manage inter team communication while working on same feature in microservice architecture?

We are a team of around 60 software engineers divided into almost 6 teams. We are working on an ecommerce project and following microservice architecture. Each team is responsible for their own ...
Munam Tariq's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

How do you explain to the Product Owner that an error in a Web app is due to a browser quirk? [closed]

Web browsers are imperfect machines. So let's say you came across an error. You might search your code to find the problem, and then failing that, you turn to online research that indicates the error ...
moonman239's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Using the word "loop" as a subject in a sentence [closed]

I would like to explain the following code to my colleagues: for options in [{Option.NO_CUTOFFS}, {}, {Option.HEURISTIC}]: ... The following sentence is kind of awkward: This loop loops on the ...
AlwaysLearning's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Is it legitimate to track down a library maintainer who has disappeared? [closed]

There's a public FOSS library available online, which has not seen any commits by its author for about 3 years. 2 years ago the maintainer added a comment saying he's sorry for being ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

is there a two-way (bidirectional) observer pattern?

I have two classes. "System" and "Bluetooth". I want to have a really loose coherency between these two classes as they should be able to exist or not without depending on each ...
Mahyar Shokraeian's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

When to Push or Publish

I'm in the process of redesigning our entire process control system (a daunting task, really!), and want to make the right decisions to how each system in the ecosystem communicates with each other. ...
Fruity Medley's user avatar
42 votes
10 answers

How can you decide how much detail is it worth going in to when planning a new feature?

I'm a recovering perfectionist. According to my colleagues, I am also a good software engineer, but one of the feedback I have often received is that I tend to dive too deep too soon. Suppose I start ...
larrydalmeida's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Creating a contract for a UDP connection

I'm developing a system in C# who consists in a desktop application running a UDP server and a android app and this app sends data (byte array) to be read by the desktop application with commands and ...
RafaelFerreira's user avatar
-1 votes
4 answers

What is the Software Engineering equivalent of a traditional Engineering Change Order (ECO)? [closed]

What best practices do large software companies recommend when introducing a breaking-change to their software development process? Put another way, how do you best communicate these changes to fellow ...
Matthew Nielsen's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

What is the best practice for monolithic desktop frontend-backend communication?

For a monolithic desktop application with two projects - a frontend and a backend, both in C#, what would be the best practice for communication between them? The frontend needs to make calls to the ...
Identicon's user avatar
-9 votes
1 answer

Are the stone-dead PHP mailing lists really how PHP developers and the PHP community communicate? [closed]

I've been looking at this for a long time: Almost every single mailing list has the last messages sent to them in the year 2000-2003. That's 17-20 years ago! It would be an ...
user14756437's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Why do MMS require "mobile data" to be sent/received?

First, I am not sure where to ask this. Please point me the correct stack exchange if it does not belong here. Note: I do not know how to correctly name "mobile data" in english. But I refer ...
Itération 122442's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

What to do when your client keeps jacking with the system you developed for them

What to do when your client keeps jacking with the system you developed for them I've had a client in the real estate training business for six years now. We have an ongoing weekly minimum time ...
nino's user avatar
  • 31
-2 votes
2 answers

How does a process get notifications from the operating system?

In UIKit framework, there are methods associated with app’s life cycle events like applicationWillEnterForeground(_:) which are called at appropriate times. How can I make a process receive such ...
Pineapple Seed's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Good practices for frontend-backend communication

What are some good practices for handling communication between a frontend and a backend? From what I know in order to keep things loosely coupled you shouldn't just have your frontend have a ...
user14092802's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Who is the potential audience of a commit message?

I've been taking a course on plain language writing, in order to make my commit messages more readable and understandable. One of the main ideas in plain language writing is that your first identify ...
leeand00's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How the basic structure of a simple messaging app works?

How the messaging apps works? What is the Basic algorithm of it? I tried the following method to make a messaging app. I enters message Message converts to a text file Text text file uploads to the ...
Rajodiya Jeel's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

My Boss Wants Fancier Methods [closed]

I work in a young (< 3 year-old, <15 employees) startup. Our core data product is a recommendation engine. One of my primary responsibilities is to prototype the recommendation engine. Because ...
Adam Freeland's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to let others developer know what was tried and didn't work? [duplicate]

Let's say a developer is tasked to implement a certain feature in the codebase. That developer tries to implement the feature using Design A (e.g. a certain design pattern). The developer finds out ...
RodYt's user avatar
  • 69
-1 votes
2 answers

Explaining why a code's modifier should also be its committer [closed]

The context of this question is the early stage of introducing a VCS into an academic setting consisting of non-SW-engineers, largely unaware of modern best practices related to coding as a team. At ...
Dev-iL's user avatar
  • 233
50 votes
15 answers

Company outsourced testing; how can we encourage programmers to stop overly relying on testers?

A friend of mine is working in a 200-employee company. The company's business has nothing to do with IT, but they do have an IT department to work, among others, on their website, used by the ...
Arseni Mourzenko's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

What is the best way for sharing common functionality or reusing existing code in micro-service architecture?

I just curious to know that what is the best practice or way for sharing common functionality or code among the micro-services. For example, there is one micro-service which is responsible for the ...
Jignesh M. Khatri's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Architecture question about Instant Messaging Platform with MQTT

I'm starting a project to build an instant messaging application for mobile devices. Although not the complete list of components these are the main data flows I'm concerned about: Mobile app ...
Daniel Arechiga's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

In an UML 2.5 State Machine, how can I model sending a Signal as an effect on a transition in a convenient way?

In an UML 2.5 State Machine, how can I model sending a Signal as an effect on a transition in a convenient way? In one of the older UML versions you simply prefixed the name of the signal with a send ...
nanitous's user avatar
  • 159
3 votes
1 answer

Same Event types for multiple micro-services

In an Event Driven Architecture when there are more than one microservices say A, B that publish same Event say Order_Created and a service C listening to it, performs some actions and publishes an ...
iamadnan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Communication between separated application parts

I have searched well before asking this question, and some of the questions look like what I need here, but none of the gave a clear answer to my question. I am writing a web application (in PHP if ...
Osama Aldemeery's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Best practice with SignalR communication

I'm working on a project that involves online purchases. I have my web api in C# and my client in REACT (javascript). Server and client are connected with SignalR. I want that when an ORDER is ...
Christian Cascone's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Communication in a microservices architecture with flask and REST

Components involved: Mobile Client Microservices API Gateway Each microservice is a Flask application exposing a RESTful API. When a request is made by the mobile client, it is sent to the API ...
Shahlin Ibrahim's user avatar
2 votes
6 answers

Wait for file(s) in a remote directory to be created, then transfer the file(s) immediately to local computer

I'm wondering what the best practice would be for the following task: I start a program on a remote node, which will generate subsequently new files in a publicly accessable folder. Whenever a new ...
stephanmg's user avatar
  • 129
-1 votes
1 answer

How to make the working habits/personality traits of a team more transparent? [closed]

We are a recently formed team of 4 developers, some of them new to the company, some of them assembled from other, disbanded teams. I would like to know my team members better, how they "tick", how ...
chiborg's user avatar
  • 283
6 votes
6 answers

Why wouldn't my team want to run unit tests automatically?

I'm managing a team in .net. They are writing unit tests, use them locally on a regular basis, and love it. However, they keep pushing to have the unit tests kept as a separate project and only want ...
Bob's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

A way to communicate between 100 clients on low budget

I have a group of 100 clients around the globe, that need to communicate between then self, fast. Each message that each of the clients sends needs to be broadcasted to everyone. The messages will be ...
Ilya Gazman's user avatar
9 votes
6 answers

Is it generally helpful to include JIRA issues in code comments?

Once in a while, I leave comments like # We only need to use the following for V4 of the computation. # See APIPROJ-14 for details. or # We only need to use the following for V4 of the computation....
Mr_Spock's user avatar
  • 327
4 votes
2 answers

Understanding LSB and MSB

In reference to one interface control document, I found difficulty in understanding this concept. There is one parameter having LSB of 0.0625 and MSB of 2048 that should be transmitted from one piece ...
Master shifu's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What is a good diagrammatic way to represent async event communication between two systems?

What is a good diagrammatic way to represent asynchronous event communication between two systems (the pub sub model)? I am not looking for tools but more of a representation. Is it a sequence diagram,...
Vikash Kodati's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How can I reduce bloat in my callback based serial communication?

I'm communicating with a device that's connected to the computer via com port. The device accepts certain predefined commands in order to interact with it. I'm essentially creating a more abstract API ...
surface's user avatar
  • 109
2 votes
2 answers

What strategy to better articulate myself when summarising technical details

I am required to speak at daily stand ups, change review and architect reference group meetings. I usually find that I speak too quickly, include too much or not enough details, or go back and forth ...
LazyCoder's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to reduce dependency in communication between servers

Background: My team writers back ends, whose job is to receive input, perform calculation and either return the result to the caller or to another server down the line for additional processing. We ...
Belgi's user avatar
  • 567
1 vote
2 answers

Remote teams: How to build a shared understanding of codebase & architecture?

Situation: There's a remote team of 6 developers in 4 different countries. It uses CI, version control, Slack and has a weekly status call. They do code reviews on each pull request (always same ...
Alan Stark's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Making apps communicate with each other (?)

A friend of me and I would like to easily know if stuff like chores were done, and we're both in two different locations. So, would it be very hard (would I need a lot of experience?) and take a lot ...
Martin Husebø's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

how to calculate communication waste in Scrum ?

communication waste is the time spent in communication between team members in the following cases: delivering features which are not needed by the customer delivering partial features (analysis, ...
Maha Yacoub's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Handling changes in a event-driven microservice architecture

I'm doing an research-project where I'm researching the options to handle changes in an event-driven microservice architecture. So, let's say we got an application where we got four different ...
CGeense's user avatar
  • 191
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1 answer

Secure communication between a mobile app and a microcontroller

I have a MCU-based design that essentially controls other hardware and this MCU is controlled through an app. I was hoping someone could help me figure out how to secure this communication between the ...
hpb's user avatar
  • 1
7 votes
0 answers

Zeromq bidirectional asynchronous transmission?

I have a system which consists of two applications. Currently, two applications communicate using multiple zeromq publish/subscribe sockets generated for each specific type of transmission. Sockets ...
blackmore_24's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Chosing between microservice communication methods

I have a large customer facing web applicaton (.net mvc if that matters) that I need to split down to a number of services. Some of these services will then be shared with other applications. At the ...
Matt's user avatar
  • 253
31 votes
9 answers

How to deal with misconceptions about "premature optimization is the root of all evil"?

I've encountered many people who are dogmatically against anything which can be considered "optimization" in the general English-language sense of the word, and they very often quote verbatim the (...
errantlinguist's user avatar

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