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Common techniques to integrate social media login to a website that requires account registration

I have developed websites where users would register with a username of their choice and an entry would be created in a database table that holds their username and some sort of salted password. They ...
MxLDevs's user avatar
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What is the use of the prefix "for(;;);" in an Ajax response

After using the chrome debugger to inspect the ajax requests of Facebook (for curiosity), I noticed that the response is in JSON, however it is always prefixed with for(;;); In example, if the JSON ...
AlexMorley-Finch's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How ad retargeting works? [closed]

Recently, I read that Facebook ads are moving towards retargeting and got interested deeper into subject. Essentially, retargeting is technique advertisers use that tracks purchase intent by putting ...
Bojan Babic's user avatar