Yesterday I posted a photo of this heart thingy and asked if anyone could Identify it.
I received these 3 comments below.
Blogger Hootin Anni said......a wick dipper(For pulling up candle wicks)
Blogger Yamini MacLean said...Yup, I see Anni beat me to it... you use the base of the hook to fold over the burning wick and extinguish without smoking, then with the hook, fish the wick up again before it seals, ready for the next burning session... YAM xx
Blogger Mevely317 said...I was going to suggest you use the lens app on your phone to identify that 'thing' -- but I see Anni beat me to it! After you introduced us to it (lens) you wouldn't believe how many times I've used it.
After I read Myras comment I did a face slap and emailed her to say thank you for today's Senior Moment Post.
I simply pushed down (right click if no touchscreen)on the photo of the heart shaped thingy, and used lens search and up came the heart thing and a whole lot of other things with heart. I had a blast from the past looking at all of them because the first one was a rug beater that I had seen in my childhood.
Senior Moment One was I had no clue where it came from or what it was until I got the 3 answers. As soon as I read Annie and Yams answer my Senior Memory 8 ball brain came up with the answers.
In the distant PastWhileStillWorking someone at my workplace gave me a hideous, stinky, candle, a huge one and it came with the Heart shaped candle extinguisher. It has since resided in the bottom of the junk drawer until I cleaned the drawer a few days ago. I have cleaned that drawer at least once a year since 2006 which is when I retired. We will never know how my brain works.
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HERE to see a lot of cool metal STUFF.