Showing posts with label candle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label candle. Show all posts

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Thankful Thursday Thank You


Yesterday I posted a photo of this heart thingy and asked if anyone could Identify it. 

I received these 3 comments below. 

Blogger Hootin Anni said......a wick dipper(For pulling up candle wicks)

Blogger Yamini MacLean said...Yup, I see Anni beat me to it... you use the base of the hook to fold over   the burning wick and extinguish without smoking, then with the hook, fish the wick up again before it seals, ready for the next burning session... YAM xx

Blogger Mevely317 said...I was going to suggest you use the lens app on your phone to identify that 'thing' -- but I see Anni beat me to it!  After you introduced us to it (lens) you wouldn't believe how many times I've used it.

After I read Myras comment I did a face slap and emailed her to say thank you for today's Senior Moment Post.

I simply pushed down (right click if no touchscreen)on the photo of the heart shaped thingy, and used lens search and up came the heart thing and a whole lot of other things with heart. I had a blast from the past looking at all of them because the first one was a rug beater that I had seen in my childhood.

Senior Moment One was I had no clue where it came from or what it was until I got the 3 answers. As soon as I read Annie and Yams answer my Senior Memory 8 ball brain came up with the answers.

In the distant PastWhileStillWorking someone at my workplace gave me a hideous, stinky, candle, a huge one and it came with the Heart shaped candle extinguisher. It has since resided in the bottom of the junk drawer until I cleaned the drawer a few days ago. I have cleaned that drawer at least once a year since 2006 which is when I retired. We will never know how my brain works.

If you are not now asleep from the length of this post and need to kill time, click HERE to see a lot of cool metal STUFF.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Meet My FFF - Fire Fun Forever

Meet My FFF - Fire Fun Forever or FFFF - Fire Flame Fascination Forever
 Glade Apple Cinnamon candle on my stove burning away the cooking smells...
Sing with me now...Isn't she lovely...Isn't she wonderful.. 

Could I be the worlds first pyromaniac photographer. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Other Candle

My other candle is a 6 inch pillar that looks like whipped cream to me. I stand and stare at if for moments at a time..

Straight and tall and as it burns it's character changes and it becomes more beautiful to me. Life is like that, the changes as we burn  and age in life, just give us more character... no one needs a face lift... God made plans for us to age just as he wanted us to.

Look at the difference just by moving the candle from one side to the other. Time of day was at day break, just getting light. Moving the camera changes the light. All photo's taken same light same time... the difference is how they are viewed, from what perspective.. JUST LIKE OUR LIVES.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Bear in the candleight

Each time I light the candles, I admire what the above candle is doing. it used to be 5 inches tall, now it is only an inch and one half and is making beautiful designs..

to see what this type candle did in a former post Click HERE

I sat one of my glass bears in front of the candle and played with settings.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving Follow Up

Thanksgiving Day I spent 2 hours cleaning the nook glass and got the little tree up but not decorated.
I love the sparkle of clean glass.

Bob brought in one of the largest ever of our purple Kings Mantle flowers and I snapped it for you to see the brilliant purple.

I amThankful I am  in Florida with brilliant sunshine and bare feet and flowers for Thanksgiving.

Perfect Purple Kings Mantle

and showed it to the lazy dogs soaking up sunshine.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Sharing A Glade Moment

Sharing a glad, Glade moment ....Apple Cinnamon Glade candle  on my stove burning off cooking odors...causes..... MAD I amused myself with the matches that lit the candle....

Candles Make me feel Happy and full of JOY

Words of Wisdom

Blowing out the other persons candle, does not make yours shine brighter...

Spread Light, with your thoughts, words and actions....

And animals make me full of Joy even more than candles. 1 minute of Joy

UPDATE... I got a shot of the Blood Moon this morning at 6:20 am


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Volcano in my kitchen

 It has been so hot here in Florida that Wed. morning I found this volcano in my kitchen, sitting on my stove.. Yes I did find it in my kitchen...

All this molten lava was found inside my 2.50 Apple Cinnamon Glade candle..
see below....I had the candle burning to cover the smell of my French Toast I had for breakfast. 
Have to get my strength up to fight the HEAT...

If you want to try this, it was still dark outside, and I put my little Nikon point and shoot about an inch from the side of the jar.... get playin you' all....

Sunday, January 6, 2013


I love candles so I am posting my left over pics taken with my point and shoot Nikon set on flower and attached to the new mono-pod stick.. the one above was taken with the kitchen florescent  light off, the one below taken with kitchen light on.

these look like something found in caverns to me...

 How far that little candle throws its beams. So shines a good deed in a naughty world. William Shakespeare


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Candlelight by monopod

I saw this glowing and had an attack of mono-poditis.
This new disease attacks me at any given moment since I bought the mono-pod. 

I call it The Stick and I love it!

Does a pink candle burn longer than a blue candle?   NO, they both burn SHORTER...

What did one candle say to the other?    Don't birthdays just burn you up?

Happy New Year and stay safe tonight.....

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Candle Artery

Modern Candle Artery by MadSnapper

Florida Medical Dictionary

Bacteria...................the back door of a cafeteria

G.I..Series....................soldier ball games

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Help! My fireplace is melting.

Early AM while sitting on the sofa with my laptop, I had my Redneck Fireplace, better known as Candles, burning brightly. The timer went off telling me "Go take your 8 am pills" and I realized my pillar candle was no longer a pillar.

six inch candle now 3 inches and shrinking 
I have never had this happen before... but a hole had melted in the side and the hot wax was pouring out. I quick blew out the candle, used a butter knife to dip up soft wax and patch the hole. It did not work.

I popped it into my freezer for half and hour, after it cooled down, and it popped right out.

Another way to remove the left over candle in the bottom of the holder.

Pour Murphy's soap and a little water in it and let it soak and it will float to the top.

PS.... Did you know hot wax hurts when it touches your fingers??? 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Never Fear!

Finally it is cool enough to light my candles. Early early AM, I decided to play with my settings on the Rebel and the first few were very very dark. 

NEVER FEAR my Kindle is Near.

Page from book open in Kindle app

I found a Photoshop elements instruction book for 2.99, kindle edition. I quick downloaded it and the page was so small  I could not follow the instructions. 

Never Fear! A blogger friend is near:

Ann at Snap Edit Scrap   said download the Kindle app to my PC and I did and now I can view the instructions on my 26 inch monitor

 Above is out of camera, much  to dark, the next two are fiddled with by following the instructions
                                       (the last 3 photos are the same photo)