Showing posts with label Janice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Janice. Show all posts

Sunday, August 24, 2014

In Memory of my Friend Janice

Photo's were taken at Historical Village and Mixon Fruit Farms 2009.

Janice McDaniel Pence

5/19/1933 - 8/23/2014
 My friend Janice, due to sudden illness, passed away on Saturday. She is mother to my friend Diane. Janice lived in Ohio, Diane here. 
I met Janice in 2006 when she came to visit. She came every May for Diane's birthday and we would hit the parks and preserves with our cameras.
Janice and I talked via email every day and became fast friends even though we met only once a year, and she was a faithful follower of my blog.

The camera doesn't fall far from the tree and neither does love of animals.
Janice loved her family above all things and had a deep love of ALL creatures, great and small, winged and four footed.
Janice you are loved and missed...
My heart grieves for you and your family.