Southern Illinois University
Communication Studies
Over the years, Allport's (1954) contact hypothesis has become the primary theoretical approach to intergroup contact, yet researchers are just now beginning to explore specific contact contexts. This article introduces proactive... more
This journal and its contents may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form... more
© 2011 Pensoneau-Conway and Toyosaki. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of
In 2007, Deanna L. Fassett and John T. Warren articulated the intersections of critical pedagogy and communication scholarship in their theoretical development and subsequent publication of Critical Communication Pedagogy. Their 10... more
Her research and teaching both revolve around critical communication pedagogy, as well as the intersections of communication and identity. She has published essays in collections such as Handbook of Autoethnography and Identity and... more
In this essay, we investigate the potential of letters as a communicative genre that embodies dialogue, and thus, disrupts power relations. To do so, we first outline a theoretical framework that draws upon feminist and critical... more
The authors trace the development of ethnographic practices according to the methodological assumptions of ethnographers within different historical periods. As communication scholars, the authors find Calvin O. Schrag's... more
A contribution to a forum parsing the various impacts of Gust A. Yep's article, "The Violence of Heteronormativity in Communication Studies."
In many ways, Trail Mix is a performance born of the trail. The first movement, ''Hiking Breath,'' happened more or less the way I describe it in the script, although the performance elides campfire reflections and conversations about the... more
[The performance area setup consists of a picnic table, stick-framed screen, and stone fire circle. The Performer walks into the performance space carrying a full backpack and a walking stick. All props and costumes are contained in the... more