I know I'm not writing so much last days, but May is quite a busy month for me. Personal matters and well, Diablo III (I'm not a gamer per se, but Diablo is just Diablo... and I love it :D ). And I will be away for a week, so in case some of you will want to contact me, I will answer all emails when I'm back.
I'm waiting for backing for two quilts still, almost finished another one and can already tell you that soon another great giveaway is planned :) And not to leave a post without any photo - a wristlet which I made quite a time ago, but haven't had an opportunity to show it to you. A simple linen wristlet with drawn by hand (the leaf on the very righ is machine embroidered; it's coloured with heat set fabric crayons) lilly of the valley and some lovely Curio fabric for lining:
The wristlet is now listed in my DaWanda shop.
The wristlet is now listed in my DaWanda shop.
Dawno nic nie pisalam, taka jakas przerwa mi wyszla, ale maj okazal sie dosc zajmujacym miesiacem. Troche spraw prywatnych, wakacje w nastepnym tygodniu i... Diablo III :D Graczem z krwi i kosci nie jestem, ale Diablo uwielbiam.
Aktualnie maszyna sie troszke zakurzyla... czekam na material na tyl do dwoch quiltow, prawie skonczylam nastepny, a w czercu jest juz zaplanowana fajna rozdawajka dla was :) A zeby nie bylo, ze zdjec zadnych nie ma... to torebeczka, ktora zrobilam juz jakis czas temu (jeszcze zielono nie bylo na dworzu) tylko nie mialam jej kiedy pokazac. Konwalie. Moje ukochane kwiaty: