Showing posts with label wristlet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wristlet. Show all posts

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Lilly of the valley wristlet

I know I'm not writing so much last days, but May is quite a busy month for me. Personal matters and well, Diablo III (I'm not a gamer per se, but Diablo is just Diablo... and I love it :D ). And I will be away for a week, so in case some of you will want to contact me, I will answer all emails when I'm back.

I'm waiting for backing for two quilts still, almost finished another one and can already tell you that soon another great giveaway is planned :) And not to leave a post without any photo - a wristlet which I made quite a time ago, but haven't had an opportunity to show it to you. A simple linen wristlet with drawn by hand (the leaf on the very righ is machine embroidered; it's coloured with heat set fabric crayons) lilly of the valley and some lovely Curio fabric for lining:
The wristlet is now listed in my DaWanda shop.

Dawno nic nie pisalam, taka jakas przerwa mi wyszla, ale maj okazal sie dosc zajmujacym miesiacem. Troche spraw prywatnych, wakacje w nastepnym tygodniu i... Diablo III :D Graczem z krwi i kosci nie jestem, ale Diablo uwielbiam. 
Aktualnie maszyna sie troszke zakurzyla... czekam na material na tyl do dwoch quiltow, prawie skonczylam nastepny, a w czercu jest juz zaplanowana fajna rozdawajka dla was :) A zeby nie bylo, ze zdjec zadnych nie ma... to torebeczka, ktora zrobilam juz jakis czas temu (jeszcze zielono nie bylo na dworzu) tylko nie mialam jej kiedy pokazac. Konwalie. Moje ukochane kwiaty:

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Wristlet and some circles

 On Sunday I was at Main Quilt Festival in Aschaffenburg. My quilt got the 3rd place in the contest. I will show you more detailed photos of it in the next blogpost.

Last days I have an impression, that I constantly sew... sew... and sew some more... and still have lots to do. Do you also have such days?
Yesterday I've sewn a small item for FTLOS swap - a linen wristlet with a bird:

Ostatnio mam wrazenie, ze ciagle szyje, szyje i szyje i nic mi tej roboty nie ubywa... ciagle cos jest nie skonczone, ciagle cos mnie pogania... az czasami mam ochote zamknac pokoj z maszyna na klucz i nie wchodzic tam przez co najmniej miesiac, bo juz mam dosc... Tez macie czasem takie dni?
W ostatnia niedziele bylam na Main Quilt Festival'u in Aschaffenburgu. Moj quilt zdobyl III miejsce. Napisze troche o tym (+wstawie wiecej zdjec quiltu) w nastepnym poscie. 
Wczoraj udalo mi sie dokonczyc torebke na wymianke:

And I continue working on 'Pathfinder' quilt (I made a project and bought fabrics for this quilt more than half a year ago, and somehow didn't have the courage to start; finally I started to cut fabric and sew about a week ago). Lots of circles need ironing:

I jakis czas temu, chyba ze 2 tygodnie bedzie, zaczelam szyc (a raczej ciac...) nastepna gore quiltu. 'Pathfinder', ktory zaprojektowalam daaawno temu i ktory czekal na realizacje, a raczej czekal, az nie bede sie bala szyc kolek. Teraz mam duzo kolek do wyprasowania:

Some are already ironed:

Czesc juz jest gotowa do nastepnego etapu szycia:

And now I started with the last elements of the blocks. Still much to do...

I dzis zaczelam przygotowywac ostatnie elementy blokow. Zanim skoncze, to jeszcze pewnie z tydzien minie...

How many recent projects have you started which are now waiting to be finished now?

A ile wy macie teraz rozpoczetych projektow? Czy moze nalezycie do tej grupy, ktora nie zaczyna nic nowego szyc, zanim nie skonczy poprzedniego projektu?

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Dark pink/blue wristlet

This time a wristlet based on my own pattern. I made already 2 of them. This one is the third. I just felt in love with this bird fabric (Garden Wall Aqua Wing Song by Laura Gunn for Michael Miller Fabrics) when I saw it in FQS. It looks so fresh and cute used on the wristlet. Great colours and the pattern (for me :). I listed the wristlet in my DaWanda shop.

I kolejna mala torebka/kosmetyczka. W materiale zakochalam sie jak tylko go zobaczylam (Garden Wall Aqua Wing Song by Laura Gunn for Michael Miller Fabrics). Sliczny wzor i kolory. Bardzo intensywne i swieze.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Storyboek wristlet

I made a wristlet using new Keyka Lou pattern. Love the Storyboek by Jay-Cyn Designs fabrics. For a long time I didn't know for what to use them, untill now. They fit perfectly to the wristlet. Outer fabric has very nice coral red colour and lining is light blue. I listed the wristlet in my DaWanda shop now:

Nowa kosmetyczka wg wzoru Keyka Lou. Uzylam materialow z kolekcji Storyboek by Jay-cyn Designs. Material na zewnatrz ma kolor koralowy, w srodku kosmetyczka jest bladoblekitna:

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Pretty Little Pouch Swap

Not much writing today (kind of busy last days - family is visiting me at the moment), but I wanted to show you the pouch which I made for the Pretty Little Pouch Swap 3:

Niewiele dzis napisze (rodzinka mnie odwiedzila, wiec nie mam ostatnio zbyt wiele czasu) ale chcialam wam pokazac mala torebke, ktora zrobilam niedawno na wymianke:

And the one (or actually two) which I received from Val. Love them both - the fabric choice, colours, shapes:

I ta (a raczej te, szczesciara ze mnie, dostalam dwie ;)), ktora w wymiance otrzymalam:

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Sunny wristlet with bird and a bag that I bought

First I would like to show you a wristlet which I made during last days. The end effect differs slightly from what I planned, but I like its' summer sunny colours. 
Fabrics I used: Daiwabo Fallen Sparrow in Natural, Pie Basket in Fiesta from Denyse Schmidt and Ivory Pure by Sweetwater for Moda (lining). The bird (a Great tit) is hand painted by me with textile paint (iron fixed). The wristlet has a pocket inside. It's about 9" wide, 4" high and the strap is about 7 1/2" long (together with swivel clip). It keeps nicely its' shape and it's soft (I additionally used a layer of batting).

The wristlet is available in my SHOP.

Besides what I've made, I wanted to show you what I just bought for myself :D I simply felt in love with bags made by Forma. The bag is absolutely wonderful. High quality materials, perfectly finished, lots of place inside. And an eye candy. Just take a moment and take a look at the bags she's making. It's worth the time :)

*till next time*

Friday, 19 November 2010

To much pink?

I decided to take part in 11th Challange organised by Szuflada blog. This time, the topic was...

As much as I hate to wear pink, I love to create in pink o.O

So I did not have much choice... just to create along... I made cute pink wristlet with - of course - even more pink fawn. It's about 10 x 16 cm big with about 20 cm long detachable wrist strap (lenght with swivel clip). It's soft, cute... wait, I already said that, but it's darn cute, so I had to repeat it :D and whole pink... Lining is made from very soft flannel in fitting design, and I also use speciall batting.

When much pink is TO much? In Kitshy Pink challange - NEVER! ^.^

Have a nice day!

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Brown linen wristlet

As I already mentioned before, I decided to join 'Zipper-me-up' Challange by Jenny the Elefantz . For this purpose, I made this brown linen wristlet with stitched/felted cherry bloossoms, a snap closing and a ziper:

and here is The Zipper ;) This was alsothe first time that I made such invisible inside pocket. I'm proud of myself...


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