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Questions tagged [raw-disk]

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Windows 10 configured with RAW discs to increase Hyper V performance takes minutes to boot

Long story short: If I configure discs on the machine as a RAW partition so Hyper V works directly with them to increase performance then the machine takes minutes to boot with the blue circle going ...
Ignacio Soler Garcia's user avatar
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How to determine disk image file format: VMDK, VHD or raw file format?

Is there any shell command using which I can determine the format of a disk image file? I want to check that disk image file is in which of these formats: vmdk, vhd of raw file.
Abhay Gupta's user avatar
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Is there a way to enable direct i/o in virtualbox when connecting to a raw disk in linux?

I found instructions on how to create a virtual disk for use with virtualbox that points to a raw block device. You can't do it from the ui, but you can do it from the command line: VBoxManage ...
Stu's user avatar
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How to convert my hard disk PartitionStyle from GPT back to RAW in Windows 10

For testing purposes, I need my hard drive on Windows 10 machine to be in a RAW partition style format. It is currently in the GPT partition style. The hard drive is a secondary hard drive and does ...
Devstr's user avatar
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KVM raw disk has comparable write, slow read

I first ran fio tests, and apparently my write speed is basically 90%, but my read speed is 40%. Here is my xml file: <emulator>/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64</emulator> <disk type='file' ...
itisyeetimetoday's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I directly write to AWS EBS raw volume

I want to write data directly to an unmounted raw EBS volume (with no file system) using system calls. 1) Can I can do this via the EC2 instance to which the EBS is connected? 2) Can I provision ...
swami's user avatar
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How to create a raw device as a file in the filesystem?

I have heard there is a way to create a file in a filesystem which will can be configured as a raw device? Does anyone know the commands for doing that?
Ron Watkins's user avatar
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strange raw device perfromance on Aerospike ASD

I have a cluster of 4 servers. One of the namespaces is raw device based. The devices reside on a SAS mechanical hard drive. Now here is the weird part of the story. I am running one of the tests ...
Boris Epstein's user avatar
4 votes
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KVM guest doesn't recognize new size of raw disk after lvresize

I extended the /home LVM volume for my KVM guest by 500G via lvresize -v -L +500G /dev/engi/v-sbuild-home and rebooted my guest system to update the available disk space. After the reboot I wanted ...
HibikiTaisuna's user avatar
9 votes
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DRBD on raw disk block device

I try to setup DRBD on a raw disk device /dev/sdb without partition table, nor LVM stack PV/VG/LV As this disk is virtual and hypervisor I use allow on-the-fly disk extension, I do not want to bother ...
Yves Martin's user avatar
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Trying to understand the discrepancies in disk usage inside raw images and on host disk usage

As the title states, I am trying to understand the discrepancies from ncdu and/or du in terms of what I am observing from disk usage. From what I understand, on modern systems, there is difference ...
horace's user avatar
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4 votes
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Backup of KVM raw-images

I'm running qemu-img- on CentOS 6.3 using raw images for my virtual machines. Is there any way to safely backup guests, without stopping them? I've tried to make snapshot on a ...
fume-shroom's user avatar
-1 votes
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Disk image growing in size [closed]

I am trying to set up Rasberry pi for jobs that don't deserve bigger machine. I downloaded a Pidora disk image (.img) zipped it is roughly 512MB. After unzipping it is 2.2GB ( no problem here). ...
sgp667's user avatar
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VMware ESXi RDM Shared Disk and Multipathing

I have set up a RAW mapped storage device which is shared between 3 VMs. In the guest OSs the disk shows up fine but when I try to set up multipathing I can only see one path. In the virtual machine ...
Cobra Kai Dojo's user avatar
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iSCSI Target drive turned RAW format

I have an iSCSI Target drive that was working fine after creation for a few days. After i copied about 40GB of data to it i lost access to the drive. the file system had changed to RAW and windows ...
Khalid Rahaman's user avatar
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ESXi 5 doesn't recognize Raw disk image

I created a 60 GB raw disk using qemu-img convert, and qemu-img info confirms it is a raw file format. It worked fine in KVM. When I go in ESXi to create a new VM from existing virtual disk, and ...
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poor performance with vmdk mounted as loop device even after conversion to raw

Edit 13/12/12 - At this stage it would appear to be related to Western Digital (and possibly others) Advanced Format 4K block sizes. This link goes some way into describing the issue, however the ...
jalchy888's user avatar
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Scan raw block device data for known file types on linux [closed]

I'm looking for a way to search a raw block device for file type patterns on linux. The partition type is known and the partition table exists. I want a linux based (open source maybe?) programm ...
omni's user avatar
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does KVM raw images support preallocation?

I was trying to create a raw image with this command: qemu-img create -f raw -o size=200G,preallocation=metadata file.img but seem that it raw images doesn't support preallocation. if so why there ...
Zim3r's user avatar
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Server 2008 Volume Shadow Copy fails, "Type of the filesystem is RAW"

Problem machine is Windows Server 2008 R2 file server with the following drives, all NTFS: C: OS D: File shares E: DFSR staging folders, temp files, and Volume Shadow Copies The D: drive is ...
ryandenki's user avatar
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2 answers

Write an image to an external hard disk in Windows 7

As you may already know, Windows Vista SP2 and up (includes Windows 7) block raw disk write access. Is there a way, short of patching the kernel, to override that block? So in cygwin I can do e.g. cat ...
unixman83's user avatar
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Raw copy with sector precision on windows

Is there some program for windows that is able to do what dd does in linux out of the box? I need to copy from a file to a physical disk in raw mode where I need to define offsets for input and output....
user462982's user avatar
1 vote
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Virtualbox and raw disk problem

I'm trying to use a raw disk in virtualbox, following this guide. Anyhow I get an error: mamluck@mamluck:~/VirtualBox VMs/disks$ VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename /home/mamluck/...
Mascarpone's user avatar
2 votes
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Create "raw disk file" from WIM file

First timer here. I've searched around here, but haven't found a question like the one I have. Apologies if I missed it. The challenge at hand: produce a "raw disk image file" from a given WIM ...
joebalt's user avatar
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How to configure VirtualBox server for performance at home

I currently have two physical Ubuntu Server 10.10 servers at home: one serves as our firewall/router/DHCP/VPN server and the other performs double-duty as a file server and a VirtualBox host for an ...
Gnosian's user avatar
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Open/Mount XEN image formatted using NTFS

I've created XEN image with dd some time ago. The image is formatted using the NTFS How it is possible to mount this image from Linux or Windows? Thank You very much!
Daniil Harik's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

ESXi Accessing LUNs: Physical or Virtual Mode?

I'm building VMs in my lab and I want to replicate the situation that my fileservers will be encountering in production. Here's a brief overview of what I want to do. I have multiple ESXi 4 servers. ...
Matt Simmons's user avatar
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3 answers

Mapping raw storage devices to VMs in XenServer 5.6?

In VMware ESXi, we can easily present a raw SATA hard drive to a virtual machine through Raw device mapping. Is it possible in the free edition of XenServer 5.6?
netvope's user avatar
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RHEL raw device (over VMware RDM) performance issues

I'm running RHEL 5.3 over vSphere 4.0U1. I configured multiple LUNs on my NetApp (Fibre) storage, and added the RDM on two (Linux) VMs, using the Paravirtual SCSI adapter. One LUN is 100GB in size, ...
jifa's user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

How do I add a physical (raw) disk to a virtual machine in VMware Server 2 on a Windows host?

I have a Windows 64-bit host running VMware Server 2. I need to create VMs that will use the raw partitions for my Linux and Windows XP installations. Older versions of VMware had an option to add a ...
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