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How to convert my hard disk PartitionStyle from GPT back to RAW in Windows 10

For testing purposes, I need my hard drive on Windows 10 machine to be in a RAW partition style format. It is currently in the GPT partition style. The hard drive is a secondary hard drive and does ...
Devstr's user avatar
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Raw copy with sector precision on windows

Is there some program for windows that is able to do what dd does in linux out of the box? I need to copy from a file to a physical disk in raw mode where I need to define offsets for input and output....
user462982's user avatar
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Create "raw disk file" from WIM file

First timer here. I've searched around here, but haven't found a question like the one I have. Apologies if I missed it. The challenge at hand: produce a "raw disk image file" from a given WIM ...
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