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VMware ESXi RDM Shared Disk and Multipathing

I have set up a RAW mapped storage device which is shared between 3 VMs. In the guest OSs the disk shows up fine but when I try to set up multipathing I can only see one path. In the virtual machine ...
Cobra Kai Dojo's user avatar
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ESXi 5 doesn't recognize Raw disk image

I created a 60 GB raw disk using qemu-img convert, and qemu-img info confirms it is a raw file format. It worked fine in KVM. When I go in ESXi to create a new VM from existing virtual disk, and ...
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ESXi Accessing LUNs: Physical or Virtual Mode?

I'm building VMs in my lab and I want to replicate the situation that my fileservers will be encountering in production. Here's a brief overview of what I want to do. I have multiple ESXi 4 servers. ...
Matt Simmons's user avatar
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