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Questions tagged [phpmyadmin]

phpMyAdmin is a popular tool for administrating MySQL (and similar) databases

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MySQL Not Starting and phpMyAdmin Error After Reinstalling XAMPP on Linux [closed]

I'm a beginner using Linux Mint Cinnamon 22 and recently reinstalled XAMPP due to issues with my school site that using Joomla CMS. I installed XAMPP 8.2.12-0 using the following commands: sudo chmod ...
ZEEQ's user avatar
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Connecting via phpMyAdmin via web browser does not work

I use an AWS EC2 instance, which uses (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) and Bitnami. I've been logging in through phpMyAdmin (http://localhost:8888/phpmyadmin/) in my web browser for several years to access ...
rmor23's user avatar
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phpmyadmin showing 500 error in Ubuntu 24.04 lts after upgrade

i had updated ubuntu 22.04 -- >> 24.04 now getting this error while phpmyadmin getting not loaded into browser Mon Sep 23 18:30:18.060029 2024] [php:error] [pid 11672] [client
Atul Modi's user avatar
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phpMyAdmin Login Page Error: mysqli::real_connect(): Premature end of data in XAMPP

I'm encountering an error when logging in to phpMyAdmin on my local XAMPP setup. The login page displays the following errors: mysqli::real_connect(): Premature end of data (mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c:387)...
Misbahskuy's user avatar
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Phpmyadmin FPM don´t show any style with nginx

I have a small problem with Phpmyadmin-5.2.1-fpm and Nginx. It don´t show the landing page and all other pages not right. I only got Text to show on the loaded page. enter image description here I ...
Thorsten Otto's user avatar
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PHPMyAdmin login with different ip

I am trying to login to my phpmyadmin portal with an account created under a certain ip and not localhost. How can i allow that? I have already changed my config file to look like this. $cfg['Servers']...
Jelly Fish's user avatar
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Unknown MySQL syntax error during the WordPress installation

I'm trying to install Wordpress on my local server according to instruction described on this page And now I'm stuck on this step: GRANT ALL ON wordpress_db.* TO 'wp_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '...
ghostone's user avatar
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PHPMyAdmin Fresh Install Error 500 Nginx

I've just done a fresh install of phpmyadmin on nginx and ubuntu 22.04, however navigating to the index page is returning HTTP 500. My error.log: 2023/06/24 22:52:55 [error] 1448200#1448200: *1 ...
Finbar's user avatar
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phpmyadmin unable to login

Over the past couple of days I have usually not been able to login to phpMyadmin, but once I was able to. Either I get a blank screen of this message: This page isn’t working is ...
restorit2's user avatar
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How to handle scaling upto 3k concurrent connections [duplicate]

So here's our use case: We have firmware that connects to server (simple php file - that takes post request) and add the data (350-500 bytes per request) to database. Now here's a issue we have 3k ...
Shamsudeen McHalwai's user avatar
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Configure xenforo 1.2.9 Using phpmyadmin 4.x with php 5.6.4 on IIS 10, Windows Server 2019

Versions/Programs: xenforo 1.2.9, phpmyadmin 4.x, php 5.6.4, MySQL 8.0.32 IIS 10, Windows Server 2019 I am trying to host a local server for tinkering on an old computer I have. This server will be ...
Fictor's user avatar
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WampServer and error 404

Having just installed Wampserver on my system in order to test a PHP form I have created via Dreamweaver, I'm continually getting the Error 404 message on my screen despite following the installation ...
Hunktydunkaty's user avatar
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Unable to connect to server following phpMyAdmin upgrade from 5.1 to 5.2

Not sure to post on the right StackExchange forum. If not, let me know! Working environment: OpenSUSE Leap 15.4 MariaDB : mariadb Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.7.7-MariaDB PHP 8.0.25 (cli) (built: Oct 31 2022 ...
wiltomap's user avatar
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How to upgrade a MariaDB database to utf8mb4_unicode_ci?

I have a Drupal 9.4.8 website a MariaDB database and phpMyAdmin. My website is already active with data in its 220 MB database. How to upgrade a MariaDB database to utf8mb4_unicode_ci ? Here is my ...
Mathieu's user avatar
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phpmyadmin install on Debian 10 fails. [proxy_fcgi:error]: error parsing URL //: Invalid host/port

I am trying to upgrade a phpmyadmin install on a (remote, VM) Debian 10 without success. I followed install instructions at, and at first - when i tried to access http://path.tld/...
mario's user avatar
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Unable to access phpMyAdmin

Anyone can help me unable to access phpMyAdmin → Regards
Faraz Sayyed's user avatar
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Copy large-size JSON content and paste it into MySQL column

I have a column with the data type "JSON" in the MySQL table(I have MySQL 8). I have a 20 MB JSON file created by my BE code and I would like to copy and paste the contents of the JSON file ...
ITnewbie's user avatar
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Is a valid SSL certificate important when accessing a localhost URL via SSH tunnel?

I've got a PHPMyAdmin installation set up, but accessible only via localhost. This means that to access the URL, I need to set up an SSH tunnel before I access the URL. When I do so, however, I get a ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Single Signon best practice for phpMyAdmin across multiple servers

I run a small web development company and we run multiple production servers, each with their own MySQL database server. I'm trying to figure out the best way of giving access to these separate MySQL ...
james-geldart's user avatar
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How to serve phpMyAdmin to localhost/phpMyAdmin instead of localhost:8080 using nginx in docker

In my project, I am using Django and nginx, but I want to manage my cloud databases through phpmyadmin. Django is working fine but I can't do the same with phpmyadmin because it is running in apache ...
Ram Awasthi's user avatar
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phpMyAdmin: change bind address of MySQL on phpmyadmin

How do I change the bind address of a mysql databse through phpmyadmin? I am new at this and really dont know what I am doing.
JBC's user avatar
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phpMyAdmin with cloudflare ssl certificartes

I have 3 wordpress sites, 1 moodle site and 1 owncloud site, all with same apache configuration in my vps, and all of them works fine But I'm not able to make phpMyAdmin work with cloudflare's origin ...
DiogoSaraiva's user avatar
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Can't login to phpMyAdmin on Centos, Google Cloud

In my MySQL database, I've created two users, one regular user (who has privileges for one database) and one superuser. When I want to login via any of these accounts to phpMyAdmin I get a "...
LosmiNCL's user avatar
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Mysql remote connect CentOS

i have problem with mysql remote connect. In my.cnf have: bind-address = and #skip-networking. In users mysql have special user remote@% And still not working. If i try: nmap -p 3306 remote.ip....
ondravirag's user avatar
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ModSecurity 403, COMODO WAF detects XSS while trying to access phpMyAdmin

I have a copy of phpMyAdmin in one of my server in a subdomain 'pma' and inside a directory in it named 'app' (manual installed from zip archive, not via yum), which I use for DB related management ...
Nishu Ali's user avatar
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Enabling PHPMYADMIN Logging & Fail2ban Default Filter

I am on Debian 10.5 LAMP with ISPConfig, running PHPMYADMIN I installed phpmyadmin following this tutorial I can only guess that somehow ISPConfig may be interrupting something. In any case, ...
Maestro223's user avatar
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phpMyAdmin missing php-xml

I have an instance on AWS (Amazon Linux 2). I installed lamp on the server and access the phpMyAdmin. And I get this error: Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies ...
CHOO YJ's user avatar
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Can't connect to mysql docker when using phpmyadmin docker

I'm just getting started in docker and maybe I'm starting of a little big but I found an article that explained out to get a coldfusion install (run by commandbox) up with mysql. This docker compose ...
weggie's user avatar
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Ubuntu 18.04: PHP stopped working after I tried to fix phpmyadmin

I have a problem with a Ubuntu 18.04.6 Ubuntu server. I was trying to fix a problem with phpMyAdmin (a lot of errors appearing on screen, and preventing me to use it, pointing to some authorization ...
simonelippolis's user avatar
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How to diagnose/fix CloudFormation/autoscaling SSL errors on file download

I have an autoscaling group that was created by AWS CloudFormation. It runs on Amazon Linux 2. Last week, it was working fine. Now, new instances throw a "certificate has expired" error when ...
philolegein's user avatar
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Browser downloads the file instead of opening php files

So, I'm posting an answer, because after the twice clean-reinstall, I have set things a but differently (to my point of view). Like I said above, I face a dilemma, since none of the config I have is ...
Kl3m Michard's user avatar
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Not permitted to view my newly installed phpMyAdmin

I'm using Google Compute Engine to host a couple applications under one .dev domain so SSL is required. I have Apache installed based from this guide and my /var/www/ directory looks like: - domain....
dokgu's user avatar
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nginx does not find phpMyAdmin

nginx is searching for phpMyAdmin in the wrong location my nginx config: server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; access_log /var/log/nginx/reverse-access.log; error_log /...
Vlad's user avatar
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Accidentically remove grant privileges for root MySQL

I accidentically removed grant from the user_accounts tab (privileges) for root account I have this extra account backend_dev_team Now edit privileges clickable link is missing can I undo it? UPDATE ...
Pablo's user avatar
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How I can stop the DNS server to transfer directly to my website when access phpmyadmin

I have 4 web servers on the same domain and when I access 51.32.xx.xx/phpmyadmin It is directly changed to how I can stop it to change because I cannot access To another MySQL ...
Thaer's user avatar
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After removing .htaccess can no longer access phpmyadmin

Raspbian running on raspberrypi 3+ apache 2.4 I was trying to secure my server a little better and I enabled .htaccess by changing apache2.conf line AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All and added a ...
user1884295's user avatar
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Apache: phpmyadmin on sub-domain "503 Service Unavailable": php7.4-fpm

I'm having a tough time trying to fix a major problem getting phpmyadmin working again (it used to work on ubuntu 16.04). I upgraded Ubuntu 16.04 to 20.04 yesterday and got the following versions of ...
peppy's user avatar
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file size exceeded the maximum size permitted phpmyadmin

I am getting following error while uploading file to phpmyadmin: No data was received to import. Either no file name was submitted, or the file size exceeded the maximum size permitted by your PHP ...
Hello World's user avatar
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Only certain countries can access particular route

I am using nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu) on an Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS machine. I have a laravel project and phpmyadmin running. My /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/example-application file looks like the following: ...
Carol.Kar's user avatar
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Getting 502 error while trying to run SQL query in SQL tab of phpmyadmin

However I am trying to run SQL request in SQL tab I receive 502 error, but same query in SEARCH tab works fine. I was using php-7.2 and phpmyadmin-5.0.2 when error appeared for the first time. I've ...
Артем Черемісін's user avatar
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phpMyAdmin in a seperate domain in centos 7 [closed]

The issue right now is that I want to maintain a database and I have planned to manage that with phpmyadmin and i have configured it but right now what it looks like is What ...
ram khanal's user avatar
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PhpMyAdmin Error 500 on table strucure page

I'm using PhpMyAdmin for a while on my Debian VPS but recently it started to make Error 500 when accessing the "Structure" tab for the tables (tbl_structure.php page)... and only this ! ...
E_D's user avatar
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phpmyadmin error 502 Bad Gateway on nginex

i just installed phpmyadmin on my ubuntu 20.04 server but when I try to go to the site I have a 502 bad gateway error ... here is what I have in my LOG file : 2021/02/05 14:43:33 [crit] 662288#662288: ...
hari's user avatar
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Error Phpmyadmin

i have this problem after updating ubuntu. It asked me if I wanted to update the configuration that it already had, and I said no. phpmyadmin was working correctly before the upgrade. If anyone knows ...
Santiago Martinez's user avatar
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phpmyadmin refresh does not refresh sometimes

I make an update using sqlalchemy #todo use update conn = engine.connect() metadata=MetaData() user = Table('user', metadata, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine) stmt = user.update().where(user....
seizouki's user avatar
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Change password length for MariaDB

I'm currently working with mariadb and phpmyadmin on my debian 10 server. For some reason mariadb only allows passwords with a maximum length of 79 characters. If I specify a password that is longer ...
Torge Stehr's user avatar
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How to get phpmyadmin to work with both a reverse proxy and a plain IP:PMA_PORT connection?

I have a kubernetes cluster configured as follows: nginx+wp[:5050] <-- redirect 307 /wp nginx[:80:443] /pma rev_proxy --> nginx+pma[:5000] All services share a common external metallb IP. I have ...
Alexander Chetverkin's user avatar
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How to add multiple path on same port VirtualHost

I want to add multiple paths like "localhost:8080/phpmyadmin" and "localhost:8080/index.php" but it doesn't want to work I create a phpmyadmin.conf in conf-availables with # ...
rmarquet21's user avatar
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Xampp/PHPMyAdmin login issues [closed]

i know there are many topics and i read at least 40 of it, but none solved my Problem.. I can login to PHPMyAdmin only from the machine its running on... On others there is just an "Access denied&...
Schesam's user avatar
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Is there "another" way of getting log information on SFTP activity?

I'm administrating a debian server since last week. It used to have another administrator. I presume it's been hacked: files might have been read via SFTP to obtain information about a site that's ...
newbie's user avatar
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