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Questions tagged [amazon-linux-2]

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IF ELSE not running inside AWS EC2 user data

I am trying to run the following code inside EC2 user data but there no changes happening to the server #!/bin/bash echo 'export ENV_VAR=true' >> /etc/profile if [[ "$ENV_VAR&...
Monty's user avatar
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Apache ( 2.4.58) compiling fails after Openssl upgrade to 3.2.1. on Amazon Linux 2

Apache ( 2.4.58) compiling fails after Openssl upgrade to 3.2.1. on Amazon Linux 2, Could you please help me on this. Error: /var/tmp/httpd-2.4.58/support/ab.c:2319: undefined reference to `...
avilala sudarshan yadav's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What are the differences between the migration options for Elastic Beanstalk Multi-container Docker environments to AL2?

We're running an Elastic Beanstalk Multi-container Docker environment on Amazon Linux 1, which has been deprecated and needs to be migrated to Amazon Linux 2. The documentation presents two options ...
Dario Seidl's user avatar
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1 answer

Looking for updated SSG for Amazon Linux 2 and Amazon Linux 2023

Are there any new data stream and xccdf checklist available for Amazon Linux 2 and Amazon Linux 2023? I am able to install the scap-security-guide on an Amazon Linux 2 server, but the data stream xml ...
john le's user avatar
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1 answer

yum install mysql-devel causing openssl11-devel conflicts with 1:openssl-devel-1.0.2k-24.amzn2.0.10.x86_64

I am tring to install RMysql Package however it throughs below error - which says mysql libraries are not installed. I tried installing them using the yum command but there is a conflict with openssl....
surpavan's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to Setup Automatic Security Updates on AWS Linux AL2023?

With Amazon Linux 2 I would automatically apply security updates using yum-cron and something like: # turn on automatic security updates set -ex sudo yum update -y sudo yum install yum-cron -y sudo ...
YoungDinosaur's user avatar
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1 answer

I have a local Amazon Linux 2 (EC2) AMI Instance; How do I repartition the disk and expand the file system?

I have expanded the disk of my VM. How do I now repartition the disk and expand the file system on the guest? Which is Amazon Linux 2 Kernel 4.14.252-195.483.amzn2.x86_64 on an x86_64 $> sudo lsblk ...
chris-j's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

How can I get node18 on amazonlinux2?

I'm currently trying to install node18 on a amazoncorretto:11 base image. I'm getting the error #6 11.04 Error: Package: 2:nodejs-18.16.0-1nodesource.x86_64 (nodesource) #6 11.04 Requires: ...
kilseic's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I install php-memcached for php 8.x on Amazon Linux 2 aarch64?

I'm migrating our website from an older Centos server to a new EC2 instance (Amazon Linux 2, aarch64). I'd like to install both the LAMP stack and memcached on the EC2 instance stack; which is the ...
Arth's user avatar
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1 answer

Amazon Linux 2 SSL setup with Godaddy subdomain Certificate

I have two sites and on a Amazon Linux 2 instance. I used a Loadbalancer and a godaddy certifcate with subdomains site1 and site2 but for cost reasons wanted to ...
pierre fro's user avatar
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1 answer

Installing podman on Amazon Linux 2

I am trying to install podman on an Amazon Linux 2 instance cat /etc/os-release NAME="Amazon Linux" VERSION="2" ID="amzn" ID_LIKE="centos rhel fedora" ...
Daniel Szalay's user avatar
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How to install mcrypt for PHP 7.4 on Aws Linux 2?

I'm trying to install mcrypt with yum install php-mcrypt but run into this dependency error: Error: Package: php-mcrypt-5.4.16-9.el7.x86_64 (epel) Requires: php(api) = 20100412-64 installed: php-...
Xander's user avatar
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How do I install third party packages from non-default repositories in Amazon Linux?

My ultimate goal is to create a Docker image with a particular binary installed (loudgain) that I can run functions on. As above, claims the binary is available from both "fedora-updates&...
Robert Atkins's user avatar
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How to connect two adapters to aws linux 2 with virtulabox?

I followed this video link and able to use amazon linux 2 with virtualbox. But this video shows only one network adapter(bridged). I connected two network adapters(NAT and Host-Only) but only the ...
uday kiran reddy's user avatar
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Why doesn't the Fedora EPEL repo have Nginx v1.20.2?

I have some Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instances. I've installed the Amazon Linux 2 EPEL topic and the EPEL repo: amazon-linux-extras install epel I've installed the latest available version of nginx: yum ...
Appleoddity's user avatar
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3 answers

systemctl restart httpd Failed to start The Apache HTTP Server httpd pid already running

Forgive the cross post from Stack Overflow but I realized this was probably the better location to ask. I recently rebuilt my server on AWS, upgrading from Amazon Linux to Amazon Linux 2, which like ...
rwhirn's user avatar
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1 answer

Environment Variable Empty in Bash Script

I have an EC2 instance that I am deploying on AWS. I am using an Amazon Linux 2, and I am passing a user data to it as such: userdata_file.write( f''' #!/bin/bash\n export ...
Mervin Hemaraju's user avatar
1 vote
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How to install Erlang 24.1 on Amazon Linux 2

I need to install Erlang 24.1 on Aamazon Linux 2. I am using package cloud script and repos for this but it fails with following message. (venv) [CORP\shiv.d@a-1njrk968l4brs yum.repos.d]$ sudo yum ...
Shiv's user avatar
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Apache 2.4: How to log POST data?

I have my LAMP application hosted on AWS EC2 Linux 2 instance. I can see requests logs in /var/log/httpd/access_log but there is no POST data there. I could figure out that I can use mod_dumpio or ...
Tushar Agrawal's user avatar
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How to diagnose/fix CloudFormation/autoscaling SSL errors on file download

I have an autoscaling group that was created by AWS CloudFormation. It runs on Amazon Linux 2. Last week, it was working fine. Now, new instances throw a "certificate has expired" error when ...
philolegein's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I migrate our existing Beanstalk application to Amazon Linux 2?

Our three Beanstalks are currently running on the "Tomcat 8.5 with Java 8 running on 64bit Amazon Linux" platform, either on the canned "ami-0e469f970b0c3b65c" AMI, or (for one of ...
hbquikcomjamesl's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Setting up sftp on Amazon Linux 2 with ssh keys, user segregation (sftp vs ssh), different ports, and user directory constraints

TDLR: I have a Catch 22 where, depending on permissions on the user's home directory, I can get the SSH authentication to work, or the user directory constraints, but not both. BTW, I really want to ...
Kevin Buchs's user avatar
2 votes
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Cannot start mysql-server on Amazon Linux 2 due to dependency issues

I'm trying to install MySQL on a Amazon Linux 2 server and I can't seem to get past this dependency issue (prevents server pkgs etc being installed thus preventing me from starting a mysql-server. ...
newtothis's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to start etcd in docker from systemd?

I want to start etcd (single node) in docker from systemd, but something seems to go wrong - it gets terminated about 30 seconds after start. It looks like the service starts in status "...
Jonas's user avatar
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1 answer

How to start containerd as a service after yum install?

I installed containerd on Amazon Linux 2 using the suggested commands: sudo amazon-linux-extras enable docker sudo yum install -y containerd I added this in the EC2 user data script to run at ...
Jonas's user avatar
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0 answers

Cron Help in Amazon Linux 2 EC2 [duplicate]

It's like not only Amazon Linux 2 I could not setup cron. I type crontab -e then @reboot bash /home/ec2-user/ After Rebooting the EC2, this cron job doesn't work. The same used to work in my ...
Am3Y's user avatar
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Why are some of my Secondary IPs missing after a YUM update on Amazon Liunx 2

On Sunday, I did a Yum Update on my Amazon Linux 2 instance (a T2.Medium) and after the update only 2 IP addresses per interface were working. Before the update I had 6 IPs per interface. It looks ...
iewebguy's user avatar
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1 answer

Amazon Linux 2 - EC2 PostgreSQL

I've the following: Amazon Linux 2 Postgres 12 installed a user created I'm using ssh to connect to my instance. The issue is that it doesn't let me to connect to my postgres database. I've created ...
Pablo Pantaleon's user avatar
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How to disable SoughtRules in SpamAssassin

I'm running SpamAssassin 3.4 via Amavisd 2.12, installed with yum from EPEL on Amazon Linux 2. According to the SpamAssassin Confluence wiki (here and here), SoughtRules should be disabled, but ... I ...
philolegein's user avatar
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1 answer

How to upgrade from Python 2 to python 3 on Amazon Linux 2?

I created a new AL2 EC2. I see Python 2 is already installed. How can I upgrade this to Python 3 WITHOUT using virtualenv? I would like to maintain ONLY ONE version of Python.
Biju's user avatar
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Fail2Ban iptables entries to reject HTTPS not stopping requests to Docker container on Amazon Linux 2

I've set up Fail2Ban on Amazon Linux 2, enabling the built-in nginx-http-auth jail with this override config: [nginx-http-auth] enabled = true action = iptables[name=HTTPS, port=https, protocol=tcp] ...
Graham Lea's user avatar
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Using EC2 imagebuilder to populate authorized_keys from s3 does not work

I'm struggling to setup imagebuilder to populate authorized_keys file from S3 file on a Amazon Linux 2 instance. IAM role is functionnal and pipeline runs fine (no error, nor output) Here is the ...
vfrans's user avatar
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Trying to send mail through mailx and postfix, but receiving nothing in inbox

I'm trying to set up a type of notification system that will alert me when my website is down using crontab and mailx. I went ahead and installed mailx on my server and then tried to send a simple ...
Michael's user avatar
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(AWS) ALB with ec2 instances Amazon Linux and Nginx

I want to use Nginx in Amazon Linux intances. If I use a single instance with a public IP granted by Amazon, the configuration works. Then when I add an ALB and later add the target group the app ...
user_af's user avatar
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How to speed up clamd@amavisd launch / get it to "start" on Amazon Linux 2

I recently upgraded clamav from I'm not sure which version, but whatever was current on EPEL on February 13th, to 0.102.3. Under the previous version, I had to set TimeoutStartSec in the systemd conf ...
philolegein's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How are systemd/system overrides supposed to work?

I'm messing around with some timeout settings, and am trying to figure out the correct way to set things for systemd/system daemons. Specifically, this is an underpowered server, and I keep timing out ...
philolegein's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

how to install certbot on Amazon Linux 2

I have an EC2 VM running Amazon Linux release 2 (Karoo) How can I get certbot? It comes with the awscli tools installed, which seem to be incompatible with the certbot in epel: $ sudo bash # yum ...
Rich's user avatar
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11 votes
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Save iptables firewall rules on Amazon Linux 2

I'm running Amazon Linux 2, on EC2 instances in AWS. I want to be able to add my own iptables rules, and have them survive reboots. What is the correct way (or a correct way) to do this?
Richard Downer's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Outputting JSON logs on Elastic Beanstalk with Amazon Linux 2

We're trying to migrate our Java applications from from the current Elastic Beanstalk JDK 8 platforms to the new ones running Corretto 11 on Amazon Linux 2. The app works well, but the way logs are ...
Michał Paluchowski's user avatar
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2 answers

Open SSL throwing unknown option '-n' in Amazon Linux2 instance

My code throws error when it reaches this line: {% set encrypted_password = salt['']('openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -a -salt -md md5 -in <(echo -n "' + ssm_plaintext_password +'") -pass pass:'+...
Reshma's user avatar
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Unable to access console or SSH on Amazon Linux 2 KVM image

I am trying to create a KVM guest instance running Amazon Linux 2 in an on-premises environment, on a CentOS 7 host. I am doing this over SSH (e.g. my local machine -> SSH to the CentOS host). I know ...
turbonerd's user avatar
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firewalld on EC2 Amazon Linux 2 - no icmptypes found

On freshly-booted Amazon EC2 instance (Amazon Linux 2), the firewalld could not be started. Executing systemctl start firewalld gives several warnings and errors (details below), boiling down to: no ...
Juriy's user avatar
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How to enable jpeg suppot for php GD in aws linux 2?

I am using php7.4 also installed php-gd using yum install php-gd and also restart my httpd service and also reboot my server. installed libjpeg but still getting Array ( [GD Version] => ...
Chirag Senjaliya's user avatar
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Locked of Server, how to run sudo passwordless

Here is the issue Created a new server with Amazon Linux 2 Removed ssh-key from default root user (ec2-user) Created two new accounts with sudo access without a password Now I got locked out of the ...
asosnovsky's user avatar
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Mail sent from AWS going to spam

I'm running a number of wordpress sites on an AWS EC2 instance. One of the sites is using WooCommerce for an online shop. when an order is made a confirmation email is sent out but these mails all ...
Dog's user avatar
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Amazon Linux 2 OpenSSL Wrong Singature Type

I'm coding a discord bot in python. Whenever I try to connect to a specific site, on my EC2 instance running Amazon Linux 2, the script returns the following error: discord.ext.commands.errors....
mistytalon's user avatar
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CentOS: detailed history of patch updates

e.g. ... chrony-3.2-2.el7.x86_64.rpm Any ways to know what made the -2 part in 3.2-2? I.e. deltas between 3.2 and 3.2-2. That's no-brainer ...
nodakai's user avatar
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8 votes
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Why does Amazon Linux 2 have older version of wget vs. Amazon Linux 1?

We noticed that wget on Amazon Linux 2 is v1.14, but on the older version of Amazon Linux, it was v1.18. Any idea why this would be? I'm fairly certain we installed from yum in both cases. Is there ...
boozedog's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to install nginx mod lua on Amazon Linux 2?

I have an Amazon Linux 2 machine. I have installed NGINX with amazon-linux-extras install nginx1.12 How can I install nginx-mod-http-lua? I have tried: yum search lua and no packages are listed ...
Rich's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't install Mysql on Linux -- Mysql website failing?

I'm attempting to install mysql on Amazon Linux 2. I followed the instructions in the first answer here: amazon linux 2 ami - aws - How to install mysql in Amazon Linux 2? When I type: sudo yum ...
Shef's user avatar
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