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Questions tagged [500-error]

HTTP 500 Internal Server Error indicates that the web server could not complete processing of a request due to an internal misconfiguration or unrecoverable error.

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Technical issues with LeetCode [closed]

I am yet to submit the code for today's problem:, and the "You have attempted to run code ...
Arunabh's user avatar
0 votes
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phpmyadmin showing 500 error in Ubuntu 24.04 lts after upgrade

i had updated ubuntu 22.04 -- >> 24.04 now getting this error while phpmyadmin getting not loaded into browser Mon Sep 23 18:30:18.060029 2024] [php:error] [pid 11672] [client
Atul Modi's user avatar
0 votes
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Issue with IIS and error in biztalk server

I have created an application within BizTalk. It includes a receive location configured with TYPE: HTTP, with a BizTalkServerIsolatedHost handler. The URI created looks like this: /ph_qa/...
Nico Migliarino Ferro's user avatar
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socket() failed (24: Too many open files) while connecting to upstream

fs.file-max = 70000 added into /etc/sysctl.conf nginx soft nofile 10000 nginx hard nofile 30000 added into /etc/security/limits.conf worker_rlimit_nofile 30000; adding this ...
Ulugbek's user avatar
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AWS Cognito: auth page not showing up, DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN from hosted UI URL

Here is the url I am navigating to: http​​s://​auth.[domain].com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=[id here]&response_type=code&scope=email+openid+phone&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2F[domain]%2F[...
BigMistake's user avatar
3 votes
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IIS 10 (Server 2022) error 500 with name, 404 with ip

I've got a new server 2022 setup I'm just getting up and running, and when pulling a page from IIS, I get a 500 error if I use the name in the URL, but get a 404 if using IP. The difference between ...
CraziFuzzy's user avatar
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php-fpm corrupts source code after child SIGKILL

Strange situation happens, about once a month on the server one of the php-fpm child processes is forced to shut down (error log - WARNING: [pool www] child 20651 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after ...
Vv.'s user avatar
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-1 votes
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phpmyadmin unable to login

Over the past couple of days I have usually not been able to login to phpMyadmin, but once I was able to. Either I get a blank screen of this message: This page isn’t working is ...
restorit2's user avatar
1 vote
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404, 50x error handling HTML pages in nginx is not detected

nginx version: nginx/1.18.0 This is my 'nginx' conf default 'vhost': cat /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/000-default server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name; return 301 ...
Mévatlavé Kraspek's user avatar
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php and apache not seeing anything in there defined tmp dirs

How to check logs for non application 500s? we have standard php and apache but not seeing anything in there defined tmp dirs I have actually 2 issues one is routing logs for ...
sam23's user avatar
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Blank page with 500.0 response for index.php when loging it

The page will work normally but as soon as you press login or sign-up, goes to a blank page and in element inspect you can see a 500 response from the server I've tried many different login/sign-up ...
SoapierGlobe421's user avatar
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Request exceeded the limit of 10internal redirects on cPanel Server

I just created a subdomain called virtual from cPanel and its return 500 error. When I check the error_log I see below error: AH00124: Request exceeded the limit of 10internal redirects due to ...
Muhammad Dyas Yaskur's user avatar
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How can I resolve "HTTP Error 500.19 error code 0x8007000d - Internal Server Error"?

I'm currently trying to redirect errors on my Tomcat project. Currently I'm using this method of redirecting the errors by using httpsError in the web.config file. Here is the code and error that I ...
Jed's user avatar
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Apache 500 Error when proxying api subdirectory

I am trying to redirect PUT request for a specific endpoint to another host. The said endpoint resides under /internal and accepts only PUT requests. The other endpoints under /internal will continue ...
argyrodagdileli's user avatar
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GoogleVM - Remote Desktop Connection Error

Can't connect to Google Server using Remote Desktop Connection in Windows 10. The error is "An internal error has occurred".
Anonymous's user avatar
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What do I need to do to get ProxyPass directives to register?

I am trying to make a MyCollab CE installation available via SSL, under Apache 2.4.38 (Debian). At present I am seeing ProxyPass not recognized. I have: ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/ ...
Christos Hayward's user avatar
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Tomcat 8.5.29 throws EOFException with 500 Internal Server Error

I'm trying to access spring endpoint in AWS-EKS environment, I'm not recreate this issue locally but in production logs we see lot 500 Internal Server Error with below EOF Exception logged at same ...
user3250064's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get line number of error that .htaccess apache2 is reporting in /var/logs/error.log

I get a internal server error after adding redirects to .htaccess - I've added 600 of them. I check /var/logs/error.log [Wed May 12 16:26:02.600394 2021] [core:alert] [pid 8071] [client 127.127.127....
therobyouknow's user avatar
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HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error for ASP.NET Core 3.1.0 MVC application deploye on IIS version 10

Here are the details about our development environment: DevExpress 20.2.3 (we are using DevExtreme) Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 (Version 16.4.6) ASP.NET Core 3.1.0 AspNetCore.Mvc ...
user1338998's user avatar
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Error 500 When Accessing Yammer Through Proxy Server

We have direct access enabled and web traffic is routed through a proxy server. Can someone help identify where I need to go with this issue where opening Yammer results in error 500. When on the ...
Dave Vader's user avatar
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Error: Can't find bundle for base name ncs_rest_sim, locale en_us when running devspace/ideamart simulator on ubuntu

I get this when trying to run devspace/ideamart simulator on ubuntu 20.10 with java version "1.8.0_271": HTTP ERROR 500 Problem accessing /. Reason: Can't find bundle for base name ...
francis's user avatar
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On Azure portal I see some error in graph HTTP 5xx but I am unable to see detail of it on linux app service .net core 2.2

I am using azure Linux app service for my .NET core 2.2 . I see error in graph but unable to find to error detail its really important for me. I have checked also for the folder of logs 'Explained ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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Nextcloud internal server error after server upgrade

I upgraded my server today from Debian 9 to Debian 10 and installed PHP 7.3 with all modules needed for NC but when I try to open the website I get "internal server error. More details can be ...
webhead's user avatar
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Nginx refuses custom error pages

I am able to see nginx error pages, but not my own. proxy_inter_errors properly redirects. I made a custom 404 and 500 error page with my logo. It will only show the nginx default error pages, not ...
Anekdotin's user avatar
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Apache won’t run some PHP scripts

I am very new to this php-fpm thing, but I decided I need to get into it. I recently migrated to Centos 8, and with it to Apache 2.4. I have a number of virtual hosts using PHP which worked well until ...
Manngo's user avatar
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my website is close " HTTP ERROR 500 "

my website is close error is " is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500" please help me how can i resolve this error ? My website appears to be ...
Zaib Ch's user avatar
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Server crash (Error 500) repeatedly (running nginx + gunicorn on EC2 instance)

Okay, so I'm really confused about what's happening here. I've had my server up and running for about a month and everything was fine. The server was getting very little traffic (about 50-100 requests ...
user1101329's user avatar
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Error http 500 at wordpress installation on a local LEMP installation

I’m new on Nginx, and don’t have much experience of WordPress. On Fedora 31 workstation, I installed locally LEMP according to . Then I installed wordpress through the dnf install ...
Henri de Solages's user avatar
14 votes
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nginx 500 (24: too many open files)

[I posted this on the Nginx forums, but had no responses a week later, so trying here] I am a Linux and Nginx novice, but have learnt enough to get it installed and running and working as a simple ...
DDIT's user avatar
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Solved - 500 Internal Server Error Apache, htaccess redirect

So, when i visit a page that is not existing on the main domain www or not i just get the normal 404 error, however when i visit it on a subdomain like i get the error 500 and in the ...
Elmond's user avatar
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GitLab docker registry reject push with error 500

Summary I have self-hosted gitlab, installed with apt. I don't have git_data_dir in default location (see config). I can't push docker image into docker registry, directory <shared_path>/...
Ajax's user avatar
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4 votes
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Block IPv6 addresses in my .htaccess file but I get 500 Internal Server Error?

I want to block all IP Addresses starting like this 2a01:598:xxx in my .htaccess file on my WordPress website. But everytime I edit my .htaccess file I can't visit my website anymore. I get an ...
Benjamin S's user avatar
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mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI server / 500 Internal Server Error

I've trying to set up an IIPImage server but the Images won't display: First here are logs, configs, modules and permissions: ...
rnsrk's user avatar
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Apache HTTPD rewrite backend proxy HTTP error 500 to 503

I have two use cases: HTTPD is a proxy for a Tomcat application HTTPD is a proxy for a PHP application For compliance and security needs all 50x errors must be rewritten to 503 prior to sending back ...
Phil's user avatar
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ajax/jquery causes "error 500" on Apache2 (php-fpm enabled) server

Just set a VPS with this guide: "". Everything looked perfect! but I ...
Juano Holograma's user avatar
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Django on Apache gives 500 error, error log has "client denied by server configuration"

There's many questions about similar issues, but none in particular about the combination of the error 500 with Django. E.g. similar questions: client denied by server configuration Why does my ...
CoderGuy123's user avatar
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Apache2 stopped but still showing 500 error on some browsers

So I'm having an issue where a domain renders properly in one browser, but not in another. In this example, Chrome 74 loads the site fine, but Chrome 76 ends up rendering a 500 error. Here is the ...
jrothafer's user avatar
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3 answers

Monitoring HTTP 5xx errors in an Azure App Service

The Azure App service UI used to have an ability to inspect 5xx errors directly. Since we starting using Azure, the UI has been changing almost constantly though, and this ability seems to have ...
Scuba Steve's user avatar
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Nginx webserver com html static website redirect 500 internal error

I have a static html website on a Nginx web server. For a contact form I use the Formspree service. <form action="[email protected]" method="POST"> <input type="...
Clemente Nogueira's user avatar
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Why is Phplist responding with 500 Internal Server Error?

I just did a fresh install of phplist, but when I attempt to access it in my browser, I get an empty page with status code: "500 Internal Server Error" I'm running CentOS 7 and Phplist is being ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
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IIS 8.5 on Windows 2012 R2 works fine for around a day, then all my sites go down and give 500 errors. How can I diagnose?

In just the last few days IIS 8.5 on my Windows 2012 R2 server started going down. Every 24 hours or so, the server stops shows my webpages when going to a URL, and instead shows HTTP 500 errors. My ...
Ethan Allen's user avatar
-1 votes
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php post request curl HTTP ERROR 500 [duplicate]

here is my configuration : Apache2 working with php7.1. I have an example PHP code for sending a sms message specific to JasminSMS : <?php // Sending simple message using PHP // http://jasminsms....
hexphp111's user avatar
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Deleted my WordPress files from a directory, whole PHP config is messed up now

It was working fine before I deleted all of my WordPress files from I now get Error 500 for every page and website I try to access on the server. I enabled HTTPS with CloudFlare ...
Daniel Harris's user avatar
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elasticsearch server is unreachable every 2 hours

This question is related to this one. We now know that the errors come from elasticsearch. The problems are still not resolved despite the modifications and optimizations made on the es instance. ...
COil's user avatar
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ec2 Apache Server http-500 troubleshooting [closed]

My website was being funky so I rebooted my server. I also ran sudo yum update and updated everything. Now my website wont load ( and I get http-500 errors. I am not 100% sure ...
KisnardOnline's user avatar
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Server error 500.When installing Ospos onn a local lamp server

I am getting server error 500 when I try to install Opensourcepos on a local lamb server on my ubuntu. I am attaching the error output.I will attach a screenshot of changes I made.Kindly help me ...
athul's user avatar
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Weird redirection issue on nginx server while directing to index.html

I am trying to deploy a single page application using nginx and here is the configuration below. server { listen 24670 default_server; listen [::]:24670 default_server; server_name ******...
Bazinga777's user avatar
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Httpd Misconfiguration of certificate's CN and virtual name

I'm deploying openstack on CentOS7 and every services and modules deployed well. but When I type http://<controller-ip>/dashboard , after few minutes, error message 500 "Internal Server Error" ...
Fatemeh Abdollahei's user avatar
3 votes
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Apache: show error message in browser for 500 Internal Server Error

When Apache shows 500 Internal Server Error page, there is no information about the error itself. It can be error in .htaccess or something different, but you'll never know until you look into error....
cronfy's user avatar
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IIS Published websites gives HTTP 500 error

I'm having big trouble publishing my website to IIS. It always returns HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. My project runs perfectly on localhost. I have installed NuGet package MvcDiagnostics.asxp (http:...
Nanou Ponette's user avatar

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