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Questions tagged [opcache]

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1 answer

Opcache.php return an empty page

We are using PHP + FPM 8.2 + OPCache. In the past, we use to check its status. But today it returns an empty page. Although it shows an empty page, I view the ...
alancc's user avatar
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PHP 8.2 FPM + OPcache + multiuser environment + blank page issue (Child exited with code 70)

We are facing a weird issue for months, getting a white page for all websites with multiple errors like below [02-Jul-2024 11:36:55] WARNING: [pool site1] child 3122781 exited with code 70 after 31....
Rahul Thakkar's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

PHP Opcache Full, But can't work out why

Our production server says the op cache is full and it's not adding anymore scripts to the cache. Even though the configuration / statistics should. The config is set to the following. [opcache.enable]...
Danny121's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Deployment PHP with OpCache

How do you do deployment PHP applications with enabled OpCache? My situation: I have web server with PHP 7.4 and enabled OpCache. Server is common virtual 4vCPU + 8GB RAM. I use tool Deployer - ...
grogsy's user avatar
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PHP OpCache on Amazon EFS

Looking for some validation of my thought process here. I don't have the stats to hand to back up my claims, but have enough experience with web hosting with and without EFS to be comfortbale in ...
jsjw's user avatar
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Load Balance (http) nodes slower when Redis is non-local

We run a load balance with 3 Windows 2019 servers. One of them is the "master" one, serving SMB share to the other nodes, and it's also the server that Redis runs on (Redis used for sessions ...
Alex's user avatar
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2 answers

Why a PHP module is not loaded into PHP?

Showing my case how to debug the problem, that a PHP module is not loaded into PHP. I use OpenSUSE v42.2 Linux OS, with Apache webserver, PHP v7.1, Mysql. Because it does not provide PHP v7.1 I need, ...
klor's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to use Opcache to specific website only?

I run few wordpress websites on single Vps server. (Ubuntu 18.04 + Nginx + php7.3 + mariadb) I was changed code like below to use opcache in php.ini. opcache.enable=1 opcache.enable_cli=1 opcache....
Seomari's user avatar
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1 answer

PHP-FPM stops seeing classes / functions at random

I am experiencing a strange issue with php-fpm (7.0.33). At random times it starts throwing errors like: PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function untrailingslashit() ...
Arkadiusz 'flies' Rzadkowolski's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

php-fpm generated a lot of load when resetting opcache, rendering server unresponsive

In recent weeks we experienced a negative phenomenon when deploying code: the server becomes unresponsive sometimes for a few minutes. Here's an example of the load on the server when this happened: ...
mark's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache2 php_admin_flag opcache.enable on is ignored

I run Apache 2.4.10 with PHP 7.1.17 on my Debian 8.10 server. When I try to enable opcache in a vhost the changed setting isn't applied. If I enable opcache globally in the php.ini everything is ...
oivlis111's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

OPcache cache same file for different users only once

Is there some way to make OPcache use a hash or target a specific directory on each domain to disable use_pwd so it won't cache the same packages over and over? By default OPcache appends the working ...
ButterMilkMan's user avatar
1 vote
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Bad response when try install opcache

I have problem for install zendopcache I try 1 time and other and always have the same result i don´t know what it´s bad because this can install with php 5.6 , thanks and also i delete and clean yum ...
Jos's user avatar
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Opcache not working properly

I got problem with Opcache. It's not working as I wish/desire.. This is my opcache configuration cat /etc/php/7.1/apache2/php.ini | grep opcache [opcache] opcache.enable = 1 opcache.enable_cli = 1 ...
Valor_'s user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

PHP Application with Web Root on Amazon EFS using up too much EFS bandwidth

The web root /var/www/html is mounted on EFS Mounting with usual AWS advised command and General Purpose EFS sudo mount -t nfs4 -o nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2 fs-...
Pasta's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to let OPcache work correctly under chroot?

There is PHP-FPM and OPCache (downloaded and compiled from opcache.enable = 1 opcache.use_cwd = 1 php-fpm profiles run in chroot, i.e. /home/user1/www/index.php -&...
nikitasius's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How does apache2.4 maintains php7.0 opcache in prefork model

Does each apache2.4 child processes maintain their own opcache or is there a global opcache shared by all children?
kalyan's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

How to forcibly completely clear PHP7 opcache?

The opcache on my webserver keeps hitting the limit I have set even though I feel like I don't have that much PHP code and it really ought to be enough room. This is compounded by the fact that even ...
Andrew Stine's user avatar
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XCache serves wrong file version from opcache

Lets say that I have two versions of the same file. One is app/v1/lib/ExampleClass.php, and another resides in app/v2/lib/ExampleClass.php. To conserve memory, xcache creates opcache for only single ...
Palethorn's user avatar
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Opcache ignoring certain settings in php.ini after httpd restart

I have recently updated my Centos 6, Apache server to php 5.6 from 5.4 and I'm attempting to configure opcache. I have updated my opcache settings in /etc/php.ini to: [opcache] opcache....
Arth's user avatar
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1 answer

How to flush PHP-FPM OpCache on an autoscaling PHP cluster?

On our current monolithic LAMP servers we deploy via Capistrano and reload PHP-FPM at the end of a deployment, in order to flush the Opcode Cache. Now, we're building a new webhosting cluster on AWS ...
Martijn Heemels's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What causes Opcache to manually restart

I've setup opcache with php-fpm but for some reason, it keeps manually restarting. I've not actioned a restart and I've set the force restart timeout to 2700 seconds (2 hours) so the cache shouldn't ...
James's user avatar
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Is Zend Opcache automatically caching compiled version of PHP scripts?

I've enabled Zend Opcache. I expected it to compile and cache every single PHP script executed on my server but this doesn't seem to happen. Did I misunderstood how this cache works or I'm missing ...
Revious's user avatar
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php70-php-opcache preventing CMS install

We have an Apache 2.4 box with php7 from the Remi repo working fine. PHP processing is as expected. This is apart from the php7-php-opcache package which, upon install, prevents the successful ...
pmelon's user avatar
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1 answer

How to override the previous defined PHP value via Ansible PHP role?

I'm trying to apply override PHP's opcache.max_accelerated_files setting via geerlingguy's Ansible Role for PHP onto geerlingguy/centos6's VM using the following lines (as part of provisioning script):...
kenorb's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Php 7 opcache v php 5.6 xcache

We're provisioning a new server and are deciding between (php7 / opcache) and (php5.6 / xcache). We run a few chunky ecommerce sites and want the best possible performance. I'm looking for ...
Tim's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

IIS 8 with PHP 5.6: WinCache VS Zend Op Cache

Zend Op Cache is compiled by default on PHP5.5+, but IIS encourages use of WinCache for opcode caching. what is the extension that will give me the best performance and stability on IIS? there are ...
Simone Nigro's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

PHP OPcache is resetting cache automatically

I started using the built-in PHP OPcache of PHP 5.6 and am facing a problem now. I set it up to use up to 1 GB of RAM, which is highly enough for my websites but it never get get it to use the full 1 ...
KittMedia's user avatar
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2 answers

Can APC and OpCache co-exist in PHP5.4

We are generally running php 5.4.x with APC enabled on CENTOS for our production sites. We have a new app that is segfaulting and the development team thinks it is because we've got APC. The app is ...
Wyatt Barnett's user avatar