We have an Apache 2.4 box with php7 from the Remi repo working fine. PHP processing is as expected. This is apart from the php7-php-opcache package which, upon install, prevents the successful installation of Wordpress. The original wp-config.php is used instead of an updated one.

Now, I know that this is just doing what a cache should be doing - storing things and returning them on request. However, this design is going to be a problem in our environment as CMS installs happen all the time. Every failed install will result in a support ticket.

I am keen to use opcache due to the performance benefits. I used to use xcache and APC and never saw them interfere in this way. I could set a short expiry time but it'll still mess up the CMS installs. Any other ideas? Is opcache broken?

1 Answer 1


You are probably hit by opcache.revalidate_freq=2 option

This is probably a wordpress issue, which sould call the opcache_invalidate function after writing this file.

But after "opcache.revalidate_freq", the new file should be used, so I think this is only a temporary issue.

  • 1
    See: core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/37339 Commented Jul 12, 2016 at 10:51
  • I agree it is most likely temporary. A few weeks ago I set up a test box and didn't have this problem as I recall. Thanks for the bug report link. Will consider this answered by that.
    – pmelon
    Commented Jul 12, 2016 at 12:59

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