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Questions tagged [diff]

Short for "difference" or "differencing", in computing, "diff" refers to a data comparison that calculates and displays the differences between two objects (usually files or directories).

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1 answer

How can I list the files that are in one S3 bucket but not in the other bucket?

I have two AWS S3 buckets that have mostly the same content but with a few differences. How can I list the files that are in one bucket but not in the other bucket?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Show changes with diff using AIDE

is it possible to compare the changed file when using AIDE? In the automatic Email only the SHA256 will be compared. It would be pretty cool if i can see what changed, maybe with a diff or something. ...
vanishedd's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Efficient way of determining whether 2 directories have ANY difference?

I'd like to recursively compare two directory trees that are expected to be identical, but I don't want a full comparison which would take forever. I'd like to do an efficient comparison so that as ...
jerkstorecalled's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Diff a tarball on stdin against a directory hierarchy?

I have a multi-terabyte filesystem I want to diff against a multi-terabyte tar file. The tar file is only available from stdin - no seeking allowed. I do not have the disk space to write the tar on ...
user1084684's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Compare 2 Directories and Move Differences to a Third directory

Running Ubuntu 20.04 and want to compare two directories called 1 and 2 and move differences to a separate directory called 3, ideally conserving the subdirectories. I am able to get almost the ...
Tebbers's user avatar
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1 answer

kubectl diff on PowerShell?

kubectl can diff configuration (blog, docs). On Linux, this works fine (WSL, Ubuntu 18, bash). It gives me sensible output similar to the following. $ kubectl diff --filename some-resources.yaml diff -...
Grilse's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Diff local directory and svn repository without checking out the files

Is it possible to diff a local directory (not a svn checkout) and a remote svn repository without checking out the repository to another local directory beforehand? I need it for linux (debian) but ...
Bojan Hrnkas's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

shasum of tar file different on os x / ubuntu although files are identical

I have a problem that brings me to despair and is plaguing me for the last days and I hope somebody can give me a hint what I have overlooked, since bash/sh is not a field I work in everyday: ...
hreimer's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

diff gives all-different, but human compare shows equalities

I have 2 files a: 2 m1.small 1 m3.large 2 m3.medium 2 t1.micro 1 t2.large 7 t2.medium 4 t2.micro 7 t2.small and b: 1 c4.2xlarge 1 c4....
ShadowFlame's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Powershell find orphaned processes

I am looking for a way to find processes that do not have a parent process running (orphaned processes). Im attempting to do this using win32_process. I have the query that returns the attributes ...
user367081's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

how to compare and move the matched string files in different locations

I have a two different .zip files in /tmp/1/ and /tmp/2 I want to compare these two different location files and move the matched string files into /tmp/3 /tmp/1 ArchiveFile_bbb....
Booth's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

Compare 20 files with diff, not 2

Background We are moving from managing hosts by hand to configuration management. 20 files I want to compare 20 times a config file from 20 hosts. For example /etc/crontab Use case I guess about ...
guettli's user avatar
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1 answer

Show files to be patched on .diff file and determine if they are patched or not [closed]

Having a .diff patch file, I'm trying to take actions in a shell script depending on if files listed in .diff file are: 1) already patched, 2) not patched, 3) not patchable. I found no way on GNU ...
Emilio Lazo's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

compare directories local and server with diff

I am trying to find the differences between a directory in my local computer and a remote server. After a lot of trial and error i have found the following command from here: diff -q <('sudo ls -...
J.S's user avatar
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2 answers

Diff tool which I can force certain lines to match [closed]

I have files that I want to compare, and I would need to have a way to force lines to match for the algorithm to pick the block to compare correctly. For example: FILE1 test1 subline1 ...
xlash's user avatar
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1 answer

Does rsnapshot save binary diffs?

I use rsnapshot for some years under Kubunt/Linux. But I am not sure how it (and underlying rsync) handles binary diffs: Image a large Thunderbird mailbox file or a 10 MB jpg photo and I change the ...
tardis's user avatar
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1 answer

AIX diff not showing the content of a new file

I need to create a patch between 2 folder: On linux: diff -Naur folder folder_fix It's working for all the file I just edited but not for the one I added (can't get the content of it). The command ...
Tr4sK's user avatar
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How can I check if a directory contains the same files of a TAR archive?

Let's say I have a folder Documents and a TAR file Documents.tar, how to check if the tar file contains the same files that are present in the directory? The more obvious solution to me would be to ...
marcanuy's user avatar
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Load, Compare & Diff Registry of Windows Servers & Clients on VHDs?

We are deploying various Windows Servers {2008, 2012} & Clients {7,8.x, 10} and various custom applications, versions & special utilities. Without bothering the audience here on specifics of ...
Alex S's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Diff with 2 files [closed]

Try'd a lot of different commands, Diff / comm / grep / etc... But dont know how to manage this. It's for my bash script. I want to get the result of the correct / incorrect answers. the example ...
Beginner's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to see what Windows registry and file system changes happened after a software install?

I'm solving a problem - I'm installing software on Windows and it makes the system unstable for some reason. Windows starts crashing soon after. I want to know what changes it made to the registry and ...
Boda Cydo's user avatar
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1 answer

subversion directory structure diff between revisions [closed]

I can't seem to find a way to use Subversion to take a diff of directory structure changes between two revisions. I'd like to see what files/directories/symlinks have been added/deleted between two ...
chizou's user avatar
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1 answer

Bug in diff: wrong output for one-character files without newline [closed]

Consider this: echo -n a > /tmp/a echo -n b > /tmp/b diff -B /tmp/a /tmp/b Clearly, the two files are different, yet, diff seems to think that the files are identical. I've managed to ...
Navin's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

rsnapshot diff between snapshots

I am using rsnapshot to manage incremental backups of some GNU/Linux servers. Although rsnapshot is delivered with a tool called rsnapshot-diff it just provide disk space statistics. The question is ...
Angus Macyver's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

How to remove programs installed from source using diff?

Is there a way to remove compiled from source programs rather than make uninstall? Can we take snapshots of filesystem before and after installation and take a diff and remove the installation? Also ...
Vinayak Krishna's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

How do I diff two folders in Windows Powershell?

I'm trying to find differences in the content of two folder structures using Windows Powershell. I have used the following method to ensure that the file names are the same, but this method does not ...
David Smith's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Xen dom0 and domu ifconfig returns different stats

I expected that when I use ifconfig command to display network traffic RX and TX values both for dom0 and domu machine, there are differences. I run once ping inside the domu. domu ifconfig command ...
Julio Fong's user avatar
36 votes
3 answers

compare 2 directories and copy differences in a 3rd directory

Running ubuntu 12.04, I want to compare 2 directories, say folder1/ and folder2/ and copy any files that are different to folder3/. There are also nested files, so matching subdirectories should be ...
periklis's user avatar
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3 answers

Import VMs with differencing VHD into Hyper-V 2012

I've recently installed Windows Server 2012 to my test server to run Hyper-V test environment. I have bunch of old VMs which were created in Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V which I didn't export in ...
Mike's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

debian, diff, config default

I want to know if is posible to get the diff on the original versus the current config files of installed debian packages. If found an answers which shows up the modified config files, but I find no ...
Neoecos's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

How can I get 'diff' to show only added and deleted lines? If diff can't do it, what tool can? Take-2

I have 2 sorted files produced by xxx>find /store -type f -print | sort > /tmp/invent.txt xxx>find /fbkup -type f -print | sort > /tmp/backup.txt I want from diff a file name list of files missing ...
Andreas's user avatar
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1 answer

Find and group all unique versions of a file

I have a convoluted directory structure where there are many copies of foo.txt. I'd like to find all copies of this file and group them by their diff result, i.e. [type 1] /bar2/sub1/foo.txt /foobar/...
Hooked's user avatar
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3 answers

Monitoring folder diffs across servers with zabbix

Problem: I want to make sure that a certain folder is equal regarding it's contents across my servers. I do not want an automatic filesync to keep them equal, changing is done manually. My initial ...
Marcus's user avatar
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How can I compare two directories to compare missing files, when the directories don't have the same structure?

I've been sent a HDD of new and updated files from an organisation that we are working with, but we already have most of the files sitting on our servers, and would like to update our local versions ...
David Dean's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Bash: Comparison of two files having different file size

I have 2 files with me having content like: file1: a b c e g s and file2 s a b c I want to compare contents of the file, that what which letters are NOT present in other file, and which Are ...
Farhan's user avatar
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1 answer

Find mysql replications diffs patterns

I'm using pt-table-checksum and pt-table-sync to check for differences in my replicas. when I use pt-table-sync with the -print option, I can only see the master values. How can I show the ...
SecondThought's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

looking for a tricky one liner to get diff of awk output

Lets say i have two files like below: file1 a 23 b 34 c 47 file2 a justin_beiber_sucks b segmentation fault c jackson d nop Now what i want is to get a diff of the first column of two file. I'm ...
Aftnix's user avatar
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10 votes
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Identifying the number of changed bytes between two ZFS snapshots of the same file

Let's assume I have a ZFS filesystem that contains virtual machine disk images, e.g. /tank/examplevm/examplevm-flat.vmdk Let's further assume I take daily snapshots of that ZFS filesystem, e.g. $ ...
nlx-ck's user avatar
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9 votes
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Is there a command that produces a diff of the permissions of target files?

Just as it sounds, I'm trying to find out if there is a (standard) command that will produce a diff of the permissions between two files and/or directory trees. Ideally it would put out a patch file ...
Catskul's user avatar
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6 answers

Does btrfs have an efficient way to compare snapshots?

While diffing mounted snapshots would work, it sounds like it could be horribly slow in many cases. Is there btrfs specific functionality for diffing snapshots? (I was unable to find any in the docs)
Catskul's user avatar
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3 answers

Check if all files in a directory exists elsewhere

I'm about to remove an old backup directory, but before doing so I'd like to make sure that all these files exist in a newer directory. Is there a tool for this? Or am I best off doing this "manually"...
aioobe's user avatar
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2 answers

ubuntu server version different with desktop version [closed]

I was surprising during check my ubuntu system. Since mid 2011 until now i'm use this different version of ubuntu. I found that my server is ubuntu 10.04 and my desktop is ubuntu 10.10. But until now ...
klox's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Script to find out differences between local and remote file systems over SSH

I am looking for a script to find out the differences between a local and remote file systems (over SSH). Ideally the script should do the following: -browse the local file system for folders -find ...
Max's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to configure cloud without virtualization?

I have learned that cloud computing provides computation, software, data access, and storage services and virtualization is mandatory for cloud computing. I have also found in some places that there ...
Jesi's user avatar
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2 answers

Interactive two panels diff for *nix console?

Could you please advise me about interactive two panels diff tool, something like, but for *nix console/ncurses or maybe somebody knows how DiffMerge can be run ...
deniszh's user avatar
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2 answers

Only show what's new in a file

I want to find out what was added to a log file between 2 tasks. Right now the way I do it is: content of test.log initially aaa bbb saving content of the log $ cp test.log test.log.before doing ...
Max's user avatar
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Parsing a diff file using grep/awk

I'm trying to parse a standard diff of some sql files to return only the delete sections. I have been using grep with the after context (-A) which almost works (only because I know that delete ...
Robert's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

Comparing OS configuration of two RHEL servers

What is the best way to compare the OS configuration of two (or more) RHEL 5.X servers? Are there any tools/packages available to do this? Note, I am mostly looking for tunables OS (kernel ...
Patrick's user avatar
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4 answers

Diff for a locally modified package in Ubuntu

If I modify the source code of some package that I've installed with apt-get in Ubuntu, is there some package tool that will let me see the diff between what was the original installation and my ...
Everett Toews's user avatar
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1 answer

Administrator and Administrators Group difference Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2

Sorry if this question is not unique. 1) Is there any difference in permissions between a user in Administrators GROUP and USER Administrator. 2) If they differ, are this differences the same for ...
Nozim's user avatar
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