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21 votes
1 answer

Birth time of files are missing if file is created in a logical volume with size less than 512 MB

I have a volume group in my system, created with single physical volume. I'm creating two logical volumes - one with size 100M and one with size 512M. Any file created on LV with 100M size does not ...
m.divya.mohan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a better way to analyze Varnish hit rate

I currently analyze varnish hit rate like this While this is good, a major part of the request the server services is non-cacheable. This brings down the hit rate drastically. How can I modify this ...
Quintin Par's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Centos 6 vs Centos 7 file access performance [closed]

I'd like some assistance in trying to figure out what could explain Centos 7 being slower in accessing a file then Centos 6. It's about a 17% difference. Here's a simple test: [root@test-centos6 shm]...
Bob's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

php-fastcgi status: "No input file specified"

# grep pm.status_path /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf pm.status_path = /fcgi-status nginx config: location ~ ^/(fcgi-status|ping)$ { access_log off; allow; deny all; ...
Putnik's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

What is the meaning of Haproxy's sessions info page?

I'm using haproxy 1.6.8. The following information is output on echo "show sess" | nc -U /var/lib/haproxy/stats 0x1696d40: proto=tcpv4 src= fe=adf be=adfback srv=capped ts=08 ...
rlib's user avatar
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0 answers

stat() mtime is in the past, despite fsync

This might be a bit esoteric, but I've got an odd sort of a problem with stat(). Specifically - on a Linux system, with Isilon storage NFS mounted. I have a process that is getting time differences ...
Sobrique's user avatar
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2 answers

Compare the time stamp of Suse linux

I am try to compare the two time file based on their modify/lastchange time stamp & then copy the file to some folder code below #!/bin/sh cd /sapmnt/audit/ echo $PWD t1= stat -c %z audit....
Abhinav's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Windows equivalent of Linux vmstat pswpin and pgfault?

Is there a way to query Windows for the total number of pages swaped in / out and total amount of page faults? (values found in /proc/vmstat on Linux) I could only find ...
elmarco's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Ansible local_action: stat doesnt find my file

I want to copy a file to remote nodes, but only if the file exists. I copied it into /tmp/webapps/partner.war My Task is: - local_action: stat path="/tmp/webapps/{{ application }}.war" register: ...
Alexander Huck's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

View File chown changes

Is there a way to view all of the times a files ownership changed? I have a feeling there is a security issue on my server, however I am also very paranoid and may have changed it myself.
Richard Christensen's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Xen dom0 and domu ifconfig returns different stats

I expected that when I use ifconfig command to display network traffic RX and TX values both for dom0 and domu machine, there are differences. I run once ping inside the domu. domu ifconfig command ...
Julio Fong's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

linux: question marks in file status; cannot stat file

Linux filesystem in question: reiserfs Hi, I'm having trouble deleting a file: [root@flat: all_subjs_wcbf]# ls -lah total 0 drwxrwxrwx 2 szhu cfn 88 Sep 1 2011 ./ ...
Michael S's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Dereference symbolic link in OS X?

In OS X, how can I dereference a symbolic link to a canonical file name? (i.e. one starting with /.) That is, I'm after the equivalent of GNU readlink's -f option: kapow:~$ greadlink -f ....
ithinkihaveacat's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Whats "Birth" field in stat command output

I'm using Fedora-16 with ext4.Suddenly with stat command I can see something called "Birth". # stat history_file1.txt File: `history_file1.txt' Size: 8944 Blocks: 24 IO Block:...'s user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Directory in Linux(ext3) with only 2 files occupies 32000 blocks(16Mbytes)

IIRC my Operating Systems classes, the size of a directory in Linux is given by the number of files it contains([wikipedia link])1 So, why a directory with only 2 files occupies 32000 blocks? # stat ...
Samuel's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

May the file size returned by stat be compromised?

I want to make sure that nobody changed a file. In order to accomplish that, I want not only to check MD5 sum of the file, but also check its size, since as far as I understand this additional simple ...
codeholic's user avatar
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