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How to start etcd in docker from systemd?

I want to start etcd (single node) in docker from systemd, but something seems to go wrong - it gets terminated about 30 seconds after start. It looks like the service starts in status "...
Jonas's user avatar
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Fail2Ban iptables entries to reject HTTPS not stopping requests to Docker container on Amazon Linux 2

I've set up Fail2Ban on Amazon Linux 2, enabling the built-in nginx-http-auth jail with this override config: [nginx-http-auth] enabled = true action = iptables[name=HTTPS, port=https, protocol=tcp] ...
Graham Lea's user avatar
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Amazon Linux 2 OpenSSL Wrong Singature Type

I'm coding a discord bot in python. Whenever I try to connect to a specific site, on my EC2 instance running Amazon Linux 2, the script returns the following error: discord.ext.commands.errors....
mistytalon's user avatar