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php-fpm corrupts source code after child SIGKILL

Strange situation happens, about once a month on the server one of the php-fpm child processes is forced to shut down (error log - WARNING: [pool www] child 20651 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after ...
Vv.'s user avatar
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php and apache not seeing anything in there defined tmp dirs

How to check logs for non application 500s? we have standard php and apache but not seeing anything in there defined tmp dirs I have actually 2 issues one is routing logs for ...
sam23's user avatar
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Apache won’t run some PHP scripts

I am very new to this php-fpm thing, but I decided I need to get into it. I recently migrated to Centos 8, and with it to Apache 2.4. I have a number of virtual hosts using PHP which worked well until ...
Manngo's user avatar
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ajax/jquery causes "error 500" on Apache2 (php-fpm enabled) server

Just set a VPS with this guide: "". Everything looked perfect! but I ...
Juano Holograma's user avatar
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Blank page (500 error) with nginx and php-fpm

I am hosting more than one domain on the same server. I have the following configuration for nginx: server { listen 80; root /var/www/; index index.php index.html index.htm; ...
Madno's user avatar
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Apache and php7.0-fpm – sporadically error 500

I am running an office server based on Debian (for developing websites based on TYPO3) and have changed from mod_fcgid to PHP FPM – just to have two PHP versions available in an easy way... Now I am ...
Kevin Lieser's user avatar
-1 votes
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Nginx + PHP7.0-fpm – PHP errors #500 go into the status code header and into the browser console. Error log is not written

I am using Nginx + php7.0-fpm. Some of my errors (500 code) go into the status code header. In the browser console I see, for example, such a message: POST 500 (DateTime::...
El cero's user avatar
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Pass PHP5-FPM errors back to error page script? [closed]

My nginx has an error_page setup that throws 500 errors to a PHP page. I wish to display/log any PHP errors that cause this error page to show. When I say display, I mean show in-browser depending on ...
Steffan Donal's user avatar
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Mysterious Upstream Client ::ffff: on each error

I read the following post: nginx errors recv failed 104 ...but have a different question... I'm curious to know why there is ANY reference to this mysterious upstream source: ::ffff: ....
Quasaur's user avatar
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9 votes
7 answers

Nginx not logging PHP errors

When accessing some PHP scripts on my website, I'm getting the dreaded 500 error message. I'd like to know what's wrong to fix it, but Nginx isn't logging any PHP errors in the log file I have ...
James Linton's user avatar