There is a new challenge over at
The theme this week is
New Year's Resolutions
Well 2014 is almost here. I must say I gave up on resolutions a long time ago as I got too busy and never really stuck it through the whole year, or even half a year.
This year I do have a few resolutions but really when I think about it... it is just life. I think we all make lists in our heads or on paper about what we want and what we need.
Well this year I NEED a vacation... (SAHM two kids and two dogs always alone with daddy only home on weekends every once and again :( friends and family are all on the opposite coast).
I NEED to finish building my crafty space and clean it up (nightmare in itself).
I NEED to lose more weight and get healthy to reduce my risk of health problems (as if cutting sugars and portion control of real fresh fruit, veggies, and meats wasn't enough, I have to cut most carbs - no pasta or bread :( ------- minion voice wwwhhhhaaaaatttttt)
Lastly, being pregnant durning 2012 and breastfeeding exclusively 2013 thanks to one picky little boy.... I have come to the conclusion a drink every once again might be nice while I soak my feet...
So cheers to having some me time with a glass of wine (or two on Fridays) and a foot soak!!!
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Items Used:
Kenny K - Happy Hour
Prima Letter Press
My Mind's Eye - The Sweetest Thing - Honey
Black Ink