
Sunday, 21 January 2018

CCC Challenge 2: Christmas Baking

Hello Everyone. Hasn't it been dreadful weather this past week, I know it January but the days have been so dark and cold it makes it depressing.  This is our last January post and the theme this fortnight is Christmas Baking / Anything goes.  I like to try the chosen challenge, but sadly again I had no stamps or dies suitable, so another image I'm afraid, but I think it has made a really nice card. I layered it up with red, white and silver before adding Shaved Ice round the edges. Finished it off with a die cut snowflake and a Winter die.  No bows on this one folks as the postage now is so expensive. We'll see how long I can last before I get the urge to add a bow.  Hope everyone is keeping well and crafting again.  This year I have two lots of Wedding Invitations to do, so that will keep me busy along with knitting and sewing with a few cards along the way.  Hugs Rita xxxxx


Sunday, 7 January 2018

Christmas Card Club 2018. Challenge 1 :Elves

Hello Everyone and Welcome once again to our Christmas Card Club 2018.  The very first January challenge was chosen by Margaret ( Dutchess ) to us ladies.   I searched and hunted through all my stamps and lo and behold no elves at all.  So I'm afraid it was back to images for me and my goal this year is to make 2 cards for each challenge.  Pictures are not so good as I took them at night, something I don't normally do.  All glittered up and  my first two cards have met the challenge.
  Our first Grand-Daughter Julie got engaged at Christmas and so we all had a great celebration at Annie & Ronnies this year. All sixteen of us together for the first time in a number of years.  We had the best time and it lasted in to the wee sma hours.  New Year was a much quieter affair for us and it was welcomed too.  So this year I have two lots of Wedding Invitations to do as Julies younger sister Louise gets married in 2019 as well, Louise in February and July for Julie. So plenty offers of help as we are very crafty family.   Hope you All had a lovely time and now it is back to the grind of another hopefully successful year.    Thank You All for your encouragement last year as things were not so good, but this year I will put my positive hat on and do my best.  Hugs Rita xxx