Poznan University of Technology
Faculty of Architecture
Abstract During the postwar period in Poland, women in professional careers became a standard. The intention of the communist authorities was to secure as many qualified workers as possible to support the growing economy. On the pretence... more
Despite being very extensive, literature discussing Polish town planning and architecture, especially that of the post-war years, strongly varies in terms of topics and chronology. During the time in question, over a dozen magazines that... more
The changes which have occurred in the perception and recording of space can be regarded as an important cultural change. The familiar and established approach that has unequivocally identified drawing as the source of spatial... more
The late 1970s were marked by a criticism of how the spatial environment had evolved in Poland and by intensified discussions about the problems of housing construction. The massive recession in the construction industry coincided with... more
The materials used by architectural historians to research the post-war period are very limited, and the available archive resources are incomplete and dispersed. In this context, of special significance are other forms of visual... more
Sacred wooden architecture in Poland is a huge and still unrecognised research problem. It covers a number of issues of interdisciplinary character: from the properties of building materials and carpentry techniques, through... more
Systematic research regarding architecture during the communist period in Poland was not conducted until the early 21st century. Despite being very extensive, the literature that discusses Polish town planning and architecture, especially... more
W artykule, na podstawie analizy sytuacji miasta Poznania, wykazano, że status pomnika historii nie musi prowadzić do zahamowania rozwoju miasta w obszarze historycznym, ale pozwala także na jego wielokierunkowy i dynamiczny rozwój.... more
Національний технічний університет, м. Запоріжжя АНАЛІЗ ЗМІЦНЕННЯ ПОВЕРХНЕВИМ ПЛАСТИЧНИМ ДЕФОРМУВАННЯМ НА ОСНОВІ ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ НАПРУЖЕНОГО СТАНУ В ОБЛАСТІ КОНТАКТУ Проведено аналіз розподілу інтенсивності напружень по глибині при стисканні... more
Marciniak Piotr, Polska Kronika Filmowa as a source for research on contemporary Polish architecture. “Images” vol. XXII, no. . Poznań . Adam Mickiewicz University Press. Pp. –. ISSN -X. DOI ./i.... The... more
Percepcja i ocena przestrzeni publicznych, rekreacji i transportu w mieście na przykładzie Rio de Janeiro i Brasílii Perception and evaluation of public spaces, recreation and public transport in the city based on the example of Rio de... more
Percepcja i ocena przestrzeni publicznych, rekreacji i transportu w mieście na przykładzie Rio de Janeiro i Brasílii Perception and evaluation of public spaces, recreation and public transport in the city based on the example of Rio de... more
Porto Alegre, a city in south Brazil, was a pioneer in participatory budgeting in the 1990s, and a decade later it hosted the World Social Forum. These days Porto Alegre is the first place in the world with a Sustainable Innovation Zone.... more
Streszczenie Archetyp architektoniczny, który można zdefiniować jako ponadczasowe odniesienie dla odpowiadającej mu typologii budowli, pozostaje w sferze intelektu. Jego wartości koncepcyjne mogą jednakże zostać przeniesione na określone... more
The goal of the presented paper is to investigate the potential positive influence that integrating the creative industries within the concept of the creative city can have on the quality of public spaces. The primary supposition is that... more
Défini comme «la fabrication des lieux», le placemaking repose non pas seulement sur un vocabulaire architectural recherché, mais aussi sur une union harmonieuse de l’architecture et du site. Pour Louis I. Kahn, le rôle que le territoire... more
Designed by the architect Louis I. Kahn, the Phillips Exeter Academy Library is renowned mostly for the quality of its inner spaces. Particularly, the image of the building’s central void with its large circular openings giving an insight... more