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      EconomicsInternational RelationsPolitical Science
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      Informal SectorCase Study
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsMacroeconomicsPolitical Economy
This paper examines the impact of trade liberalization and effective exchange rate on export growth for Pakistan, using Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). The study is based on annual time series data for the period 1981-2010.The... more
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      EconometricsMacroeconomicsTrade LiberalizationMacroeconomics (Business cycles, Nominal and real rigidities, DSGE models)
Financial Inclusion is considered an important means to realize the goal of inclusive economic growth. Present study examines the state of financial inclusion and its significance for inclusive growth in Pakistan. Empirical analysis... more
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      Financial EconomicsEconomic Growth
Financial Inclusion is considered an important means to realize the goal of inclusive economic growth. Present study examines the state of financial inclusion and its significance for inclusive growth in Pakistan. Empirical analysis... more
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      Development EconomicsEconomic GrowthMacroeconomía
Convergence debate has been an important topic of economic growth literature. This article aims to investigate convergence at assorted level of disaggregation among a sample of almost 60 countries. It has tested absolute and conditional... more
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      MacroeconomicsEconomic Growth
Social cohesion is not only desired for societal and political constancy but a prerequisite for sustainable economic growth and development as well. There are several factors which can mark social solidity. Current study employs the Least... more
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      GlobalizationLinguistic Diversity (Languages And Linguistics)
Mostly economists believe that due to nonexistence of agglomeration economies, there are less chances of employment spatial distribution in an economy. Following the strands of previous literature about agglomeration special impacts, this... more
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    • Economics
Fiscal policy plays a significant role in achieving inclusive economic growth as it can reduce inequalities, mitigate poverty and generate productive employment opportunities by regulating public expenditures and taxes. Current research... more
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Social cohesion is not only desired for societal and political constancy but a prerequisite for sustainable economic growth and development as well. There are several factors which can mark social solidity. Current study employs the Least... more
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      GlobalizationPolitical SciencePolitical Studies
This study investigates the long-run relationship between youth unemployment and net immigration in Ontario, Canada where youth is defined as ages between 15-24. Two different models are estimated based on different definitions of youth.... more
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The development process in Asia over past few decades has given rise to widespread income disparities. Present study is conducted to examine the income convergence process for a set of 40 Asian countries for the time period 1980 to... more
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    • Economics
Convergence debate has been an important topic of economic growth literature. This article aims to investigate convergence at assorted level of disaggregation among a sample of almost 60 countries. It has tested absolute and conditional... more
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      Development EconomicsMacroeconomicsEconomic Growth
Financial Inclusion is considered an important means to realize the goal of inclusive economic growth. Present study examines the state of financial inclusion and its significance for inclusive growth in Pakistan. Empirical analysis... more
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      Development EconomicsFinancial EconomicsInstitutional EconomicsEconomic Growth
The present study examines the determinants of male labour force participation in district Lahore, Pakistan. The authors have collected data from age cohort 18-64 years by primary source. The results are tested by using logit model. The... more
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      Social Science Research NetworkDemographic economicsWorkforceCohort
Cotton sector, one of the most important sectors of agriculture, plays a pivot role in the socio-economic uplift of Pakistan as its contribution to agriculture value addition is 5.5 % and to GDP is 1 %. It along with low wage cost also... more
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      EconomicsEconomics and Development studies
The international capital flows and the factors influencing them are imperative in this era of globalization and financial liberalization. This paper empirically examines the role of institutional quality in enticing foreign capital flows... more
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The present study has measured the cereal export competitiveness of Pakistan in global economy by utilizing different indices of Revealed comparative advantage (RCA): Balassa index (RCA), Vollrath index (RCA#), Revealed symmetric... more
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    • Economics and Development studies
This study aims at measuring the comparative advantage and competitiveness of the ASEAN-5 (Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand) economies in the world market. The current study employed four indices of Revealed... more
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      BusinessEconomics and Development studies