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This contribution intends to enlighten the dynamics of the process of ethnic-identitary construction of Italian immigrants and descendents in Brazil in the period between the two World Wars. In the context of the crisis of liberal... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of EducationContemporary HistoryHistory of textbooks
This book, through a wide information material, retraces the complex history of textbook in Italy between unification and the rise of fascism. At the same time, the research gathers all legislation and rules concerning textbook during the... more
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    • History of Education
This book, through a wide information material, retraces the complex history of textbook in Italy between unification and the rise of fascism. At the same time, the research gathers all legislation and rules concerning textbook during the... more
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      History of EducationHistory of textbooks
This paper wants to give an account of the first results of an ongoing investigation that has had as its specific object of study the production and the circulation of primers and reading exercise booklets which belong to one of the less... more
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      History of EducationHistory of Reading and WritingHistory of Reading
This paper summarizes the most recent studies on primary school teachers' associative phenomenon in Italy between Unification and late Ninteenth century. The aim of this paper is to trace the evolution of associations and the transition... more
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    • History of teacher education
Between the second half of the nineteenth century and the first decades of the twentieth century, the development of Italian educational institutions has been associated with new processes. The needs related to the formation of... more
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      MigrationMigration StudiesEducation and Migration
Astratto All'inizio degli anni Venti del Novecento in Italia, a cavallo tra la crisi delle istituzioni liberali e l'ascesa del fascismo, furono prodotti nuovi libri di testo per le scuole italiane all'estero al fine di sostenere il... more
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      Education and MigrationHistory textbooksItalian Ethnic Schools
Resumo No início da segunda década do século 20, na Itália, entre a crise das instituições liberais e a ascensão do fascismo, foram produzidos novos livros didáticos para as escolas italianas no exterior, a fim de apoiar o relacionamento... more
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      History of EducationEducation and MigrationHistory textbooks
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      Educational ResearchSocial History
Este artigo pretende investigar o processo histórico das políticas de produção dos livros escolares adotadas pela classe dirigente italiana para as escolas no exterior a fim de oferecer uma contribuição para o entendimento das dinâmicas... more
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      History of EducationTransnational migration
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      Education and MigrationItalian migration
This collection of papers has its origins back in a meeting that took place in Caxias do Sul (Brazil), on September 11th and 12th, 2018, with scholars of Brazilian and Italian universities interested in migration and history of education.... more
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      Education and MigrationHistory of Education and Migration
The article aims to investigate the role of Italica Gens in Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) along the phenomenon of Italian colonization and immigration. After illustrating the origins of this Catholic federation, the text analyses the... more
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      Education and MigrationItalian Ethnic SchoolsHistory of Education and Migration
The phenomenon of the ethnic press in the context of Rio Grande do Sul was rich and can be included in the more general movement of the Italian diaspora worldwide. Today, the study of the ethnic press reflects the dynamic, which has... more
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      Education and MigrationEthnic pressHistory of Education and Migration
The article discusses elements of the school process between Italian immigrants and Italian descendants established in the city of Porto Alegre, capital of Rio Grande do Sul, highlighting the period from 1928 to 1938, in which there is... more
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      Brazilian HistoryEducation and MigrationItalian Ethnic SchoolsHistory of Education and Migration
O artigo ilustra a origem e os desenvolvimentos da musealização em âmbito pedagógico e escolar na Itália, no período entre a segunda metade do século XIX e as duas primeiras décadas do século XX. Durante este período, os museus da... more
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      History of MuseumsHistória Da EducaçãoMuseus EscolaresPatrimónio histórico educativo
L'idea di proporre un numero monografico sul tema della dimensione locale nella ricerca storico-educativa è nata dalla volontà di riflettere su alcune considerazioni di carattere generale proposte in questi ultimi anni da coloro che, tra... more
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      History of EducationLocal History
VIII Jornadas científicas de la SEPHE-I Congresso Nazionale della SIPSE ABSTRACT: Le relazioni didattiche elaborate dagli insegnanti rientrano tra le fonti utili a far luce sulle caratteristiche delle pratiche educative e didattiche e si... more
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      History of EducationBrasilItalian Ethnic Schools
L’articolo approfondisce l’origine e lo sviluppo delle scuole italiane sussidiate dal regio governo italiano nel Rio Grande do Sul durante la seconda e terza fase della colonizzazione degli immigrati italiani nello specifico contesto... more
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      History of EducationBrazilian HistoryEducation and MigrationContemporary Italian History and Politics
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      History of EducationBrazilian HistoryMigration StudiesEducation and Migration