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This work offers some justifiable measure through critical examination of the preacher, writer, speaker and broadcaster the Revd Dr Colin Morris: a practical, communicative theologian and often a controversialist. It carefully examines... more
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This paper was given at 'Sapienza' University of Rome at the invitation of le Chiese metodiste in Italia on 3 Dec 2012. It explores a distinctive contribution of Methodism to contemporary global mission through the optic of 'covenant'
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      Wesleyan Methodist Missionary SocietyMethodist TheologyWorld ChristianityGlobal Missions
A conference paper given in Britain and Ireland to Methodists engaged in global mission. It explores the implications of the phrase in the Methodist Covenant prayer, 'Rank me with whom you will'.
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      MethodismContextual MissiologyGlobal Missions
A keynote address exploring ideological, missiological and linguistic challenges in cross-cultural communication, prompted by the Emmaus road appearance of Jesus to his disciples in Luke 24.
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A lecture with discussion prompts given to ministers of the London Methodist District Synod inspired by material in Jeremiah 1 and Acts 6
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Book review published the Journal of Adult Theological Education, November 2014.
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    • Adult Theological Education
A discussion activity for small, globally diverse groups; exposing issues of sameness and difference in response to a variety of life  scenarios, and drawing out implications for mission in plural contexts
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      Cross-Cultural CommunicationWorld ChristianityGlobal Missions
A paper given at a colloquium on the ethics of short-term mission, Chicago 2007, with particular reference to a Methodist/Anglican Experience Exchange Programme operated from the UK.
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    • Global Missions
exposed to and schooled in through Western philosophy, anthropology, theology and political science: the myriad words and ideas, took on flesh with intelligibility, simplicity and dignity in the form of those with whom he sat, ate, wrote... more
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Education by Extension tutorial on themes of Aldersgate and John Wesley's diary keeping as a spiritual resource for today
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      TheologyMethodismJohn WesleyTheological Reflection
A class exercise to grow confidence in exegeting a familiar bible passage using context and experience
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      ChristianityTheologyBibleNew testament exegesis
Group reflection from the Pacific Theological College's Education by Extension tutorial emerging from exercises in contextual exegesis
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      ChristianityTheologySynoptic GospelsTheological Reflection
A class exercise to assist extension learners to evaluate progress in theological education using  simple, devotional insights from John's gospel
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      ChristianityTheologyTheological EducationBiblical Exegesis
Exploring how scripture, tradition, reason and experience  become tools to reflect on a contemporary case study in ethics from Papua New Guinea
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This paper was presented to the 37th Asia-Pacific Conference of Correctional Administrators, Denarau, Fiji, 9 Nov 2017. The Conference theme was 'Restorative justice – a tool for effective rehabilitation'. The paper argues that... more
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      TheologyCorrectional RehabilitationBiblical StudiesAsia Pacific Region