Dissertação Versao Final MBosholn 22 03 2015
Dissertação Versao Final MBosholn 22 03 2015
Dissertação Versao Final MBosholn 22 03 2015
Manaus, Amazonas
Março 2015
Manaus, Amazonas
Março 2015
B743 Bosholn, Mariane
Seleção sexual em multi-escalas: efeitos da malária aviária sobre o
comportamento de leque e preferência da fêmea do uirapuru-de-coroa-azul
(Lepidothrix coronata, Aves: Pipridae) / Mariane Bosholn. --- Manaus: [s.n.],
59 f. : il. color.
CDD 631.4
Aos tangarás e à Floresta Amazônica
Aos meus orientadores, Dra. Marina Anciães e Dr. Alan Fecchio pela orientação, confiança,
Espero poder retribuir toda a ajuda que tive durante todo este tempo.
MCTI/CNPq N º 14/2012 – Faixa C) pela bolsa de pesquisa e pelo financiamento dado para
e Centro Nacional de Pesquisa para Conservação das Aves Silvestres – CEMAVE (Número:
À David McDonald, Ph.D.; Renata Durães, Ph.D; Erik Johnson, Ph.D; Dr. Igor Kaefer, Dr.
Fabrício Baccaro e Dra. Thais Bilalba, pelas contribuições que fizeram ao meu meu plano de
do “Ramal do 10” – Km 100 da BR 319, que tão gentilmente nos receberam durante as
excursões de campo.
Guilherme, Ayres e Zelão) que auxiliaram na coleta de dados na BR 319. Agradeço por toda
ajuda durante o trabalho de campo, pela amizade, pela ótima convivência, e por serem
parceiros de todas as horas. Sem vocês as excursões de campo não teriam sido realizadas.
Aos colegas da Ecologia INPA 2013/2015, pelo convívio, amizade e todo apoio durante o
Aos amigos de Santa Maria (RS) e Manaus (AM), em especial ao “Bando Misto” (Tainara,
Dilson, Patricia e Jean) e ao Pedro, companheiros do meu dia-a-dia, parceiros de tantas horas
e há tantas horas. Pelos momentos que passamos juntos, divertidos ou difíceis. Enfim, pelo
apoio em simplesmente tudo, e por estarem sempre presentes, mesmo estando a quilômetros
de distância.
Aos meus pais, Ivan e Vera, e minha irmã, Carolina, pelo exemplo de família que são, pelo
carinho, ensinamentos, e por toda confiança que foi depositada em mim. Muito obrigada por
acreditar, torcer e apoiar na realização desta pesquisa; por toda estrutura familiar que me
A todos que contribuíram de alguma maneira para a realização deste trabalho, muito
“Eles passarão
Eu passarinho...”
(Mario Quintana)
componentes deste afetados pelo parasitismo. Por isso, investigamos se a infecção por
infecção por Plasmodium afetou a atividade dos machos, bem como a escolha das fêmeas. E,
mesmo visitando tanto machos infectados quanto não infectados, as fêmeas discriminam os
mesmos pela sua atividade, visitando machos que vocalizam e dançam mais, os quais, são
menos infectados. Assim, sugere-se o papel da atividade de vocalização e dança dos machos
exibições dos machos seriam um importante sinalizador para a seleção sexual, uma vez que
estar, ou não, infectado por Plasmodium spp.. Trabalhos futuros que testem a herança das
preferências e das atividade dos machos auxiliarão no entendimento do papel evolutivo dos
sinalização honesta.
Infection by blood parasites of the genus Plasmodium can affect survival and reproduction in
the host, and may affect the expression of sexual selection traits. Although different studies
still uncertain which fitness components are affected by the parasites. Hence, few studies have
addressed the role of parasites in honest signalling among lekking species. Here, we
affected male activities, as well as female choice. Furthemore, despite similar visiting
frequencies to both infected and uninfected males, they were more frequent to males that
vocalized and danced more, which were more frequently not infected. Therefore, we suggest a
role of male vocalization and dance rates as honest signals for females, indicating male
immunity in the studied population. Thus, male exhibitions would function as an important
signal for sexual selection, used by females as cues about the probability of a male being
infected. Future studies testing the inheritance of female preferences and male behaviour rates
will add to the understanding of the role of such behaviors in the evolution of mechanisms of
RESUMO..................................................................................................................... VII
LISTA DE FIGURAS................................................................................................... XI
OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS........................................................................................ 5
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................. 10
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 11
RESULTS ...................................................................................................................... 19
DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................ 21
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................... 27
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 27
TABLES ........................................................................................................................ 36
FIGURES ...................................................................................................................... 38
CONCLUSÃO............................................................................................................... 44
ANEXOS ....................................................................................................................... 45
Tabela 01: Índices para condição corporal e comportamento dos machos adultos de
Figura 01: Mapa da área de estudo, módulo de pesquisa “Manaquiri”, Amazonas, Brasil. O
quadrado representa o módulo amostrado, e os pontos em preto (blackdots) representam os
leks. Adaptado de: http://ppbio.inpa.gov.br/sitios/br319/infra/km100....................................38
Figura 03: Gráficos relacionando o (a) log da taxa de vocalização total do lek por minuto; e
(b) taxa de dança total do lek por minuto; com a prevalência de malária no lek......................40
Figura 04: Gráficos comparando (a) o resíduo do log da taxa de vocalização por minuto; e (b)
resíduo da taxa de dança por minuto; entre machos adultos infectados e não-infectados por
Plasmodium spp........................................................................................................................41
Figura 06: Gráficos demonstrando a relação entre o comportamento social dos machos de
L.coronata e frequência de visitas de fêmeas. a) Efeito da taxa de vocalização do indivíduo
por minuto (log) sobre a frequência de visitas de fêmeas aos machos adultos; b) efeito da taxa
de dança do indivíduo por minuto sobre a frequência de visitas de fêmeas aos machos adultos;
c) efeito da taxa interação do indivíduo sobre a frequência de visitas de fêmeas aos machos
A vida em grupo traz diversos benefícios aos animais que apresentam comportamento
social (Alexander 1974, Breed et al. 2004, revisão em Kob e Heinze 2008, Jones et al. 2010).
spp. (Daviews et al. 1991, Tella 2002, Nunn e Heymann 2005), já que a formação de
probabilidade de infecção (Caillaud et al. 2013). Indivíduos infectados com Plasmodium spp.
tem sua condição corporal afetada, pois perdem massa corporal e sofrem redução nos
estoques de gordura (revisão em Atkinson e Van Ripper III 1991, revisão em Valkiūnas
2005, Willians 2005). Infecções por Plasmodium spp. também pode modificar as
características fenotípicas dos hospedeiros, podendo ocasionar redução em seu fitness, já que
prejudica a expressão das exibições reprodutivas dos individuos infectados (Buchanan et al.
1999, Gilman et al. 2007, Knowles et al. 2010, Asghar et al. 2011). Estas exibições podem
servir como indicadores honestos de resistência genética dos machos a doenças e parasitos,
sendo um importante sinalizador para a seleção sexual, como previsto pela Hipótese dos
parasitos (Hamilton e Zuk 1982). Essa hipótese prevê tanto benefícios diretos quanto indiretos
para a fêmea e sua prole, sendo, portanto, determinante durante a escolha de um macho
(Hamilton e Zuk, 1982, Able 1996, revisão em Beltran-Bech e Richard 2014). Afinal, as
chances da fêmea ser infectada por patógenos durante visitas à machos saudáveis são
relativamente pequenas (Able 1996, revisão em Beltran-Bech e Richard 2014). Além disso, ao
escolherem se reproduzir com machos com características sexuais secundárias que sinalizem
honestamente sua maior qualidade genética, as fêmeas estão contribuindo para aumentar a
em arenas para atrair fêmeas, facilitando a comparação e escolha entre machos para cópula
(Bradbury e Gibson 1983). Nesse sistema, não há defesa de recursos pelos machos, que
fornecem apenas o sêmen para as fêmeas, sem haver necessariamente uma associação entre a
diretos ou indiretos dos machos para as fêmeas em leks. De fato, modelos teóricos preveem
que preferências arbitrárias das fêmeas seriam suficientes para a evolução de caracteres
Kirkpatrick e Ryan 1991, Andersson 1994, Kuijper et al. 2012; testado em Prum 1997). Tal
em leks, conforme já testado em diversos trabalhos (Endler e McLellan 1988, Endler e Thery
1996, Heidl e Winkler 2003ab, Gomez e Théry 2004, Uy e Stein 2007, Anciães e Prum 2008),
incluindo a hipótese dos parasitos (Boyce 1990, Johnson e Boyce 1991, Höglund et al. 1992,
A hipótese dos parasitos (Hamilton e Zuk, 1982, revisão em Kirkpatrick e Ryan 1991)
propõe a existência de sinalizações diferenciadas entre machos dentro dos leks, e isso teria um
efeito sobre a preferência da fêmea, podendo haver visitação distinta a machos com
trabalhos testaram esta hipótese em espécies com sistema de acasalamento de leks (Boyce
1990, Johnson e Boyce 1991, Höglund et al. 1992), e não houve consenso entre os resultados
encontrados (Höglund et al. 1992, Lebigre et al. 2013). Assim, não se sabe ao certo quais os
efeitos dos parasitos sobre os caracteres sexuais dos machos, a preferência de fêmeas de
espécies com sistema de acasalamento de lek e se, de fato, espécies deste sistema apresentam
esse mecanismo de preferência. Por isso, são necessários estudos a fim de compreender se
parasitos realmente comprometem o comportamento de machos, e se a escolha da fêmea é
das espécies que possui sistema reprodutivo de leks poligínicos (Snow 1963, Sick 1967,
Skutch 1969, Snow 2004, Durães 2009a). Os machos realizam exibições reprodutivas dentro
de leks explodidos, que podem ter até sete indivíduos (Anciães et al. 2009,Durães 2009a,
revisão em Kirwan e Green 2012). Interações entre machos adultos são relativamente comuns
(Durães 2009a). Durante essas associações, além de executar exibições de dança, os machos
de L. coronata também vocalizam em dueto. Essas vocalizações são emitidas nos poleiros de
dança e são boas previsoras do sucesso reprodutivo dos indivíduos machos adultos, indicando
que as fêmeas preferem os machos que vocalizam mais dentro de cada lek (Durães et al. 2008,
2009b). Além disso, fêmeas preferem machos que interagem com outros indivíduos durante
duetos vocais e durante exibições de dança, já que isso pode promover tanto benefícios diretos
quanto indiretos para as mesmas (Durães et al. 2009b, revisão em Diaz-Munhoz 2014).
diferentes espécies (Hamilton e Zuk 1982, Schall 1983, Marzal et al. 2005), hipotetizamos
multiescalas, tanto em nível de lek quanto em nível individual. Em nível de lek, esperamos
que haja, no total, menos vocalização e dança em arenas com alta prevalência de Plasmodium
spp, havendo variação nestas atividades entre machos dentro dos leks. Ainda, dada a maior
prevalência de malária observada em maiores agrupamentos (Daviews et al. 1991, Tella 2002,
Nunn e Heymann 2005), esperamos que os indivíduos sejam mais infectados em leks onde
haja maior interação entre os machos. Os leks com alta prevalência de Plasmodium spp.
seriam, entretanto, os mais visitados pelas fêmeas, com elas preferindo leks com mais
esperamos que a probabilidade de ser infectado pelo vetor seja maior para machos que
interajam mais. Além disso, esperamos que Plasmodium spp. tenham efeito negativo sobre o
frequência de vistas das fêmeas a machos mais ativos e, uma vez que os comportamentos
Plasmodium spp., as visitas das fêmeas também seriam afetadas pela infecção. Assim, as
fêmeas visitariam mais machos não-infectados por Plasmodium spp. Vale ressaltar que as
somente a frequência de exibições reprodutivas individuais (Durães et al. 2008, 2009b et al.)
ou apenas o grau de interação entre machos independentemente da identidade dos leks (Diaz-
Munhoz et al. 2014) como previsores do comportamento das fêmeas. Afinal, a frequência de
exibições poderia ser independente do número de machos interagindo dentro do lek para a
população em estudo e, sobretudo, que a preferência de fêmeas pode não refletir o grau de
Testar as hipóteses de que:
prevalência de Plasmodium spp., que por sua vez tem efeito negativo sobre a taxa
3) A frequência de visitas de fêmeas é maior em leks com alta taxa de interação total
dança, interação entre indivíduos ao todo para cada lek e para cada macho dentro
dos leks.
Capítulo 1
Effects of avian malaria on male behavior and female visitation in lekking Blue-
crowned Manakins
*Corresponding author
3 If you are sick, you shall not reproduce! Avian malaria causes serious damage to
4 sick individuals. This explains why male Blue-crowned Manakins infected with Malaria
5 sing and dance less than uninfected individuals. Because females like active males, who
6 are also healthy, they avoid visiting those who are sick. Healthy males are therefore
7 more atractive, and might be better for females and their offspring, since their risk of
10 Effects of avian malaria on male behavior and female visitation in lekking Blue-
11 crowned Manakins
13 Infection by blood parasites of the genus Plasmodium can affect survival and
14 reproduction in the host, and may affect the expression of sexual selection traits.
16 reproductive success of hosts, it is still uncertain which fitness components are affected
17 by the parasites. Hence, few studies have addressed the role of parasites in honest
19 spp. compromises rates of vocalization, dance and social interaction of male Blue-
24 both infected and uninfected males, they were more frequent to males that vocalized and
25 danced more, which were more frequently not infected. Therefore, we suggest a role of
26 male vocalization and dance rates as honest signals for females, indicating male
28 important signal for sexual selection, used by females as cues about the probability of a
29 male being infected. Future studies testing the inheritance of female preferences and
30 male behaviour rates will add to the understanding of the role of such behaviors in the
36 Living in groups brings many benefits to animals (Alexander 1974, Breed et al.
37 2004; review in Korb and Heinze 2008, Jones et al. 2010). However, social behaviors
38 also favors the transmission of pathogens such as Plasmodium spp. (Daviews et al.
39 1991, Tella 2002, Nunn and Heymann 2005), because spatial aggregation of hosts
41 et al. 2013). Individuals infected by Plasmodium spp. have their body condition
42 affected, since they lose body mass and suffer reductions in fat reserves (Williams 2005;
43 review in Atkinson and Van Ripper III 1991, Valkiūnas 2005). Species of the genus
44 Plasmodium also modify phenotypic characters of infected individuals, which may lead
46 (Buchanan et al. 1999, Gilman et al. 2007, Knowles et al. 2010, Asghar et al. 2011).
47 Such displays may serve as honest indicators of genetic resistance of males to diseases
48 and parasites, acting as an important signal for sexual selection, as predicted by the
49 Parasite Hypothesis (Hamilton and Zuk 1982). This hypothesis predicts both direct and
50 indirect benefits for the female and its offspring, hence being determinant when
51 choosing a male (Hamilton and Zuk 1982, Able 1996; review in Beltran-Bech and
52 Richard 2014). After all, chances of the female being infected by pathogens, while
53 visiting healthy males, are relatively small (Able 1996; review in Beltran-Bech and
54 Richard 2014). Besides, when choosing to reproduce with males presenting secondary
55 sex characteristics that honestly signals high genetic quality, females are contributing to
57 In species that present polygynous lek mating system, males aggregate in arenas
58 to attract females, facilitating comparison and choice between males for copulation
59 (Bradbury and Gibson 1983). In this system, males provide only semen for females, and
61 associated to female choice (Bradbury and Gibson 1983). According to this cencept,
62 there would be little opportunity for the evolution of honest signals indicating male
63 quality to females in leks. In fact, theoretical models predict that arbitrary female
66 preferred male traits (Runway Selection of Fisher 1915, Lande 1981 and Kirkpatrick
67 1982; reviews in Kirkpatrick and Ryan 1991, Andersson 1994, Kokko et al. 2006, Prum
68 2010; tested in Prum 1997). However, such model does not exclude the existence of
69 other mechanisms of female choice in leks (Prum 2010, 2012), accordingly tested in
70 several works (Endler and McLellan 1988, Endler and Thery 1996, Heindl and Winkler
71 2003ab, Gomez and Théry 2004, Uy and Stein 2007, Anciães and Prum 2008),
72 including the Parasite Hypothesis (Hamilton e Zuk 1982, Boyce 1990, Johnson and
73 Boyce 1991, Höglund et al. 1992; review in Kirkpatrick and Ryan 1991).
75 Kirkpatrick and Ryan 1991) there would be differential signalizations among males
76 within leks reflecting their degree of parasitism, which would affect female choice.
77 Only a few studies have tested this hypothesis in species with lek mating system, and
78 there is no consensus among their results (Boyce 1990, Gibson 1990, Johnson and
79 Boyce 1991, Höglund et al. 1992, Lebigre et al. 2013). Therefore, it is unclear what are
80 the effects of parasites on secondary sexual traits of males and on female choice in this
81 system and if, in fact, species in this system present such a preference mechanism.
82 Therefore, studies of lekking species focuising on the Parasite Hypothesis will provide
83 further comprehension on the effect of parasites on male behavior and female choice in
84 leks.
86 Pipridae), perform courtship displays in exploded leks (Snow 1963, 2004; Sick 1967,
87 Skutch 1969, Anciães et al. 2009, Durães 2009a; review in Kirwan and Green 2012),
88 and group displays with up to seven males, including individuals with both pre-
89 definitive and definitive plumage, are relatively commom. During these associations,
90 besides performing aerial and on-perch dispays, males vocalize from display perches as
91 part of their courtship behavior. These vocalizations were indeed good predictors of
92 male reproductive success within a population, since females preferred males with
93 highest vocalization rates on each lek (Durães et al. 2008, 2009b). Furthemore, in some
94 manakin species, females preferred males that interacted with other individuals in vocal
95 duetting and group displays, suggesting that these social behaviors can promote direct
97 Because Plasmodium spp. have negative effect over fitness in different host
98 species (Hamilton and Zuk 1982, Schall 1983, Marzal et al. 2005), it may also
99 compromise the behavior of males and females L. coronata, both at lek and individual
100 levels. At the lek level, an increase in prevalence of Plasmodium spp. could reduce
101 vocalization and display rates, with variation in these activities among males within
102 leks. Still, given the higher prevalence or Plasmodium spp. observed in larger groups
103 (Daviews et al. 1991, Tella 2002, Nunn and Heymann 2005), a higher frequency of
104 individuals would be infected in leks with higher interaction among males. However,
105 considering female preferences for increased interaction among males (Díaz-Muñoz
106 2014), there would be higher frequency of female visitation to leks with higher
107 prevalences of Plasmodium spp.. At the individual level, the probability of being
108 infected by the vector would be higher for males that interact more with other males.
109 Besides, Plasmodium spp. would have a negative effect on the behavior of male
110 individuals, in which infected birds would present decreased corporal condition and
111 vocalization and display rates. Lastly, females would visit most active males more
112 often. If indeed these behaviors are preferred, and are compromised by incidence of
113 Plasmodium spp., then female visitation would be also affected by the infection and,
114 consequently, females would visit uninfected males more often. It is worth mentioning
115 that the presented hypotheses differ from those tested in previous studies, which
116 consider only either individual display frequencies (Durães et al. 2008, 2009b et al.), or
117 the degree of interaction among males, regardless of lek identity (Díaz-Muñoz et al.
118 2014), as cues for female behavior. Here, we consider the possibility that male display
119 frequencies could be independent of the number of males interacting inside a lek in the
120 studied population and, especially, that female choice may not reflect the degree of
121 interaction among male individuals, but whether males are infected by Plasmodium spp.
123 compromises male social behavior of lekking blue-crowned manakin, and if female
124 choice varies in multiscales (leks and individuals) in a population from Central
125 Amazon. To do so, we specifically tested the hypotheses that: (i) at lek level, the rate of
126 total interaction among males is correlated to the prevalence of Plasmodium spp., which
127 in turn has a negative effect over the total rate of both vocalization and dance for each
128 lek; (ii) at individual level, the presence of Plasmodium spp. which also affect
129 negatively the body condition of males and females, as well as vocalization and display
130 rates, and rate of interaction among males; (iii) frequencies of female visitation are
131 higher in leks with high rates of total interaction among males, despite the predicted
132 higher prevalence of Plasmodium spp. in these leks, and to males that are not infected
133 by Plasmodium spp., being positively related to the total vocalization and display rates
138 We carried out the fieldwork in a research site from the Biodiversity Research
139 Program (PPBio) located aproximatedly 100 km from Manaus along the 319 Highway,
140 within the Purus-Madeira interfluvium and south of the Amazon River in Amazonas
141 State, Brazil (Figure 1). The study area lies within a well preserved terra-firme forest
142 composed of dense vegetation typical of ombrophilous forests with emerging canopy
143 (RADAM Brasil 1978). The climate in the region is characterized by high pluviosity
144 (2000 mm), with annual average temperature of 27°C, and the geomorphology consists
145 of large tabular interfluves with plain topography (RADAM Brasil 1978) and altitudes
146 ranging from 30 to 50 meters. The presence of micro-terrain with altitudes ranging from
147 one to three meters is frequent and favors the formation of temporary pools on the site
152 from the L. c. coronata complex, in which male plumages present considerable amounts
153 of greenish plumage in the body, wings and tail feathers (Hellmayr 1929, Anciães et al.
154 2009, Kirwan and Green 2012), representing intermediary forms between the black-
155 bodied males typical of the species and the green-bodied forms from southwestern
156 Amazon. In spite of their green plumage feathers, definitive plumaged males can easily
157 be differentiated from those in pre-definitive plumages by the blackish plumage in the
159 We collected data for individuals present in ten leks, during the reproductive
160 seasons of 2013 (October and November) and 2014 (June and July). Display perches of
161 adult males were located through continuous acoustic census and visual search along
162 trails. Lekking behavior was diagnosed by persistence of individuals in perches across
163 consecutive days and by observation of behavioral elements typical of their courtship
164 displays (Durães 2009a). After locating individual perches, we used approximately
165 fifteen mist nets with 12 meters in length by 3 meters in heigth in each lek, close to the
166 display perches, for two consecutive days. We captured 67 blue-crowned manakins
167 individuals, measured their body mass with a dynamometer (in grams) and their tarsus
168 length with a digital caliper (in millimeters), and verified presence of brood patch for
169 preliminary sexing of green-plumaged birds. We marked individuals with two colored
170 bands on the right tarsus and a metallic band on the left tarsus. We collected one blood
171 sample of approximately 50 ul from each individual through puncture of the brachial
172 vein, using a disposable hypodermic needle and microcapillaries. The blood was stored
173 in microtubes with approximately 1 ml of 95% ethanol until DNA extraction. Because
174 of the conspicuous sexual dimorphism typical of the species (Hellmayr 1929, Sick
175 1967, Snow 2004, Ryder and Durães 2005, Kirwan and Green 2012), we sexed
176 individuals in the field according to the color of their plumage. Males with olive-green
177 and black body plumage with a bright blue crown were classified as adult males in
178 definitive plumage, whereas individuals with predominantly green plumage were
179 classified as individuals of unkown sex. The gender of these individuals was determined
180 through molecular sexing using protocols described elsewhere (Ito et al. 2003). The
181 entire sampling was conducted with proper authorization from the Instituto Chico
188 focal sampling with five-minute intervals (Altman 1974). The observation protocol
189 included, for each observation interval, sampling the total number of vocalizations and
190 emitted by each focal male, occurrence of courtship displays, number of adult males
191 interacting with the focal male during vocalizations and displays, and frequency of
192 observed females visits. The frequency of female visits was considered the proxy for
193 female choice. We considered as visiting events, those in which both banded and non-
194 banded females, and both infected and uninfected females visited the display perches.
195 Females do not frequently vocalize, when compared to young and adult males (Durães
196 2009a). That being the case, in every event in which a non-banded, green-feathered
197 individual visited a perch occupied by an adult male, and remained in front of them
198 without emitting vocalizations, that individual was also considered to be a female.
199 Vocalization, displays, and interaction behavior among young males were not
200 considered because these individuals present a nomadic behavior, and may visit several
203 Molecular diagnosis of blood parasites
204 DNA extractions were screened by Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction to detect
205 haemosporidian DNA following the protocol developed by Hellgren et al. (2004). This
206 protocol uses parasite-specific primers targeting a 479 bp fragment of the cytochrome b
207 gene (cyt b) of Plasmodium and Haemoproteus. Positive and negative controls were
208 included in all PCR runs. The product of the second PCR, from infected individuals,
209 was purified according to Sambrook et al. (2001). In order to identify the species of
210 parasite, the product of the PCR from individuals considered parasitized was sequenced
211 after purification, according to the protocol described in Lacorte et al. (2013).
214 We calculated several indexes to summarize the social behaviors of males and
215 females observed at individual perches and leks (Table 1). Vocalization rates are
216 presented for one-minute intervals. Collinearity among behavioral indexes were tested
217 through Pearson correlations (Table 2). Prevalence of infection by Plasmodium spp.
218 may vary seasonally (Bensch et al. 2007, Hellgren et al. 2013) and, for this reason, we
219 tested for similarity in prevalence of individuals captured infected between years (χ² 1 =
220 1.11, P = 0.34). Because there was no difference, we pooled the data for both years in
222 We compared the effects of the occurrence of Plasmodium spp. over the body
223 condition of individuals using Student t-tests between infected and uninfected females
224 and adult males, separatedly for each sex. In order to verify if the prevalence of
225 Plasmodium spp. was related to vocalization and display behaviors at lek level, we used
226 simple linear regressions. The association between prevalence of Plasmodium spp. at
227 leks and the total interaction frequency at leks was tested with Pearson correlation. We
228 compared the behavior of infected individual males to that of uninfected males through
229 Student t-tests for vocalization rate, display and interaction frequencies, separately. The
230 prediction that the frequency of female visits to uninfected males was higher than to
231 infected males, was tested though the Student t-test. Finally, we used simple linear
232 regressions to test the predictions that the frequency of female visits was higher in leks
233 with increased prevalence of Plasmodium spp., being positively related to male
234 vocalization rate, display and interaction frequencies - across leks and among
235 individuals. Non-normal and/or heteroscedastic data was logarithmized. All of the
236 analyses were done through use of the software R version 3.1.1 (R Development Core
240 We captured and observed males in ten leks during the reproductive seasons of
241 2013 and 2014. The number of females and males (juvenile and adults) varied among
243 from which were adult males, 11 were juvenile males and 27 were females. From the
244 total of 29 adult males captured, 28 participated in leks with two to six individuals, and
245 only one participated in a solitary lek ( x +SE = 2.9± 1.44, N = 29). There was also
246 variation among leks in the number of females captured ( x +SE = 2.7± 1.41, N = 27).
247 The frequency of capture of juvenile males was low on average, when compared to the
248 total number of females and adult males captured ( x +SE = 1.1± 0.99, N = 11).
249 Although there were a few female recaptures between different leks, we did not
250 recapture juvenile or adult males across leks. The majority of observed females were
251 also banded. Each adult male captured was observed for two consecutive days ( x +SE =
252 10 hours ± 2.14). The observed adult males were present (vocalizing, displaying or
253 silent) in the leks for 65% of the total observation time.
254 The prevalence of infection by Plasmodium spp. for the captured birds was 35%
255 within adult males and 38% within females. Sequencing of the cyt b DNA fragment
256 revealed the presence of four blood parasite strains from the genus Plasmodium. Among
257 the sequences obtained for Plasmodium from 23 individuals, the Plasmodium sp. Lecor
258 01 strain was prevalent (N = 18), while the other three strains were observed in fewer
259 individuals (strains Plasmodium sp. HMA-2012 isolate BCRM2 (N = 3), Plasmodium
260 sp. G22 (N = 1), and Plasmodium sp. P-T138 isolate NK162353-T138 (N = 1)). The
261 colinearity among individual indexes were all significant, but not for the indexes at lek
262 level. Interaction frequencies at leks were correlated to the number of individuals at the
263 leks (Table 2) The infection caused by Plasmodium spp. did not affect the body
264 condition of adult males (t 28 = 0.61, P = 0.54) nor of females (t 26 = 0.96, P = 0.34). On
265 the other hand, we observed that in leks with high prevalence of infected males there
266 were, in total, less episodes of vocalization and displays (r² 9 = 0.34, P = 0.04 and r² 9 =
267 0.43, P = 0.02 respectively; Figures 3a, b), but the total interaction frequency in these
268 leks remained unaltered by the prevalence of lek infection (r 9 = 0.09, P = 0.78).
269 The frequency of interaction did not differ between infected and uninfected
270 males (t 26 = - 0.37, P = 0.35). However, since both individual vocalization rate and
271 display frequency were correlated with the individual interaction frequency, it is
272 possible that the social interaction had masked the effect of the infection on those
273 individual activities. Therefore, we used the residuals of each of those relations to
274 compare the vocalization rates and display frequencies, respectively, between infected
275 and uninfected males. We observed that, individually, uninfected males vocalized and
276 displayed more than infected males (t 26 = -2.31, P = 0.01 and t 26 = -2.37, P = 0.01
278 The prevalence of infection by Plasmodium spp. in the leks did affect frequency
279 of female visits to the leks (r²9 = -0.06, P = 0.53). The frequency of female visits was
280 also not correlated to the total vocalization rate (r²9 = -0.09, P = 0.66) nor to the total
281 display frequency (r²9 = 0.04, P = 0.26) in leks, when testing for each behavior
282 separately. On the other hand, the frequency of female visits to the display perches was
283 positively correlated to the total interaction frequency inside each lek (r² 9 = 0.39, P =
285 The frequency of female visits to infected individual males did not differ from
286 those to uninfected males (t26 = 0.39, P = 0.69). However, the frequency of visits was
287 related to the social behavior of adult males: individuals that vocalized and displayed
288 more (r²26 = 0.12, P = 0.04 and r² = 0.26, P < 0.01 respectively; Figures 6a, b) were the
289 ones preferred by the females. Besides, the higher the number of males with which an
290 individual interacted, the higher was the number of female visits that individual
293 Our results show that infection by Plasmodium spp did not compromize the
294 body condition of neither males nor females. Our sampling scheme, with mist nets
295 placed close to display perches, may have favored the capture of individuals that were
296 healthy enough to engage in lekking activities, such as uninfected and chronically
297 infected males. In fact, this group of individuals did not present the clinical alterations
298 frequently observed during infection by Plasmodium spp., such as inactivity (review in
299 Atkinson e Van Ripper III 1991). However, inactive males would not contribute to
300 answer our hipotheses and, likewise, sampling outside leks would provide a random
301 sample of the prevalence and effects of the infection in the population, but would not
302 allow us to address explicitly the effect of the parasite on the social behavior of the
303 studied birds, which could only be done by comparing infected and not infected
304 individuals attending arenas and, to some extent, able to perform lekking activities. The
305 behavior of the sampled infected individuals suggests that these individuals were in the
307 spp. Additionally, it is possible that the Plasmodium spp. strains found in blue-crowned
308 manakins are pathogenic only during the acute phase of infection, in which the hosts
309 present high parasitaemia (high abundance of parasites in the bloodstream). During the
310 acute phase, infected individuals would remain quiescent for most of the time and, this
311 way (review in Atkinson e Van Ripper III 1991), would not fall in the mist nets.
312 Moreover, only during the initial acute phase of the disease (high parasitemia), in which
313 hosts are less active and anemic, the malaria parasites could have an effect on bird’s
315 The presence of Plasmodium spp. affected the vocalization and display
316 behaviors of males both at lek and individual levels, corroborating our initial
317 hypothesis. In leks with high prevalence of malaria, uninfected males vocalized and
318 displayed more than infected ones. Such effects on host behavior might be explained by
319 the high pathogenicity of the Plasmodium spp. strains that were found in the studied
320 population, which are in majority phylogenetically related to the clade of morphospecies
322 species that are considered highly pathogenic, such as P. tejerai (Silveira et al. 2013), P.
325 in immunological response in the host (review in Ardia and Schat 2008). Such
327 activities, such as display behaviors within Pipridae, which are considered to be costly
328 (e.g. Manacus Vitellinus, Barske et al. 2014). Therefore, there might be a trade-off
329 between investiments in immune response and breeding activities, such as vocalization
330 and displays. Infected males could therefore invest either in survival or reproductive
331 success. Based on our results, we hypothesized that the infected males invested more in
332 fighting the infection by Plasmodium spp., in an attempt to increase their longevity.
333 Against our prediction, social interaction among males in each lek was not
334 correlated to malaria prevalence. This result may be explained by the fact that
335 Plasmodium spp. are parasites with indirect lifecycles and, therefore, requires both an
336 intermediate and final host to complete their cycles. Since the vectors of Plasmodium
337 spp. are highly mobile mosquitoes, transmission becomes less dependent on the
338 aggregation of individuals and, for that reason, infection patterns tend to be random
339 (Godfrey et al. 2006). We also did not find any relation between the frequency of
340 interaction among individuals and the occurrence of infection by Plasmodium spp. This
341 may also be explained by the fact that malaria transmission depends of the vector
342 mobility, without transmission among individuals. Therefore, when a male becomes
343 infected with Plasmodium spp., the other males that interact with this individual will not
345 Despite the effect of Plasmodium spp. on the vocal rates and display frequencies
346 of male Blue-crowned Manakins, the courtship behavior of L. coronata males were not
347 regulated only by Plasmodium spp. infection. The frequency of social interaction also
348 affected these behaviors and, therefore, had masked the effect of the infection on male
349 activity when social interaction had not been controlled for – such that an infected male
350 could be as active as an unifected male depending on the level of interaction performed
351 with other males. Furthemore, despite the lack of statistical difference in social
352 interaction btween infected and non-infected males, and because more active males
353 interacted more, and were more frequently infected, our data suggest an indirect effect
354 of infection by Plasmodium spp. on social interaction, through the effect of male
355 activity. In fact, during behavioral sampling we observed that as soon as a male started
356 to vocalize, or even head to the display perch, other individuals started to interact with
357 that male, so that higher activity rates performed by one individual urged others to
358 interact. The frequency of social interaction derived for leks, in the other hand, was
359 dictated by lek size (number of males in the lek) and not associated to male activity.
360 These result differs from what Durães et al. (2009b) found for Blue-crowned Manakins
361 in Ecuador, where higher vocalization rates were observed in larger leks. Here, we
362 observed males with high activity and interaction rates, even in leks where social
363 interaction rates were low (i.e. in smaller leks). Therefore, we suggest that, in the
364 studied population, the individual level, and not the lek level like in Durães et al.
366 In our study, females visited more frequently males in larger leks, where total
367 frequency of social interaction was high,, corroborating our hypothesis. This result is in
368 accordance to the female choice hypothesis (Beehler and Foster 1988, review in Diaz-
369 Munhoz 2014), which predicts that females prefer sites where many males interact,
370 making possible to compare their secondary sexual characteristics before selecting a
371 partner. The displays performed during these coalitions may allow females to evaluate
372 which male is the best, considering that counter-singing and group displays can serve as
373 an indicator of genetic quality of the male, showing how coordinated the individuals are
374 (Maynard et al. 2014). The total vocalization rate and total display frequencies derived
375 for leks, in turn, were not used as cues by the females observed in our study. At the
376 largest sampled lek, for instance, we captured six males and, although the total
377 frequency of social interaction was high in this lek, its total vocalization rate was similar
378 to that of smaller leks. This possibly occurred because not all individuals inside the lek
379 vocalized or displayed actively, with considerable variation among males within a
380 single lek. In turn, in the smallest sampled lek, only one male was captured and, despite
381 the zero social interaction in this lek, its vocalization rate was relatively high.
382 Our data suggest therefore that female choice was based only secondarily on
383 male secondary sexual characteristics, with more female visits to males that vocalized
384 and displayed more and that interacted with a higher number of males, on each lek.
385 Considering that uninfected males are more active, and that females visit them more
386 often, it is possible that vocalization and display behaviors are honest male signals,
387 reliable to indicate male health to females, thus helping in their choice when visiting
388 leks (Zahavi 1975). In turn, the frequency of social interaction of individual males,
389 although correlated to their vocalization rates and display frequencies would not be used
390 by females to distinguish between infected and uninfected males, because of the lack of
391 association between infection and social interaction frequencies.. Therefore, when
392 choosing to visit males that vocalized and displayed more on each lek, female Blue-
393 crowned Manakins would have a higher probability of choosing a healthy male, even if
394 the number of males interacting with it could not be used as a health indicator.
395 However, we cannot disregard that, even corroborating the parasite hypothesis
396 (Hamilton and Zuk 1982, Kirkipatrick and Ryan 1991), in this study we only considered
397 the effects of Plasmodium infection in short term, without considering immune and
398 hormonal factors, or other mechanisms that could be influencing female preferences.
399 For that reason, future studies about the effects of infection by Plasmodium spp. on
400 Blue-crowned Manakins shall explore variables directly related to the host fitness; other
402 species; and the impact of the infection in the species over longer time-scales. Testing
403 the inheritance of female preferences and the activities of infected and uninfected males
404 will be crucial to the understanding of the role of the male behaviors presented here to
406 Based on what was stated above, we concluded that the Plasmodium spp. has an
407 effect over social behavior of L. coronata males in multi-scales. The social behavior of
408 males also had an influence, at least indirectly, over female preference, although this
409 preference had no direct relation neither with Plasmodium spp. prevalence in the lek,
410 nor the occurrence of malaria in the individual. These results are partially in accordance
411 to the parasite hypothesis (Hamilton and Zuk 1982, Kirkipatrick and Ryan 1991), which
412 suggests that parasites affect the behavior of males and, consequently, female visits,
413 although they do not discriminate between infected and uninfected males. In this regard,
414 the male vocalization and display behaviors would be honest signals, capable of
415 indicating how resistant to infection the individual is. For that reason, such male
416 courtship behaviours would be important signals for sexual selection, allowing females
417 to obtain cues about the probability of a male being infected by Plasmodium spp. during
420 The project funding and grants were provided by Conselho Nacional de
426 from CAPES. We thank Brazilian Biodiversity Research Programme (PPBio), for
427 logistical support; Mariana Tolentino, Nayara Soto, Marina Maximiano, Gueviston
428 Lima, Priscila Diniz, Guilherme Christo, Ricardo Gonçalves, and José Ferreira for field
429 work assistance; and Renata Durães for valuable comments on the manuscript.
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596 Figure 1: Map of the study area, and the research module in Manaquiri, Careiro da
597 Varzea municipality, Castanho, Amazonas state, Brazil. The open square represents the
598 location of the research module, not in scale. The black dots represent the sampled leks.
600 Figure 2: Frequency of Blue-crowned Manakins captured in leks: adult males (black);
602 Figure 3: Effect of prevalence of Plasmodium spp. in leks on (a) total vocalization rate
604 Figure 4: Residuals (Mean + 1 SD) of regressions between (a) vocalization rate and (b)
605 display frequency and individual interaction frequency for infected and uninfected
606 males.
607 Figure 5: Correlation between frequency of female visits and total interaction
609 Figure 6: Effects of social behaviors of adult males on frequency of female visits in leks
610 of Blue-crowned Manakins: a) male vocalization rates; b) male display frequencies and
619 Table 1.
Indexes Formula
Total display frequency in the lek [(∑ Nintle with displays in lek/∑ Nintle)/5]
Total interaction frequency in the lek (∑ Nintle vocalizing or displaying in lek/ ∑ Nintle)
621 Abbreviation: Nt = Total Number; Nintle = Total number of observation intervals in the
622 lek; Nind = Total number of individuals; Nintind = Total number of observation
625 Table 1: Indexes for body condition and social behaviors of adult male Blue-crowned
626 Manakins.
628 Table 2.
630 Table 2: Collinearity among derived indexes for body condition and social behaviors of
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
Figure 3.
a) b)
Figure 4.
a) b)
Figure 5.
Figure 6.
a) b)
Com base no exposto acima, concluimos que o Plasmodium spp. tem efeito sobre o
machos também teve influência, ao menos indireta, sobre a preferência da fêmea, embora essa
preferência não tenha relação direta nem com a prevalência de Plasmodium spp. no lek e nem com a
ocorrência de malária no indivíduo. Esses resultados estão parcialmente de acordo com a hipótese
dos parasitos (Hamilton e Zuk, 1982, Kirkipatrick e Ryan 1991), o qual sugere que os parasitos
comportamentos de vocalização e de dança dos machos seriam sinais honestos capazes de mostrar o
quão resistente à infecção é o indivíduo. Por isso, as exibições dos machos seriam um importante
sinalizador para a seleção sexual, uma vez que tais características permitem às fêmeas obterem
pistas sobre a probabilidade de um macho estar, ou não, infectado por Plasmodium spp. durante as
ANEXO 1 (Ata de qualificação)
ANEXO 2 (Ata de defesa)