Comorbidades Psiquiátricas No Tabagismo
Comorbidades Psiquiátricas No Tabagismo
Comorbidades Psiquiátricas No Tabagismo
Abstract. Tobaccoism and psychiatric comorbities are themes that have been widely studied
among the years, and it’s been detected the need of deeper investigation on the subject in
order to have stronger scientific results in the field of public health issue. This article will
present literature non systematic findings about associations between tobacco use and
psychiatric disorders, including the use of nicotine as a reliever for psychological
discomfort. Moreover, contributions on clinical interventions for tobacco users with
comorbity patients are approached. The results point to an existing relation between almost
all psychiatric disorders and tobacco use, however mood disorders, anxiety disorders,
schizophrenia and psychoactive drug use are the most common ones.
Key words: tobaccoism, use of nicotine and psychiatric comorbities.