Nutricao Experimental
Nutricao Experimental
Nutricao Experimental
Profª Drª Marcia Barbosa Aguila
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Humana e Experimental - B
5a feiras – 10 às 13 h (outubro a dezembro/2011 - três créditos)
Data Horário Atividade
10:00-11:30 Energia: medição do gasto, estimativa de necessidades, cálculo de energia do alimento
11:45-13:00 Divisão dos grupos. Revisão de Macronutrientes: Carboidratos, proteínas e lipídeos
10:00-10:30 “Highlight of Nutrition”
11:45-13:00 Aula sorteada entre os alunos: Fibras dietéticas
10:00-10:30 “Highlight of Nutrition”
10:45-13:00 Aula sorteada entre os alunos: Deficiência proteica
10:00-10:30 “Highlight of Nutrition”
10:45-13:00 Aula sorteada entre os alunos: Tipos de lipídeos dietéticos
10:00-11:30 “Highlight of Nutrition”
11:45-13:00 Discussão do livro “Emagrecimento: quebrando mitos e mudando paradigmas”
10:00-10:30 “Highlight of Nutrition”
10:40-13:00 Discussão do livro “Emagrecimento: quebrando mitos e mudando paradigmas”
10:00-10:30 “Highlight of Nutrition”
17 10:40-11:40 AIN-93: macronutrientes em roedores (seminário)
11:50-12:50 AIN-93: micronutrientes em roedores (seminário)
24 10:00-13:00 Modelos experimentais de programação metabólica (seminário) (todos os alunos)
01 10:00-13:00 Modelos experimentais de obesidade e diabetes (seminário) (todos os alunos)
05 10:00-13:00 Teste
Aguila MB, Mandarim-de-Lacerda CA. 2010. Beneficial effects of olive oil compared with fish, canola, palm and soybean oils on cardiovascular and renal
adverse remodeling due to hypertension and diabetes in rat. In: Preedy VR, Watson RR, editors. Olives and olive oil in health and disease prevention.
Oxford: Academic Press.
Nascimento FAM, Barbosa-da-Silva S, Mandarim-de-Lacerda CA, Aguila MB. Adipose tissue, liver and pancreas structural alterations in C57BL/6 mice fed
high-fat-high-sucrose diet supplemented with fish oil (n-3 fatty acid rich oil). Exp Toxicol Pathol 2010; 62:17-25.
Fernandes-Santos C, Carneiro RE, Mendonca LS, Aguila MB, Mandarim-de-Lacerda CA. Rosiglitazone aggravates nonalcoholic fatty pancreatic disease in
C57BL/6 mice fed high-fat and high-sucrose diet. Pancreas 2009; 38:e80-86.
Fernandes-Santos C, Carneiro RE, Mendonca LS, Aguila MB, Mandarim-de-Lacerda CA. Pan-PPAR agonist beneficial effects in overweighed mice fed a
high-fat high-sucrose diet. Nutrition 2009; 25:818-827.
Villar-Martini VC, Carvalho JJ, Neves MF, Aguila MB, Mandarim-de-Lacerda CA. Hypertension and kidney alterations in rat offspring from low protein
pregnancies. J Hypertens 2009; 27(suppl 6): S47-S51.
Gregorio BM, Souza-Mello V, Mandarim-de-Lacerda CA, Aguila MB. Maternal fish oil supplementation benefits programmed offspring from ra dams fed low-
protein diet. Am J Obst Gynecol 2008; 199:82.e1-82.e7.
Parente LB, Aguila MB, Mandarim-de-Lacerda CA. Deleterious effects of high-fat diet on perinatal and post weaning periods in adult rat offspring. Clin Nut
2008; 27:623-634.
Pinheiro AR, Salvucci ID, Aguila MB, Mandarim-de-Lacerda CA. Protein restriction during gestation and/or lactation cause transgenerational adverse effects
on biometry and glucose metabolism in F1 and F2 progenies of rat. Clin Sci (Lond) 2008; 114:381-392.
Popkin B. 2009. O mundo está gordo. Elsevier, Rio de Janeiro, 216p.
Torres TS, d'Oliveira-Silva G, Aguila MB, Carvalho JJ, Mandarim-de-Lacerda CA. Effects of rosiglitazone (PPARγ agonist) in the blood pressure and aortic
structure in metabolically programmed rats (perinatal low protein). Hypertens Res 2008; 31:965-975.
Mahan LK, Escott-Stump S, editors. 2008. Krause`s Food & Nutrition Theraphy, 12 ed. USA: Saunders Elsevier.
Aguila MB, Medeiros FJ. 2005. Lipídeos. In: Lameu E, editor. Clínica Nutricional, 1 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Revinter. p 1071.
Langley-Evans SC. Fetal nutrition and adult disease. Programming of chronic disease through fetal exposure to undernutrition. Cambridge: CABI Pu, 2004:
433 p.
Reeves PG, Nielsen FH, Fahey GC, Jr. AIN-93 purified diets for laboratory rodents: final report of the American Institute of Nutrition ad hoc writing
committee on the reformulation of the AIN-76A rodent diet. J Nutr 1993; 123: 1939-1951.