5-Sistema Anaeróbio Lático
5-Sistema Anaeróbio Lático
5-Sistema Anaeróbio Lático
1 Glicose
•Ocorre no citoplasma É energética per se, pois
•Não utiliza O2 nunca há ressíntese de 2ATPs por
•Estimulada por Ca2+ e unidade de glicose
adrenalina degradada
Cox&Nelson (2014)
Degradação do glicogênio muscular gera glicose 6-fosfato
para a via glicolítica
Glicose 1-P
Envolve apenas 3
Regulação hormonal e por Ca2+ da glicogênio
fosforilase (i.e., da glicogenólise):
1 Glicose
Glicose 1-P
I have proposed an explanation of lactate production and output by red and
white skeletal muscle during repetitive contractions. The proposal does not
require O2 lack to slow oxidative phosphorylation. In this
proposal lactate production is due to the fact that
activation of glycolysis is more rapid than activation of
oxidative phosphorylation. This results in a transient elevation of
NADH in the cytoplasm and net lactate production. Once oxidative
phosphorylation is fully activated and the activation of glycolysis wanes,
balance is again achieved. lactate production decreases and may become net
Stainsby (1986)
Acúmulo de lactato muscular em
decorrência de um Sprint de 30 s