IEE 804 Economia Industrial PDF
IEE 804 Economia Industrial PDF
IEE 804 Economia Industrial PDF
1. O Modelo Estrutura-Conduta-Desempenho
Scherer e Ross (1990), cap. 3 e 4, Panzar (1989), Hay e Morris* (1991), cap. 2, 3 e 4, Tirole (1988), cap.
5, 6 e 7 Jacquemin* (1987), cap. 3, Shapiro (1989), Jacquemin e Slade (1989), Schmalensee (1989).
Hay e Morris* (1991), cap. 3, 8 e 15, Koutsoyiannis (1975), Scherer e Ross* (1990), cap.10, 17, Tirole*
(1988), cap. 8 e 9, Gilbert (1989), Sutton (1988), Jacquemin* (1987), cap. 4.
IEE804 – Economia Industrial
Profs. David Kupfer e Camila Pires-Alves
Cohen e Levin (1989), Pavitt (1984), Ruiz (1998), Breschi, Malerba & Orsenigo (2000), Malerba &
Orsenigo (1996).
Lee (2003)
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Possas (1985), cap. 2, Ravenscraft e Scherer (1987), cap. 2 Teece et. al. (1994), Teece (1982), Penrose
(1959), Perry (1989), Teece (1982), Wood (1975), Steindl, cap. 11, McDonald (1985), Caves (1998)
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28. Teece, D.; Rumelt, R.; Dosi, G. e Winter, S. Understanding Corporate Coherence: Theory and
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