Clemente de Alexandria - Stromata - Livro VII PDF

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O Stromata (Livro VII)

Captulo 1. O gnstico um verdadeiro Adorador de Deus, e

injustamente caluniado pelos incrdulos como um ateu
agora tempo para mostrar a Gregos que os gnsticos por si s verdadeiramente piedoso , de
modo que os filsofos , o aprendizado do que a descrio do verdadeiro cristo , pode condenar a
prpria estupidez de forma precipitada e sem considerao perseguindo o [ Christian ] nome, e sem
razo chamando os mpios que sabe a verdade Deus . Mais clara e argumentos devem ser
empregados, eu acho, com a filsofos , de modo que eles podem ser capazes, a partir do exerccio
que j tiveram atravs de sua prpria formao, para compreender, embora ainda no tenham se
mostrado dignos de participar do poder de crente .
O proftico palavras que no devem, em anncio presentes para, como estamos a nos valer do
Escrituras posteriormente nos locais apropriados. Mas vamos apontar sumariamente os pontos
indicados por eles, em nosso delineamento de cristianismo , de modo que, tomando as Escrituras de
uma vez (especialmente porque eles ainda no compreendem os seus enunciados), no pode
interromper a continuidade do discurso. Mas, depois de apontar as coisas indicadas, as provas
devem ser indicadas em abundncia para aqueles que acreditavam .
Mas, se as afirmaes feitas por ns parecem certos de que a multido se ser diferente do Escrituras
do Senhor , Que seja conhecido que dessa fonte que eles tm respirao e vida, e tendo a sua
aumento a partir deles, que professam a apresentar o nico sentido, e no as palavras. Para
tratamento posterior, no sendo oportuno, vontade justamente parecem suprfluas. Assim, para no
olhar para o que urgente seria excessivamente indolente e com defeito, e abenoada, na verdade ,
so eles que, investigando os testemunhos dos Senhor , Deve busc-Lo com todo o corao. Eo lei e
os profetas testemunha do Senhor .
, ento, nosso propsito provar que o gnstico o nico santo e piedoso , e adora o verdadeiro
Deus de uma maneira digna Dele, e que adorao se encontram para Deus seguido por amoroso e
sendo amei por Deus . Ele consequentemente juzes toda a excelncia de ser honrado de acordo com
seu valor, e juzes que entre os objetos percebidos pelos nossos sentidos, devemos governantes
estima, e os pais , e cada um avanado em anos, e entre os indivduos de instruo, a mais antiga
filosofia e primitiva profecia , e entre intelectual idias , O que mais antiga na origem, o Princpio
intemporal e sem origem Primeiro, e incio de existncias, o Filho-de quem estamos para aprender
as mais remotas Causa , O Pai , do universo , o mais antigo eo mais benfico de todos; no capaz
de expresso pela voz, mas para ser reverenciado com reverncia e silncio, e santa admirao, e
supremamente venerada ; Declarado pelo Senhor , Tanto quanto aqueles que aprenderam eram
capazes de compreender, e entendida por aqueles escolhidos pelo Senhor reconhecer, cujos sentidos,
diz o apstolo , Foram exercidos. Hebreus 5:14
O servio de Deus , ento, no caso dos gnsticos , a sua alma contnua estudo e ocupao,
agraciado com o Divindade no incessante amor . Por do servio concedido a homens , Um tipo
aquele cujo objetivo a melhoria, a ministerial outros. A melhoria do corpo o objeto da arte
mdica, da alma da filosofia . Ministerial servio prestado para os pais pelos filhos, aos
governantes por temas.
Da mesma forma, tambm, na Igreja , os ancios assistir ao departamento que tem a melhoria de seu
objeto, e os diconos para o ministerial. Em ambos os ministrios da anjos servir a Deus , na gesto
de assuntos terrenos, e os gnsticos -se ministros para Deus , e exposies para homens o esquema
de melhoria, na forma em que ele foi nomeado para disciplina homens para a sua alterao. Porque
ele est sozinho piedosa que serve Deus justamente, e irrepreensivelmente nos humanos assuntos.
Porque, assim como que o tratamento das plantas melhor por meio do qual seus frutos so
produzidos e reunidos em, atravs de conhecimento e habilidade na criao, proporcionando
homens a vantagem que a partir deles, de modo a piedade dos gnsticos , tomando para si os frutos
da homens que por sua significa ter acreditado , quando no poucos alcanar o conhecimento e so
salvo por isso, atinge pela sua habilidade a melhor colheita. E como Piedade () o
hbito que preserva o que est tornando-se a Deus , o homem de Deus o nico amante de Deus , e
tal vontade ele ser quem sabe que est se tornando, tanto em relao a conhecimento e da vida que
deve ser vivida por ele, que destinado ser divino (), e j est sendo assimilado a Deus . Ento
ele em primeiro lugar um amante de Deus . Porque, assim como aquele que honras seu pai um
amante de seu pai, assim tambm o que honras Deus um amante de Deus .
Assim tambm parece-me que h trs efeitos de gnstico poder: o conhecimento das coisas, em
segundo lugar, o desempenho de qualquer que seja a Palavra sugere, eo terceiro, a capacidade de
emitir, em uma forma adequada de Deus , os segredos velados na verdade .
Ele, ento, que est convencido de que Deus onipotente , e aprendeu o divino mistrios de Seu
Filho unignito, como ele pode ser um ateu ()? Foa ele um ateu que pensa que Deus no
existir . E ele supersticioso que teme a demnios ; que deifica todas as coisas, tanto de madeira e
pedra, e reduz-se a servido esprito , O homem e que possui a vida de razo .

Captulo 2. O Filho do Rei e Salvador de Todos

Para saber Deus , ento, o primeiro passo de f , ento, atravs de confiana no ensinamento do
Salvador , a considerar o feito de errado em qualquer forma como no adequado para o
conhecimento de Deus .
Portanto, a melhor coisa na terra o mais piedoso homem, e que a melhor coisa na cu , O mais
prximo no lugar e mais pura, um anjo , o participante da eterna e abenoado a vida. Mas a
natureza do Filho , que est mais prximo, quele que s o Onipotente Um, o mais perfeito E,
mais santo e mais potente, ea maioria dos prncipes, e mais real, e mais beneficente. Esta a mais
alta excelncia, que ordena todas as coisas de acordo com o Pai vontade , E detm o comando do
universo da melhor maneira, com incansvel e incansvel poder, trabalhando todas as coisas em que
opera, tendo em vista seus desenhos escondidos. A partir de seu prprio ponto de vista, o Filho de
Deus nunca deslocado, no sendo dividido, no cortada, no passando de um lugar para outro,
sendo sempre em todos os lugares, e sendo contidos em nenhum lugar; completa mente , a luz
completa paternal; todos os olhos, vendo todas as coisas, ouvindo todas as coisas, conhecendo todas
as coisas, pelo seu poder scrutinizing os poderes. A Ele colocado em sujeio todas as anfitrio de
anjos e deuses; Ele, o paternal Palavra , Exibindo um dos santos administrao para aquele que
colocar [tudo] em sujeio a ele.
Por isso tambm todos os homens so os seus, alguns atravs do conhecimento , e outros ainda no
to, e alguns como amigos, alguns como fiel servos, alguns apenas como servos. Este o Mestre,
que treina os gnsticos por mistrios , e os crente por bom esperanas , E os duros de corao pela
corretivas disciplina atravs de uma operao sensvel. Da Sua providncia em privado, em
pblico, e em toda parte.
E que Ele a quem chamamos Salvador e Senhor o Filho de Deus , o proftico Escrituras
explicitamente provar . Assim, o Senhor de tudo, de Gregos e de Brbaros , Convence aqueles que
esto dispostos. Para Ele no obrig-lo que (atravs da escolha e cumprindo, a partir dele, o que diz
respeito imposio de deter-lo a esperana ) capaz de receber a salvao Dele.
Ele quem tambm deu a filosofia para o Gregos por meio do inferior anjos . Por uma ordem
antiga e divina a anjos so distribudos entre as naes. Mas a glria dos que acreditam que o
Senhor poro. Para tanto o Senhor no se importa com todos os homens , e este o caso ou porque
Ele incapaz (que no para ser pensado, pois seria uma prova de fraqueza), ou porque Ele no
est disposto, o que no o atributo de uma bom estar. E Aquele que por ns assumido carne capaz
de sofrer, est longe de ser luxo indolente. Ou Ele se importa com todos, que condizente para
aquele que se tornou Senhor de todos. Pois Ele Salvador ; No [o Salvador ] De alguns, e outros
no. Mas em proporo adaptao possudo por cada um, Ele dispensou Sua beneficncia, tanto
para Gregos e Brbaros , Mesmo para aqueles dos que foram predestinados , e em devido tempo
chamado, o fiel e eleger . Nem pode Aquele que chamou a todos de forma igual, e atribuiu especial
honras para aqueles que acreditavam em uma maneira excelente, especialmente, jamais inveja
alguma. Nem pode Ele que o Senhor de todos, e serve, acima de tudo a vontade do bom e Pai
todo-poderoso, nunca ser prejudicado por outro. Mas tambm no inveja o toque Senhor Aquele
que, sem princpio era impassvel, nem so as coisas de homens tais como ser invejado pelo
Senhor . Mas outro, aquele a quem paixo tocou, que inveja . E no se pode dizer que a partir da
ignorncia que o Senhor no est disposta a salvar humanidade, porque Ele sabe como cada um no
para ser cuidada. Por ignorncia no se aplica Deus que, antes da fundao do mundo, foi o
conselheiro do Pai. Ele foi para a Sabedoria em que o Soberano Deus encantado. Provrbios 8:30
Porque o Filho o poder de Deus , como sendo o Pai mais antiga Palavra antes da produo de
todas as coisas e Sua Sabedoria. Ele , ento, corretamente chamado de Mestre dos seres formados
por ele. Ele nem sempre abandonar cuidar de homens , Por ser arrastado para alm de prazer, que,
tendo assumido carne, que por natureza suscetvel de sofrer, treinou-o condio de
E como Ele Salvador e Senhor , Se no o Salvador e Senhor de todos? Mas Ele o Salvador
daqueles que acreditavam , por causa de sua desejam saber , e os Senhor daqueles que no
acreditavam , at que, sendo habilitado para confessar dele, eles obtm o benefcio peculiar e
apropriada que vem por ele.
Agora a energia do Senhor tem uma referncia para o Onipotente , Eo Filho , por assim dizer, uma
energia do Pai. Portanto, um hater do homem , o Salvador nunca pode ser; que, por seu superior o
amor a humana carne, no desprezando a sua suscetibilidade ao sofrimento, mas investindo-se com
ela, veio para o comum salvao da homens ; Para a f daqueles que o escolheram, comum. Mais
ainda, Ele jamais negligenciar sua prpria obra, porque o homem sozinho de todos os outros seres
vivos estava em seu criao dotada de uma concepo de Deus . Nem pode haver qualquer outro
governo melhor e mais adequado para homens do que aquele que nomeado por Deus .
Em seguida, sempre bom para aquele que superior por natureza a ser sobre o inferior, e para
aquele que capaz de gerir bem qualquer coisa para ter a gesto dele que lhe so atribudos. Ora, o
que verdadeiramente regras e preside o Divino Palavra e Sua providncia , que inspeciona todas
as coisas e despreza o cuidado de nada que lhe pertence.
Aqueles, ento, quem optar por pertencer a Ele, so aqueles que so aperfeioados atravs da f .
Ele, o Filho , , pela vontade do Onipotente Pai, a causa de todos os bom coisas, sendo o primeiro
eficiente causa do poder de movimento-a incapaz de ser apreendido pela sensao. Por aquilo que
Ele era, no foi visto por aqueles que, atravs da fraqueza da carne, eram incapazes de tomar em [a
realidade]. Mas, tendo assumido carne sensvel, Ele veio para mostrar ao homem o que era possvel
atravs da obedincia mandamentos . Sendo, ento, o poder do Pai, Ele facilmente prevalece no
que Ele deseja, no deixando sequer o minutest ponto de sua administrao autnoma para. Pois de
outra forma o todo no teria sido bem executado por ele.
Mas, como eu penso, caracterstica da maior potncia a exata escrutnio de todas as partes,
chegando at mesmo ao minutest , Terminando em primeiro Administrador do Universo , que pela
vontade do Pai dirige a salvao de todos, alguns com vista, que so definidos em outros, que so
definidas sobre eles, at chegar grande alta Padre . Para em um Princpio primeiro original, que
atos de acordo com o [pai] vontade , O primeiro eo segundo eo terceiro dependem. Em seguida, ao
mais alto extremidade do mundo visvel o abenoado bando de anjos ; e para baixo para ns
mesmos, h distncia, alguns sob outros, aqueles que, de um e um, ambos so salvo e salvar .
Como, ento, a minutest partcula de ao movido pela esprito da Heraclean pedra, quando difuso
sobre o ao muitos anis , Assim tambm, atrado pelo Esprito Santo , o virtuoso so adicionados
por afinidade para a morada em primeiro lugar, e os outros em sucesso at o ltimo. Mas aqueles
que so ruins de enfermidade, tendo cado de vicioso insatiableness em um estado depravado, nem
controle, nem controlados rodada, corrida e redondos, girou sobre a paixes , e cair no cho.
Para isso foi a lei do primeiro, que a virtude deve ser objeto de voluntrios escolha. Por isso
tambm a mandamentos , De acordo com a Lei , E antes do Lei , No dado aos retos (para o lei
no nomeado por um homem justo 1 Timteo 1:09 ), ordenado que ele deve receber eterna vida e
do abenoado prmio, que os escolheu.
Mas, por outro lado, eles permitiram que ele que tinha sido muito satisfeito com vice- consorte para
com os objetos de sua escolha e, por outro lado, que a alma , que sempre melhorar no aquisio da
virtude eo aumento da justia, deve obter um melhor lugar no universo , como tendendo em cada
passo de avano para o hbito de impassibilidade, at que chegou a um perfeito homem, Efsios
4:13 para a excelncia de uma s vez do conhecimento e da herana.
Estas revolues salutar, de acordo com a ordem de mudana, se distinguem tanto por vezes, e
lugares, e honras E cognies E heranas , E ministrios, de acordo com a ordem particular de cada
mudana, at o transcendente e contnua contemplao da Senhor na eternidade .
Ora, o que leva amvel, para a contemplao de si mesmo, cada um que, de amor do
conhecimento , aplica-se inteiramente contemplao . Por isso tambm a Senhor , Chamando a
mandamentos , Tanto o primeiro que deu, ea segunda, a partir de uma fonte, nem permitiu que
aqueles que eram antes da lei estar sem lei , Nem se permitiu aqueles que estavam familiarizadas
com os princpios da Brbaro filosofia a ser sem restrio. Pois, tendo fornecido a um com o
mandamentos , Eo outro com filosofia , ele calar a boca descrena para o Advento . De onde todo
aquele que acredita No sem desculpa. Por um processo diferente de avano, tanto Grego e
Brbaro , Ele leva perfeio que por f .
E se qualquer um dos Gregos , Passando sobre a formao preliminar dos Helnica filosofia ,
procede diretamente para o verdadeiro ensino, ele distncias outros, embora um homem analfabeto,
por escolha o processo compendious de salvao pela f para perfeio .
Tudo, ento, o que no impediu uma homem escolha de ser livre, Ele fez e tornou auxiliar para a
virtude , a fim de que possa haver revelou forma ou de outra, mesmo para aqueles capazes de ver,
mas vagamente, a um s todo-poderoso, bom Deus - Desde a eternidade para a eternidade economia
pelo Seu Filho .
E, por outro lado, Ele est em nenhum aspecto qualquer que seja a causa do mal . Para todas as
coisas so organizadas com vista salvao do universo pela Senhor do universo , de modo geral e
em particular. Em seguida, a funo da justia de salvao para melhorar tudo, tanto quanto
possvel. At mesmo para menor matrias so organizadas com vista salvao do que melhor, e
para uma morada adequada para pessoas carter . Agora tudo o que virtuoso mudanas para
melhor, tendo como o bom causa da mudana da livre escolha de conhecimentos , que a alma tem
em seu prprio poder. Mas necessrio correes , Atravs da bondade dos grandes supervisionando
Juiz, tanto pela atendente anjos , e por vrios atos de antecipativa julgamento , E pelo perfeito
julgamento , Obrigar egrgio os pecadores, ao arrepender-se .

Captulo 3. O gnstico Visa a mais prxima possvel

Semelhana de Deus e de Seu Filho
Agora eu passo mais de outras coisas em silncio, glorificando o Senhor . Mas eu afirmo que
gnstico almas , que ultrapassam em grandeza da contemplao o modo de vida de cada um dos
santos fileiras, entre os quais o abenoado moradas dos deuses so atribudos por distribuio,
reconhecido santo entre os santos , transferiu toda dentre os inteiro, chegando a lugares melhores do
que os melhores lugares, abraando o divino viso no em espelhos ou por meio de espelhos, mas
no transcendentalmente clara e absolutamente puro insacivel viso que o privilgio de intensa
amoroso almas , segurando festival atravs dos sculos sem fim, permanecem homenageado com o
indentity de toda excelncia. Tal o viso atingvel por os puros de corao. Mateus 5:8 Esta a
funo dos gnsticos , que tem sido aperfeioado, para ter uma conversa com Deus atravs da Alta
grande Padre , Sendo feito semelhante ao Senhor , At a medida da sua capacidade, em todo o
servio de Deus , o que tende para a salvao dos homens , atravs de cuidados de beneficncia que
tem-nos para o seu objeto, e do outro lado atravs de adorao , Atravs do ensino e atravs de
beneficncia em obras . O gnstico mesmo formas e cria si mesmo, e alm disso tambm, ele, como
para Deus , adorna aqueles que o ouvem; assimilar tanto quanto possvel, a moderao que,
decorrentes da prtica, tende a impassibilidade, a Ele que, por natureza possui impassibilidade, e
especialmente tendo conversar ininterrupta e comunho com o Senhor . Suavidade, eu acho, e
filantropia, e eminente piedade , so as regras do gnstico assimilao. Afirmo que essas virtudes
so um sacrifcio aceitvel aos olhos de Deus ; Filipenses 4:18 Bblia alegando que o humilde
corao, com direito de conhecimento o holocausto de Deus ; cada homem que admitida a
santidade ser iluminado, a fim de unio indissolvel.
Para levar-se em cativeiro , E para matar si mesmos, colocando morte do velho homem, que
atravs de luxrias corruptos, e elevando o novo homem da morte, da conversa antiga, abandonando
a paixes , e tornar-se livre do pecado , tanto o Evangelho ea apstolo impem.
Foi esta, conseqentemente, que o Lei intimado, ordenando a pecador a ser cortado, e traduzido da
morte vida, impassibilidade que o resultado da f , o que os professores da Lei , No
compreender, na medida em que considerava a lei como contenciosa, deram um identificador para
aqueles que tentam preguiosamente para caluniar o Lei . E por esta razo que ns justamente no
sacrifcio para Deus , que, precisando de nada, fornece todos os homens com todas as coisas, mas
ns glorificar Aquele que deu a si mesmo em sacrifcio por ns, ns tambm sacrificar a ns
mesmos; daquilo que no precisa de nada para aquilo que no precisa de nada, e quilo que
impassvel do que impassvel. Na nossa salvao sozinho Deus delcias. Ns no, portanto, e com
razo tambm, oferecer sacrifcio a Ele que no superada pelos prazeres, na medida em que a
fumaa do fumo parar muito abaixo, e nem sequer chegar ao mais grossa nuvens, mas aqueles que
esto longe de alcanar-los. O Divindade nem , ento, na falta de alguma coisa, nem ama prazer,
ou ganho, ou dinheiro, estar cheio, e fornecendo todas as coisas para tudo o que recebeu e tem de
ser quer. E nem por sacrifcios nem ofertas , Nem, por outro lado pela glria e honra , o Divindade
conquistados; nem influenciado por qualquer dessas coisas, mas Ele s aparece a excelente e bom
homens , Que vontade nunca trair a justia para ameaou o medo , nem pela promessa de
considervel presentes .
Mas aqueles que no viram o autodeterminao da humana alma , e sua incapacidade de ser tratado
como um escravo no que respeita a escolha de vida, sendo revoltados com o que feito atravs de
grosseira injustia , no pense que h uma Deus . Em p de igualdade com essas opinio em, so os
que, caindo em licenciosidade nos prazeres e dores graves, e de modo inesperado para acidentes , E
desafio de licitao para eventos, dizer que no h Deus , ou que, embora existente , Ele no vigiar
todas as coisas. E outros h, que esto convencidos de que aqueles que eles calculam os deuses so
capazes de ser prevaleceu sobre por sacrifcios e presentes , Favorecendo, por assim dizer, a sua
profligacies , E no acreditam que Ele o nico verdadeiro Deus , que existe na invariableness dos
justos bondade .
Os gnsticos , ento, piedoso , que se preocupa primeiro para si mesmo, ento para seus vizinhos,
para que possam tornar-se muito bom . Para o filho uma gratifica bom pai, mostrando-se bom e
como seu pai, e na maneira como o assunto, o governador. Para crente e obedecendo esto em nosso
prprio poder.
Mas que algum deveria supor a causa de males como a fraqueza do assunto , E os impulsos
involuntrios de ignorncia , e (em sua estupidez) irracionais necessidades , Ele que se tornou um
gnstico tem superioridade atravs de instruo sobre estes, como se fossem feras, e na imitao do
plano divino, ele faz bom de como esto dispostos, tanto quanto ele puder. E se alguma vez
colocado em posio de autoridade, como Moiss , ele vai governar para a salvao dos
governados, e vontade wildness manso e infidelidade, pela gravao de honra para o mais
excelente, e punio para os mpios , de acordo com razo por causa de disciplina .
Para a pr-eminentemente uma imagem divina, semelhante a Deus , a alma de um homem justo,
em que, atravs da obedincia aos comandos, como em uma consagrada spot, fechado e
consagrados o Lder dos mortais e dos imortais, o rei e Principal do que bom , Que
verdadeiramente lei E para a direita, e eterna Palavra , Sendo o Salvador individualmente a cada
um, e em comum a todos.
Ele o verdadeiro Unignito, a expressa imagem da glria do universal Rei e Onipotente Pai, que
impressiona na gnstico do selo da perfeito contemplao , de acordo com sua prpria imagem, de
modo que agora h uma terceira imagem divina, feita na medida do possvel, como o Second
Causa , O Essencial Vida, atravs do qual vivemos a verdadeira vida, o gnstico , como consider-
lo, sendo descrito como mover em meio a coisas certas e imutveis totalmente.
Deciso, ento, sobre si mesmo eo que lhe pertence, e possuindo um aperto certo, da divina cincia ,
Ele faz uma verdadeira abordagem verdade . Para o conhecimento e apreenso de intelectual
objetos devem necessariamente ser chamado certo cientfico conhecimento , cuja funo, em
referncia s coisas divinas considerar o que o Primeiro Causa , Eo que isso por quem todas as
coisas foram feitas, e sem os quais nada foi feito; Joo 1:3 e as coisas que, por outro lado, so os
penetrante, e que abrangente, o que conjoined, o que dissociadas, e qual a posio que cada um
deles detm e servio que o poder eo que cada um contribui. E, novamente, entre os humanos
coisas, o que o prprio homem , eo que ele tem naturalmente ou sobrenaturalmente, e como, mais
uma vez, torna-se a ele para fazer ou a sofrer, e quais so as suas virtudes e que seus vcios , e sobre
as coisas bom , Ruim, e indiferente ; Tambm sobre a fortaleza e prudncia , e auto-conteno, ea
virtude , que completa em todos os aspectos, a saber, a justia.
Alm disso, ele emprega a prudncia e justia na aquisio de sabedoria e fortaleza , no apenas na
resistncia das circunstncias, mas tambm em restrio prazer e desejo, angstia e raiva , e, em
geral, resistir a tudo o que quer por qualquer fora ou fraude seduz-nos. Pois no necessrio a
suportar os vcios e virtudes , mas para ser persuadido a suportar coisas que inspirar o medo .
Assim, a dor benfica encontrada na arte de curar, e em disciplina , E na punio, e por ela
masculino maneiras so corrigidas para sua vantagem. Formas da fortaleza so a magnanimidade, a
resistncia, de alta esprito , Liberalidade, grandiosidade e. E por esta razo ele no se encontra com
a culpa ou a m opinio da multido, nem que ele est sujeito a opinies ou lisonjas. Mas, em o
indurance de trabalhos e, ao mesmo tempo no cumprimento de qualquer dever E, na sua
superioridade viril todas as circunstncias, ele parece realmente um homem () entre o resto do
humano seres. E, por outro lado, manter a prudncia , ele exerce moderao na tranqilidade de sua
alma ; receptivos do que ordenado, como daquilo que pertence a ele, divertido averso ao que
base, to estranhas a ele; se tornar decente e supramundanos, ele faz tudo com decoro e em ordem, e
transgride, em nenhum aspecto, e em nada. Rico ele est no mais alto grau em nada desejar, quer
como tendo poucas, e estar no meio da abundncia de todos os bom atravs do conhecimento da
bom . Pois o primeiro efeito de sua retido, amor para gastar o seu tempo e se associar com
aqueles de sua prpria raa, tanto em terra e cu . Assim tambm ele liberal do que ele possui . E
ser um amante de homens , ele um hater dos mpios , entreter um perfeito averso a todos os
villany . Ele deve, consequentemente, aprender a ser fiel tanto para ele como seus vizinhos, e
obediente mandamentos . Porque ele o verdadeiro servo de Deus que espontaneamente se
submete aos seus mandamentos. E aquele que j, no atravs do mandamentos , Mas atravs do
conhecimento em si, puro de corao, o amigo de Deus . Para no nascemos por natureza
possuindo virtude , nem depois que nascemos faz crescer naturalmente , Como certo partes do
corpo, desde ento, no seria voluntria nem louvvel. Nem virtude , como discurso, aperfeioado
pela prtica que resulta de ocorrncias dirias (por isso muito a forma como vice- origina). Pois
no de qualquer forma, tanto as de aquisio, ou as que dizem respeito ao cuidado do corpo, que o
conhecimento alcanado. Nada mais do currculo de ensino. Para isso satisfeito se ele s pode
preparar e aguar a alma . Para a leis do Estado so talvez capazes de coibir maus aes , Mas
palavras persuasivas, mas que toque na superfcie, no pode produzir uma cientfico permanncia
da verdade .
Agora, o Grego filosofia , por assim dizer, limpa a alma e prepara-lo com antecedncia para a
recepo de f , em que o Verdade constri o edifcio do conhecimento .
Este o verdadeiro atleta, ele que no grande estdio, o mundo justo, coroado pela verdadeira
vitria sobre todas as paixes . Para Ele, que prescreve o concurso o Onipotente Deus , e Ele que
concede o prmio o unignito Filho de Deus . Anjos e deuses so espectadores, e do concurso,
abrangendo todos os exerccios variados, no contra carne e sangue, Efsios 6:12 , mas contra a
espiritual poderes de inordinate paixes que trabalham atravs da carne. Aquele que obtm o
domnio nestas lutas, e derruba o tentador , Ameaador, por assim dizer, com certo competies,
ganha a imortalidade . Para a sentena de Deus , na maioria dos justos julgamento infalvel . O
espectadores so convocados para o concurso, e os atletas afirmam no estdio, a um, que obedeceu
as orientaes do treinador, ganha o dia. Para a todos, todas as recompensas proposto por Deus so
iguais, e Ele mesmo impecvel. E quem tem poder recebe misericrdia, e aquele que tenha
exercido vontade poderoso.
Assim tambm ns recebemos a mente , para que possamos saber o que fazemos. E a mxima
Conhea a si mesmo significa aqui para saber para o que nascemos. E ns nascemos para obedecer
a mandamentos , Se optarmos por estar disposto a ser salvo . Tal o Nmesis , atravs do qual no
h como escapar de Deus . Homem dever , Ento, a obedincia a Deus , que tem proclamado a
salvao pelas mltiplas mandamentos . E confisso ao de graas. Benfica para o primeiro
comea a fazer bom . E aquele que em consideraes de montagem prontamente recebe e mantm o
mandamentos , fiel (), e quem por amor retribui benefcios, tanto quanto ele capaz, j
um amigo. Uma recompensa da parte de homens de fundamental importncia - A fazer o que
agradvel a Deus . Como sendo sua prpria produo, e um resultado semelhante a Ele, o Mestre e
Salvador recebe atos de assistncia e de melhoria por parte dos homens as a personal favour and
honour ; as also He regards the injuries inflicted on those who believe in Him as ingratitude and
dishonour to Himself. For what other dishonour can touch Deus ? Wherefore it is impossible to
render a recompense at all equivalent to the boon received from the Senhor .
And as those who maltratar propriedade insult the owners, and those who maltratar soldiers insult
the commander, so also the ill-usage of His consecrated ones is desprezo para o Senhor .
For, just as the sun not only illumines cu and the whole world, shining over land and sea, but also
through windows and small chinks sends his beams into the innermost recesses of houses, so the
Palavra diffused everywhere casts His eye-glance on the minutest circumstances of the aes da

Captulo 4. The Heathens Made Gods Like Themselves,

Whence Springs All Superstition
Now, as the Gregos represent the gods as possuindo humano formas , so also do they as possuindo
human passions . And as each of them depict their formas similar to themselves, as Xenfanes says,
Ethiopians as black and apes, the Thracians ruddy and tawny ; so also they assimilate their souls to
those who forma them: the Brbaros , for instance, who make them savage and wild; and the
Gregos , who make them more civilized, yet subject to paixo .
Wherefore it stands to razo , Que o idias entertained of Deus por maus homens must be bad, and
those by bom homens mais excelente. And therefore he who is in soul truly kingly and gnstico ,
being likewise pious and free from superstition , is persuaded that He who alone is Deus is
honourable , venerable, august, beneficent, the doer of bom , the author of all bom things, but not
the cause of evil . And respecting the Helnica superstition we have, as I think, shown enough in the
book entitled by us The Exhortation , availing ourselves abundantly of the history bearing on the
point. There is no need, then, again to make a long story of what has already been clearly stated.
But in as far as necessidade requires to be pointed out on coming to the topic, suffice it to adduce a
few out of many considerations in proof of the impiety of those who make the Divinity resemble the
worst homens . For either those Gods of theirs are injured by homens , and are shown to be inferior
to homens on being injured by us; or, if not so, how is it that they are incensed at those by whom
they are not injured, like a testy old wife roused to wrath ?
As they say that Artemis was enraged at the tolians on account of neus. For how, being a
goddess, did she not consider that he had neglected to sacrifice , not through desprezo , but out of
inadvertence , or under the idia that he had sacrificed ?
E Latona , arguing her case with Atena , on account of the latter being incensed at her for having
brought forth in the templo , Diz: -
Man-slaying spoils
Torn from the dead you love to see. E estes
To you are not unclean . But you regard
My parturition here a horrid thing,
Though other creatures in the templo fazer
No harm by bringing forth their young.

natural , then, that having a supersticioso dread of those irascible [gods], they imagine that all
events are sinais e causas of evils . If a mouse bore through an altar built of clay, and for want of
something else gnaw through an oil flask; if a cock that is being fattened crow in the evening, they
determine this to be a sign of something.
Of such a one Menandro gives a comic description in The Superstitious Man:
A. Good luck be mine, you honoured gods!
Tying my, right shoe's string,
I broke it.
B. Most likely, silly fool,
For it was rotten, and you, niggard , Voc
Would not buy new ones.

It was a clever remark of Antfona , who (when one regarded it as an ill pressgio that the sow had
eaten her pigs), on seeing her emaciated through the niggardliness of the pessoa that kept her, said,
Congratulate yourself on the pressgio that, being so hungry, she did not eat your own children.
And what wonder is it, says Bion , if the mouse, finding nothing to eat, gnaws the bag? For it were
wonderful if (as Arcesilau argued in fun) the bag had eaten the mouse.
Diogenes accordingly remarked well to one who wondered at finding a serpente coiled round a
pestle: Don't wonder; for it would have been more surprising if you had seen the pestle coiled round
the serpent, and the serpente em linha reta.
For the irrational creatures must run, and galopada , and fight, and breed, and die; and these things
being natural to them, can never be unnatural to us.
And many birds beneath the sunbeams walk.

And the comic poet Philemon treats such points in comedy:

When I see one who watches who has sneezed ,
Or who has spoke; or looking, who goes on,
I straightway in the market sell him off.
Each one of us walks, talks, and sneezes too,
For his own self, not for the citizens:
De acordo com suas natureza things turn out.

Then by the practice of temperance homens seek health: and by cramming themselves, and
wallowing in potations em festas , they attract diseases.
There are many, too, that dread inscries configurada. Very cleverly Diogenes , on finding in the
house of a bad man the inscrio , Hercules, for victory famed, dwells here; let nothing bad enter,
remarked, And how shall the master of the house go in?
The same people, who adorao every stick and gorduroso stone, as the saying is, dreads tufos de
fulvo wool, and caroos of salt , and torches, and squills , and sulphur, bewitched by feiticeiros , Em
certo impure rites of expiation. But God , the true God , recognises as holy only the carter of the
righteous man as unholy , wrong and wickedness .
You may see the eggs, taken from those who have been purified, hatched if subjected to the
necessrio warmth. But this could not take place if they had had transferred to them the sins of the
man that had undergone purification. Accordingly the comic poet Diphilus facetiously writes, in
comedy, of feiticeiros , in the following words:
Purifying Prtus' daughters, and their father
Prtus Abantades, and fifth, an old wife to boot,
So many people's persons with one torch, one squill,
With sulphur and asphalt da loud-sounding sea,
From the placid-flowing, deep-flowing oceano.
Mas bendito air through the clouds send Anticyra
That I may make this bug em um drone .

For well Menandro observaes: -

Had you, O Phidias , any real ill,
You needs must seek for it a real cure;
Now 'tis not so. And for the unreal ill
I've found an unreal cure. Acreditar que
Will do you bom . Let women in a ring
Wipe you, and from three fountains water bring.
Add salt and lentils ; sprinkle then yourself.
Each one is pure, who's conscious of no sin .

For instance, the tragedy says:

Menelaus . What disease, Orestes , is destroying you?
Orestes . Conscience. For horrid deeds I know I've done.

For in reality there is no other purity but abstinncia from sins . Excelentemente ento Epicharmus
diz: -
If a pure mente you have,
In your whole body you are pure.

Now also we say that it is requisite to purify the soul from corrupt and bad doutrinas by right razo ;
and so thereafter to the recollection of the principal heads of doutrina . Since also before the
communication of the mysteries they think it right to apply certo purifications to those who are to
be initiated; so it is requisite for homens para abandonar impious opinion, and thus turn to the true
tradio .

Captulo 5. The Holy Soul a More Excellent Temple Than Any

Edifice Built by Man
For is it not the case that rightly and truly we do not circumscribe in any place that which cannot be
circumscribed; nor do we shut up in templos made with hands that which contains all things? What
work of builders, and stonecutters, and mechanical art can be holy ? Superior to these are not they
who think that the air, and the enclosing space, or rather the whole world and the universe , are meet
for the excellency of Deus ?
It were indeed ridiculous, as the philosophers themselves say, for man , the plaything of God , to
make God , and for God to be the plaything of art; since what is made is similar and the same to that
of which it is made, as that which is made of marfim marfim , and that which is made of gold
golden. Now the images and templos constructed by mechanics are made of inert assunto ; so that
they too are inert, and material, and profane; and if you perfeito the art, they partake of mechanical
coarseness. Obras of art cannot then be sagrado and divine.
And what can be localized, there being nothing that is not localized? Since all things are in a place.
And that which is localized having been formerly not localized, is localized by something. Se,
ento, Deus is localized by homens , He was once not localized, and did not existir em tudo. For the
non-existent is what is not localized; since whatever does not existir is not localized. And what
exists cannot be localized by what does not existir ; nor by another entity. For it is also an entity. It
follows that it must be by itself. And how shall anything generate itself? Or how shall that which
exists place itself as to being? Whether, being formerly not localized, has it localized itself? But it
was not in existence ; since what exists not is not localized. E sua localization being supposed, how
can it afterwards make itself what it previously was?
But how can He, to whom the things that are belong, need anything? But were Deus possessed of a
human form, He would need, equally with man, food, and shelter, and house, and the attendant
incidents. Those who are like in forma and affections vontade require similar sustenance. E se
sagrado ( ) has a twofold application, designating both Deus Himself and the structure
levantado to His honour , how shall we not with propriety call the Church holy , through knowledge
, made for the honour of God , sagrado ( ) to God , of great value, and not constructed by
mechanical art, nor embellished by the hand of an impostor , but by the will of Deus fashioned into
a templo ? For it is not now the place, but the assemblage of the elect , that I call the Church . Este
templo is better for the reception of the greatness of the dignity of God . For the living creature
which is of high value, is made sagrado by that which is worth all, or rather which has no
equivalent, in virtue of the exceeding sanctity of the latter. Now this is the Gnostic , who is of great
value, who is homenageado by God , in whom Deus enshrined , that is, the knowledge respecting
Deus is consecrated . Here, too, we shall find the divine likeness and the holy image in the righteous
soul , when it is blessed in being purified and performing abenoado atos . Here also we shall find
that which is localized, and that which is being localized, the former in the case of those who are
already Gnostics , and the latter in the case of those capable of becoming so, although not yet
worthy of receiving the knowledge of God . For every being destinado to believe is already fiel in
the sight of God , and set up for His honour , an image, endowed with virtue , dedicado para Deus .

Captulo 6. Prayers and Praise from a Pure Mind, Ceaselessly

Offered, Far Better Than Sacrifices
As, then, Deus is not circumscribed by place, neither is ever represented by the forma of a living
creature; so neither has He similar passions , nor has He wants like the creatures, so as to desire
sacrifice , from hunger, by way of food. Those creatures which are affected by paixo are all mortal.
And it is useless to bring food to one who is not nourished.
E que poeta cmico Pherecrates, em A Fugitivos, facetiously representa os prprios deuses como
encontrar a falha com homens na pontuao de suas sagrado ritos : -
Quando os deuses que voc sacrifcio ,
Selecionar o que a nossa parte,
'Tis vergonha de dizer, no tome,
E ambas as coxas, limpa para o virilhas ,
O lombo bem nua, a espinha dorsal , Tambm,
Limpa como raspar com um arquivo,
Los engolir, eo restante dar
Para ns como se ces? E, em seguida,
Como se um do outro 'envergonhado,
Com montes de esconder cevada salgados.

E Eubulo , Tambm um poeta cmico, assim escreve respeitando sacrifcios : -

Mas para os deuses da cauda sozinho
E na coxa, como se pederastas voc sacrifcio .

E introduzindo Dionsio em Semele , Ele representa-lo em litgio: -

Primeiro se oferecer nada para mim, h
Quem oferecer sangue, o bexiga , No o corao
Ou coifa . Porque eu no fazer j comeu carne
Isso mais doce do que a coxa.

E Menandro escreve: -
O fim da lombo ,
A bile, os ossos que no se pode comer , Ajustaram-se
Diante dos deuses, o resto se consome.

Pois no o sabor do holocaustos evitado os animais? E se, na realidade, o sabor a recompensa

dos deuses do Gregos , Eles no devem primeiro deificar os cozinheiros, que so dignificadas com
igual felicidade , e adorao o chamin si, que mais perto ainda o sabor muito valorizada?
E Hesodo diz que Zeus, enganado em uma diviso de carne por Prometeu , Recebeu os ossos de
um boi branco, escondido com a arte astcia, em brilhando de gordura: -
Onde a imortal deuses das tribos de homens
O vtima ossos brancos na altares queimar.

Mas de modo nenhum dizer que o Divindade , Enfraquecida pelo desejo que nasce da necessidade,
se alimenta. Assim, eles vo represent-Lo como nutrido sem desejo como uma planta, e como
animais que toca . Eles dizem que estes crescem innoxiously, alimentada tanto pela densidade do ar,
ou a partir do exalaes provenientes de seu prprio corpo. Mas se o Divindade , Apesar de precisar
nada, de acordo com eles nutrido, o que necessidade Ele tem por comida, querendo nada? Mas se,
por natureza necessidade de nada, Ele tem prazer em ser homenageado , No sem razo que honra
Deus na orao , e assim o melhor e mais sagrado sacrifcio de justia que trazemos, apresentando-a
como um oferta para os mais justos Palavra , Por quem recebemos o conhecimento , dando glria a
Ele pelo que que aprendemos.
O altar , Ento, que est conosco aqui, o terrestre, a congregao daqueles que se dedicam a
oraes , tendo como se fosse uma voz comum e uma mente .
Agora, se alimentando substncias absorvidos pelas narinas so adivinho do que as tomadas pela
boca, mas eles inferir a respirao. O que, ento, que eles dizem de Deus ? Ele se faz exalar como a
tribo de carvalhos? Ou ser que Ele s inala, como os aquticos animais , Pela dilatao de seus
guelras ? Ou ser que ele respira todo, como os insetos, pela compresso da seo por meio de suas
asas? Mas ningum, se ele est em seus sentidos, vontade comparar Deus a qualquer um destes.
E as criaturas que respiram pela expanso do pulmo para o trax desenhar no ar. Ento, se eles
atribuem a Deus vsceras e artrias e veias e nervos, e as peas, eles vo faz-Lo em nada diferente
do homem.
Agora respirando juntos () propriamente dito da Igreja . Para o sacrifcio da Igreja a
respirao palavra como incenso da santa alma , o sacrifcio e toda mente sendo ao mesmo tempo
revelou a Deus . Agora, o muito antigo altar em Delos eles celebrado como santo , o que por si s,
sem mcula por matana e da morte, dizem Pitgoras abordado. E vontade eles no acreditam em
ns quando dizemos que os justos alma o verdadeiro sagrado altar , E que o incenso dele
decorrentes santa orao ? Mas eu acredito que os sacrifcios foram inventados pelo homens a ser
um pretexto para comer carne. Mas sem essa idolatria que ele desejava que poderia ter comido
Para o sacrifcio do Lei expressa figurativamente a piedade que a prtica, como a rola eo pombo
oferecidos para pecados salientar que a limpeza da parte irracional da alma aceitvel para Deus .
Mas se qualquer um dos justos no sobrecarrega a sua alma pelo consumo de carne, ele tem a
vantagem de um racional razo , No como Pitgoras e seus seguidores sonho da transmigrao da
alma .
Agora Xencrates , Tratando sozinho dos alimentos derivados de animais E Plemon Em seu
trabalho sobre a vida de acordo com Natureza , Parecem claramente dizer que alimentos de origem
animal prejudicial, na medida em que j foi elaborado e assimilado para a alma das criaturas
Assim tambm, em particular, a judeus abster-se de carne de porco no cho deste animal ser imundo
, J que mais do que o outro animais suas razes para cima, e destri as produes da terra. Mas se
eles dizem que a animais foram designados para homens - E ns concordamos com eles, ainda no
foi inteiramente para o alimento. Nem era tudo isso animais , Mas, como no funcionam. Por isso o
poeta cmico Plato no diz mal no drama de O Festas : -
Por do quadrpedes no devemos matar
No futuro, mas nada de suna. Para estes tem carne
A maioria toothsome, e sobre o porco nada
Para ns, com exceo cerdas , Lama e rudo.

Esopo onde no disse mal, que suna guinchou a muito alto, porque, quando eles foram arrastados,
eles sabiam que eles eram bom para nada, mas para o sacrifcio .
Por isso tambm Cleantes diz, que eles tm alma em vez de sal , que a sua carne no podem
apodrecer. Alguns, ento, com-los como inteis, outros como destrutiva de frutas. E outros no
com-los, porque o animal tem uma forte propenso sensual.
Assim, ento, o lei sacrifcios no o bode, exceto no caso exclusivo do banimento de pecados ; pois
o prazer o metrpole do vice- . o ponto que tambm se diz que o consumo de carne de cabra
contribui para a epilepsia. E eles dizem que o maior aumento produzido pela carne de porco.
Portanto, benfico para aqueles que se exercitam o corpo, mas para aqueles que se dedicam ao
desenvolvimento da alma no assim, por conta do estpidos que resulta do consumo de carne.
Talvez tambm alguns gnsticos vontade abster-se do consumo de carne por causa da formao, e
tendo em vista que a carne no pode crescer devassa em amorosidade . Para vinho , Diz Androcydes
E gluto alimenta de carne tornar o corpo forte, mas a alma mais lento. Assim como alimentos, a
fim de limpar o entendimento, deve ser rejeitada.
Por isso tambm a Egpcios , No purificaes praticado entre eles, no permitem a sacerdotes para
se alimentar de carne, mas eles usam galinhas, como mais leve , E eles no tocam peixe, por conta
de certo fbulas, mas especialmente por conta de tal alimento tornando a carne flcido . Mas agora
terrestres animais e os pssaros respiram o mesmo ar como o nosso vital espritos , Ser possuidor de
um cognato princpio vital com o ar. Mas diz-se que os peixes no respiram este ar, mas o que foi
misturado com a gua no momento da sua primeira criao , Bem como com o resto dos elementos,
que tambm um sinal da permanncia de assunto .
Por isso devemos oferecer para Deus sacrifcios no caro, mas como Ele ama . Agravado e que o
incenso que mencionado no Lei , a que consiste em muitos lnguas e as vozes em orao , ou
melhor, de naes diferentes e naturezas, preparados pelo dom vouchsafed na dispensao para o
unidade da f , e reuniu em louvores, com um puro esprito , e justo e conduta correta, de santos e
justos funciona orao . Porque na linguagem elegante da poesia -
Que to grande tolo, e entre os homens
Ento, muito fcil de crena , as thinks
The gods, with fraude de fleshless bones and bile
All burnt, not fit for hungry dogs to eat,
Delighted are, and take this as their prize,
And favour show to those who treat them thus,

though they happen to be tiranos and robbers ?

But we say that the fire sanctifies not flesh, but pecaminoso souls ; meaning not the all-devouring
vulgar fogo but that of wisdom, which pervades the soul passing through the fire.

Captulo 7. What Sort of Prayer the Gnostic Employs, and

How It is Heard by God
Now we are commanded to reverence and to honour the same one, being persuaded that He is
Palavra , Salvador E Lder , and by Him, the Father , not on special days, as some others, but doing
this continually in our whole life, and in every way. Certainly the eleger raa justificado pelo
preceito says, Seven times a day have I praised You. Whence not in a specified place, or selected
templo , or at certo festivais and on appointed days, but during his whole life, the Gnostic in every
place, even if he be alone by himself, and wherever he has any of those who have exercised the like
faith , honras Deus , that is, acknowledges his gratitude for the knowledge of the way to live.
And if the presence of a bom man, through the respect and reverence which he inspira , always
melhora him with whom he associates, with much more razo does not he who always holds
uninterrupted converse with Deus by knowledge , life, and thanksgiving, grow at every step
superior to himself in all aspectos in conduct, in words, in disposition? Such an one is persuaded
that Deus is ever beside him, and does not suppose that He is confined in certo limited places; so
that under the idia that at times he is without Him, he may indulge in excesses night and day.
Segurando festival , then, in our whole life, persuaded that Deus is altogether on every side present,
we cultivate our fields, praising; we sail the sea, hymning ; in all the rest of our conversation we
conduct ourselves according to rule. The Gnostic , then, is very closely allied to God , being at once
grave and cheerful in all things grave on account of the bent of his soul towards the Divinity, and
cheerful on account of his consideration of the bnos of humanity which God has given us.
Now the excellence of knowledge is evidently presented by the prophet when he says, Benignity,
and instruction, and knowledge teach me, magnifying the supremacy of perfeio by a climax.
He is, then, the truly kingly man; he is the sagrado high priest of God . And this is even now
observed among the most sagacious of the Brbaros , in advancing the sacerdotal casta to the royal
power. He, therefore, never surrenders himself to the rabble that rules supreme over the theatres,
and gives no admittance even in a dream to the things which are spoken, done, and seen for the sake
of alluring pleasures; neither, therefore, to the pleasures of sight, nor the various pleasures which
are found in other enjoyments, as costly incense and odours, which bewitch the nostrils, or
preparations of meats, and indulgences in different wines, which ensnare the palate, or fragrant
bouquets of many flowers, which through the senses effeminate the soul . But always tracing up to
Deus the grave enjoyment of all things, he oferece the first-fruits of food, and drink, and ointments
to the Giver of all, acknowledging his thanks in the dom and in the use of them by the Palavra given
to him. He rarely goes to convivial banquets of all and sundry, unless the announcement to him of
the friendly and harmonious carter of the entertainment induce him to go. For he is convinced that
Deus knows and perceives all things not the words only, but also the thought; since even our
sense of hearing, which atos through the passages of the body, has the apprehension [ pertencentes
to it] not through corporeal power, but through a psychical perception, and the inteligncia which
distinguishes significant sounds. Deus is not, then, possessed of human form, so as to hear; nor
needs He senses, as the Stoics have decided, especially hearing and sight; for He could never
otherwise apprehend. But the susceptibility of the air, and the intensely keen perception of the
angels , and the power which reaches the soul's consciousness, by ineffable power and without
sensible hearing, know all things at the moment of thought. And should any one say that the voice
does not reach God , but is rolled downwards in the air, yet the thoughts of the saints cleave not the
air only, but the whole world. And the divine power, with the speed of light, sees through the whole
soul . Bem! Do not also volies speak to God , uttering their voice? And are they not conveyed by
conscience ? And what voice shall He wait for, who, according to His purpose, knows the eleger
already, even before his birth, knows what is to be as already existent? Does not the light of power
shine down to the very bottom of the whole soul ; the lamp of knowledge , as the Scripture says,
searching the recesses ? Deus is all ear and all eye, if we may be permitted to use these expressions.
In general, then, an unworthy opinion of Deus preserves no piety , either in hymns , or discourses,
or writings, or dogmas , but diverts to grovelling and unseemly idias and notions. Whence the
commendation of the multitude differs nothing from censura , in consequence of their ignorance of
the truth . The objects, then, of desires and aspirations, and, in a word, of the mind's impulses, are
the subjects of prayers . Wherefore, no man desires a draught, but to drink what is drinkable ; and
no man desires an inheritance, but to inherit. And in like manner no man desires knowledge , but to
know ; or a right government, but to take part in the government. The subjects of our prayers , then,
are the subjects of our requests, and the subjects of requests are the objects of desires. Orao , then,
and desire, follow in order, with the view of possuindo o bnos and advantages oferecidos .
The Gnostic , then, who is such by posse , makes his prayer and request for the truly bom things
which appertain to the soul , and prays , he himself also contributing his efforts to attain to the habit
of bondade , so as no longer to have the things that are bom como certo lessons belonging to him,
but to be bom .
Wherefore also it is most incumbent on such to pray , knowing as they do the Divinity rightly, and
having the moral excellence suitable to him; who know what things are really bom , and what are to
be asked, and when and how in each individual caso. o extremest stupidity to ask of them who are
no gods, as if they were gods; or to ask those things which are not beneficial, begging evils for
themselves under the appearance of bom as coisas.
Whence, as is right, there being only one bom God , that some bom things be given from Him
alone, and that some remain, we and the angels pray . But not similarly. For it is not the same thing
to pray that the dom remain, and to endeavour to obtain it for the first tempo .
The averting of evils is a espcies of prayer ; but such prayer is never to be used for the injury of
men , except that the Gnostic , in devoting attention to righteousness, may make use of this petio
in the case of those who are past feeling.
Prayer is, then, to speak more boldly, converse with God . Though whispering, consequently, and
not opening the lips, we speak in silence, yet we cry inwardly. Para Deus hears continually all the
inward converse. So also we raise the head and lift the hands to cu , and set the feet in motion at
the closing utterance of the prayer , following the eagerness of the esprito directed towards the
intelectual essence ; and endeavouring to abstract the body from the earth, along with the discourse,
raising the soul aloft, winged with longing for better things, we compel it to advance to the region
of holiness , magnanimamente despising the chain of the flesh. For we know right well, that the
Gnostic willingly passes over the whole world, as the Jews certamente did over Egypt , showing
clearly, above all, that he will be as near as possible to God .
Now, if some assign definite hours for prayer as, for example, the third, and sixth, and nono
yet the Gnostic prays throughout his whole life, endeavouring by prayer to have fellowship with
God . And, briefly, having reached to this, he leaves behind him all that is of no service, as having
now received the perfeio of the man that atos by love . But the distribution of the hours into a
triplo division, homenageado with as many prayers , those are acquainted with, who know the
abenoado triad of the holy abodes.
Having got to this point, I recollect the doutrinas about there being no necessidade to pray ,
introduced by certain of the heterodoxo , that is, the followers of the heresy of Prdico . That they
may not then be inflated with conceit about this godless wisdom of theirs, as if it were strange, let
them learn that it was embraced before by the philosophers called Cirenaicos . Nevertheless, the
unholy knowledge ( gnosis ) of those falsely called [ Gnostics ] shall meet with confutation at a
fitting tempo ; so that the assault on them, by no means breve , may not, by being introduced into
the comentrio , break the discourse in hand, in which we are showing that the only really holy and
pious man is he who is truly a Gnostic according to the rule of the Church , to whom alone the
petio made in accordance with the will of God is granted, on asking and on thinking. For as Deus
can do all that He wishes, so the Gnostic receives all that he asks. For, universally, Deus knows
those who are and those who are not worthy of bom things; whence He gives to each what is
suitable. Wherefore to those that are unworthy, though they ask often, He will not give; but He will
give to those who are worthy.
Nem petio superfluous, though bom things are given without claim.
Now thanksgiving and request for the converso of our neighbours is the function of the Gnostic ;
as also the Senhor prayed , giving thanks for the accomplishment of His ministry, praying that as
many as possible might attain to knowledge ; that in the salvo , by salvation , through knowledge ,
Deus might be glorified , and He who is alone bom and alone Salvador might be acknowledged
through the Son from age to age. But also faith , that one vontade receive, is a espcies of prayer
gnosticamente laid up in store.
But if any occasion of converse with Deus becomes prayer , no opportunity of access to Deus ought
to be omitted. Without doubt , the holiness of the Gnostic , in union with [ Deus ] abenoado
Providncia , exhibits in voluntary confisso o perfeito beneficence of God . For the holiness of the
Gnostic , and the reciprocal benevolence of the friend of God , are a kind of corresponding
movement of providence . For neither is Deus involuntarily bom , as the fire is warming; but in Him
the imparting of bom things is voluntary , even if He receive the request previously. Nor shall he
who is salvo ser salvo against his vontade , for he is not inanimate; but he will above all
voluntariamente and of free choice speed to salvation . Wherefore also man received the
mandamentos in order that he might be self-impelled, to whatever he wished of things to be chosen
and to be avoided. Portanto Deus does not do bom por necessidade , but from His free choice
benefits those who spontaneously turn. Para o Providncia which extends to us from Deus is not
ministerial, as that service which proceeds from inferiors to superiors. But in pity for our weakness,
the continual dispensaes de Providncia work, as the care of shepherds towards the sheep, and of
a king towards his subjects; we ourselves also conducting ourselves obediently towards our
superiors, who take the management of us, as appointed, in accordance with the commission from
Deus with which they are invested.
Consequently those who render the most free and kingly service, which is the result of a pious
mente and of knowledge , are servants and attendants of the Divinity. Each place, then, and tempo ,
in which we entertain the idia of God , is in reality sagrado .
When, then, the man who chooses what is right, and is at the same time of thankful heart, makes his
request in prayer , he contributes to the obtaining of it, gladly taking hold in prayer of the thing
desired. For when the Giver of bom things perceives the susceptibility on our part, all bom things
follow at once the conception of them. Certainly in prayer the carter is sifted, how it stands with
respect to dever .
But if voice and expression are given us, for the sake of understanding, how can Deus not hear the
soul itself, and the mind , since assuredly soul hears soul , and mind , mente ? De onde Deus does
not wait for loquacious lnguas , as interpreters among men , but knows absolutely the thoughts of
all; and what the voice intimates to us, that our thought, which even before the criao He knew
would come into our mind , speaks to God . Orao , then, may be uttered without the voice, by
concentrating the whole espiritual natureza within on expression by the mind , in un-distracted
turning towards Deus .
And since the dawn is an image of the day of birth, and from that point the light which has shone
forth at first from the darkness increases, there has also dawned on those involved in darkness a day
of the knowledge of truth . In correspondence with the manner of the sun's rising, prayers are made
looking towards the sunrise in the east. Whence also the most ancient templos looked towards the
west, that people might be taught to turn to the east when facing the images. Let my prayer be
directed before You as incense , the uplifting of my hands as the evening sacrifice , say the Salmos .
In the case of wicked homens , therefore, prayer is most injurious, not to others alone, but to
themselves also. If, then, they should ask and receive what they call pieces of bom fortune, these
injure them after they receive them, being ignorant how to use them. For they pray to possess what
they have not, and they ask things which seem, but are not, bom as coisas. But the Gnostic vontade
ask the permanence of the things he possui , adaptation for what is to take place, and the eternity of
those things which he shall receive. And the things which are really bom , the things which concern
the soul , he prays that they may belong to him, and remain with him. And so he desires not
anything that is absent, being content with what is present. For he is not deficient in the bom things
which are proper to him; being already sufficient for himself, through divine grace and knowledge .
But having become sufficient in himself, he stands in no want of other things. But knowing the
sovereign vontade E possuindo as soon as he prays , being brought into close contact with the
almighty power, and earnestly desiring to be espiritual , through boundless love , he is united to the
Esprito .
Thus he, being magnanimous, possuindo , through knowledge , what is the most precious of all, the
best of all, being quick in applying himself to contemplation , retains in his soul the permanent
energy of the objects of his contemplation , that is the perspicacious keenness of knowledge . And
this power he strives to his utmost to acquire, by obtaining command of all the influences which
war against the mente ; and by applying himself without intermission to speculation, by exercising
himself in the training of abstinncia from pleasures, and of right conduct in what he does; and
besides, furnished with great experience both in study and in life, he has freedom of speech, not the
power of a babbling tongue, but a power which employs plain language, and which neither for
favour nor fear conceals anything of the things which may be worthily said at the fitting tempo , in
which it is highly necessrio to say them. He, then, having received the things respecting Deus da
mstico choir of the truth itself, employs language which urges the magnitude of virtue in
accordance with its worth; and shows its results with an inspirado elevation of prayer , being
associated gnosticamente , as far as possible, with intelectual e espiritual objetos.
Whence he is always mild and meek, accessible, affable, long-suffering, grateful, endued with a
bom conscience . Such a man is rigid, not alone so as not to be corrupted, but so as not to be
tentados . For he never exposes his soul to submission, or capture at the hands of Prazer e Dor . Se o
Palavra , who is Judge, call; he, having grown inflexible, and not indulging a whit the passions ,
walks unswervingly where justice advises him to go; being very well persuaded that all things are
managed consummately bem, and that progress to what is better goes on in the case of souls that
have chosen virtue , till they come to the Good itself, to the Father's vestibule, so to speak, close to
the great High Padre . Such is our Gnostic , fiel , persuaded that the affairs of the universe are
managed in the best way. Particularly , he is well pleased with all that happens. De acordo com
razo , then, he asks for none of those things in life required for necessrio use; being persuaded
that God , who knows all things, supplies the bom with whatever is for their benefit, even though
they do not ask.
For my view is, that as all things are supplied to the man of art according to the rules of art, and to
the Gentio em um Gentio way, so also to the Gnostic all things are supplied gnosticamente . And the
man who turns from among the Gentiles vontade ask for faith , while he that ascends to knowledge
vontade ask for the perfeio of love . And the Gnostic , who has reached the summit, vontade pray
that contemplation may grow and abide, as the common man vontade for continual good health.
Nay, he will pray that he may never fall from virtue ; giving his most strenuous co-operation in
order that he may become infalvel . For he knows that some of the angels , through carelessness,
were hurled to the earth, not having yet quite reached that state of oneness, by extricating
themselves from the propensity to that of duality.
But him, who from this has trained himself to the summit of knowledge and the elevated height of
the perfeito man, all things relating to tempo and place help on, now that he has made it his choice
to live infallibly , and subjects himself to training in order to the attainment of the stability of
knowledge on each side. But in the case of those in whom there is still a heavy corner, leaning
downwards, even that part which has been elevated by faith is dragged down. In him, then, who by
gnstico training has acquired virtue which cannot be lost, hbito torna-se natureza . E justo as
weight in a stone, so the knowledge of such an one is incapable of being lost. Not without, but
through the exercise of vontade , and by the force of razo , and knowledge , and Providncia , is it
brought to become incapable of being lost. Through care it becomes incapable of being lost. He will
employ caution so as to avoid pecando , and consideration to prevent the loss of virtue .
Now knowledge appears to produce consideration, by teaching to perceive the things that are
capable of contributing to the permanence of virtue . The highest thing is, then, the knowledge of
God ; wherefore also by it virtue is so preserved as to be incapable of being lost. And he who knows
Deus is holy and pious . The Gnostic has consequently been demonstrated by us to be the only
pious man.
He rejoices in bom things present, and is glad on account of those promised, as if they were already
present. For they do not elude his notice, as if they were still absent, because he knows by
anticipation what sort they are. Being then persuaded by knowledge how each future thing shall be,
he possesses it. For want and defect are measured with reference to what appertains to one. If, then,
he possui wisdom, and wisdom is a divine thing, he who partakes of what has no want vontade
himself have no want. For the imparting of wisdom does not take place by activity and receptivity
moving and stopping each other, or by anything being abstracted or becoming defective. Atividade
is therefore shown to be undiminished in the ato of communication. So, then, our Gnostic possui
todos bom things, as far as possible; but not likewise in number; since otherwise he would be
incapable of changing his place through the due inspirado stages of advancement and atos of
Ele Deus helps, by honrando him with closer oversight. For were not all things made for the sake of
bom homens , for their posse and advantage, or rather salvation ? He will not then deprive, of the
things which existir for the sake of virtue , those for whose sake they were criado . For, evidently in
honour of their excellent natureza and their holy choice, he inspira those who have made choice of a
bom life with strength for the rest of their salvation ; exhorting some, and helping others, who of
themselves have become worthy. Para todos bom is capable of being produced in the Gnostic ; if
indeed it is his aim to know and do everything inteligente . And as the physician ministros health to
those who co-operate with him in order to health, so also Deus ministros eternal salvation to those
who co-operate for the attainment of knowledge and bom conduct; and since what the mandamentos
enjoin are in our own power, along with the performance of them, the promise is accomplished.
And what follows seems to me to be excellently said by the Gregos . An athlete of no mean
reputation among those of old, having for a long tempo subjected his body to thorough training in
order to the attainment of manly strength, on going up to the Olmpico games, cast his eye on the
statue of the Pisan Zeus, and said: O Zeus, if all the requisite preparations for the contest have
been made by me, come, give me the victory, as is right. For so, in the case of the Gnostic , who has
unblameably and with a bom conscience fulfilled all that depends on him, in the direction of
learning, and training, and well-doing, and pleasing God , the whole contributes to carry salvation
on to perfeio . From us, then, are demanded the things which are in our own power, and of the
things which pertain to us, both present and absent, the choice, and desire, and posse , and use, and
Wherefore also he who holds converse with Deus must have his soul immaculate and stainlessly
pure, it being essencial to have made himself perfectly bom .
But also it becomes him to make all his prayers gently with the bom . For it is a dangerous thing to
take part in others' sins . Accordingly the Gnostic vontade pray along with those who have more
recently believed , for those things in respect of which it is their dever para ato juntos. And his
whole life is a holy festival . His sacrifices are prayers , and praises, and readings in the Scriptures
before meals, and salmos and hymns during meals and before bed, and prayers also again during
night. By these he unites himself to the divine choir , from continual recollection, engaged in
contemplation which has everlasting remembrance.
E o qu? Does he not also know the other kind of sacrifice , which consists in the giving both of
doutrinas and of money to those who need? Assuredly. But he does not use wordy prayer by his
mouth; having learned to ask of the Senhor what is requisite. In every place, therefore, but not
ostensibly and visibly to the multitude, he will pray . But while engaged in walking, in
conversation, while in silence, while engaged in reading and in works according to razo , he in
every mood prays . If he but forma the thought in the secret chamber of his soul , and call on the
Father with unspoken groanings, Romans 8:26 He is near, and is at his side, while yet speaking.
Inasmuch as there are but three ends of all ao , he does everything for its excellence and utility;
but doing anything for the sake of pleasure, he leaves to those who pursue the common life.

Captulo 8. The Gnostic So Addicted to Truth as Not to Need

to Use an Oath
The man of proved carter in such piety is far from being apt to mentira and to swear . For an oath
is a decisive afirmao , with the taking of the divine name. For how can he, that is once fiel , show
himself unfaithful, so as to require an oath ; and so that his life may not be a sure and decisive
oath ? He lives, and walks, and shows the trustworthiness of his afirmao in an unwavering and
sure life and speech. And if the wrong mentiras no julgamento of one who does and says
[something], and not in the suffering of one who has been wronged, he will neither mentira nor
commit perjury so as to wrong the Divindade , knowing that it by natureza is incapable of being
harmed. Nor yet vontade ele mentira or commit any transgresso , for the sake of the neighbour
whom he has learned to love , though he be not on terms of intimacy. Much more, consequently,
will he not mentira or perjure himself on his own account, since he never with his vontade can be
found doing wrong to himself.
But he does not even swear , preferring to make averment , Em afirmao by yea, and in denial by
nay. For it is an oath to swear , or to produzir anything from the mente in the way of confirmao in
the shape of an oath . It suffices, then, with him, to add to an afirmao or denial the expression I
say truly , for confirmao to those who do not perceive the certeza of his answer. For he ought, I
think, to maintain a life calculated to inspirar confidence towards those without, so that an oath may
not even be asked; and towards himself and those with whom he associados bom feeling, which is
voluntary righteousness.
The Gnostic jura truly , but is not apt to swear , having rarely recourse to an oath , just as we have
said. And his speaking truth on oath arises from his accord with the truth . This speaking truth on
oath , then, is found to be the result of correctness in deveres . Where, then, is the necessidade for
an oath to him who lives in accordance with the extreme of truth ? He, then, that does not even
swear will be far from perjuring himself. And he who does not transgress in what is ratified by
compacts, vontade never swear ; since the ratification of the violation and of the fulfilment is by
aes ; as certamente deitado and perjury in afirmando e juramento are contrary to dever . But he
who lives justly , transgressing in none of his deveres , Quando o julgamento of truth is scrutinized ,
jura truth by his atos . Accordingly, testimony by the tongue is in his case superfluous.
Therefore, persuaded always that Deus is everywhere, and temendo not to speak the truth , and
knowing that it is unworthy of him to mentira , he is satisfeito with the divine consciousness and his
own alone And so he mentiras not, nor does anything contrary to his compacts. And so he jura not
even when asked for his oath ; nor does he ever deny, so as to speak falsehood , though he should
die by tortures.

Captulo 9. Those Who Teach Others, Ought to Excel in

O gnstico dignity is augmented and increased by him who has undertaken the first place in the
teaching of others, and received the dispensation by word and ao of the greatest bom on earth, by
which he mediates contact and fellowship with the Divinity. And as those who adorao terrestrial
things pray to them as if they heard, confirmando compacts before them; so, in homens who are
living images, the true majesty of the Palavra is received by the trustworthy teacher; and the
beneficence exerted towards them is carried up to the Senhor , after whose image he who is a true
man by instruction cria and harmonizes, renewing to salvation the man who receives instruction.
Porque, como o Gregos called steel Ares , and vinho Dionysus , on account of a certo relation; so
the Gnostic considering the benefit of his neighbours as his own salvation , may be called a living
image of the Senhor , not as respects the peculiarity of forma , but the symbol of power and
similarity of preaching.
Whatever, therefore, he has in his mind , he bears on his tongue, to those who are worthy to hear,
speaking as well as living from assent and inclination. For he both thinks and speaks the truth ;
unless at any time, medicinally, as a physician for the safety of the sick, he may deceive or tell an
mentira , according to the Sofistas .
To illustrate: the noble apstolo circuncidado Timothy , though loudly declaring and writing that
circumcision made with hands profits nothing. But that he might not, by dragging all at once away
from the lei to the circumcision of the heart through faith those of the Hebreus who were reluctant
listeners, compel them to break away from the synagogue , he, accommodating himself to the Jews ,
became a Judeu that he might gain all. He, then, who submits to accommodate himself merely for
the benefit of his neighbours, for the salvation of those for whose sake he acomoda himself, not
partaking in any dissimulation through the peril impending over the justo from those who envy
them, such an one by no means atos with compulsion. But for the benefit of his neighbours alone,
he will do things which would not have been done by him primarily, if he did not do them on their
account. Such an one gives himself for the Church , for the disciples whom he has begotten in
faith ; for an example to those who are capable of receiving the supreme economia of the
philanthropic and Deus-amor Instrutor , Para confirmao of the truth of his words, for the exercise
of love to the Lord . Such an one is unenslaved by fear , true in word, enduring in labour, never
willing to mentira by uttered word, and in it always securing impecabilidade ; since falsehood ,
being spoken with a certo engano , is not an inert word, but operates to mischief.
On every hand, then, the Gnostic alone testifies to the truth in ao and word. For he always does
rightly in all things, both in word and ao , and in thought itself.
Such, then, to speak cursorily, is the piety of the Christian . If, then, he does these things according
to dever e direita razo , he does them piously and justly . And if such be the case, the Gnostic
alone is really both pious , and justo E Tementes a Deus .
The Christian is not impious. For this was the point incumbent on us to demonstrate to the
philosophers ; so that he will never in any way do anything bad or base (which is unjust ).
Consequently, therefore, he is not impious; but he alone medos Deus , holily e dutifully adorando
the true God , the universal Ruler, and King, and Sovereign, with the true piety .

Captulo 10. Steps to Perfection

For knowledge ( gnosis ), to speak generally, a perfecting of man as man, is consummated by
acquaintance with divine things, in carter , life, and word, accordant and conformable to itself and
to the divine Palavra . For by it faith is perfected, inasmuch as it is solely by it that the crente torna-
se perfeito . F is an internal bom , and without searching for God , confessa His existence , and
glorifies Him as existent. Whence by starting from this faith , and being developed by it, through
the grace of God , the knowledge respecting Him is to be acquired as far as possible.
Now we assert that knowledge ( gnosis ) differs from the wisdom ( ), which is the result of
teaching. For as far as anything is knowledge , so far is it certamente wisdom; but in as far as
anything is wisdom, it is not certamente conhecimentos . For the term wisdom appears only in the
knowledge of the uttered word.
But it is not duvidando in reference to God , but crente , that is the foundation of knowledge . Mas
Cristo is both the foundation and the superstructure, by whom are both the beginning and the ends.
And the extreme points, the beginning and the end I mean faith and love are not taught. But
knowledge , conveyed from communication through the grace of Deus as a deposit, is entrusted to
those who show themselves worthy of it; and from it the worth of love beams forth from light to
light. For it is said, To him that has shall be given: Luke 19:26 to faith , knowledge ; and to
knowledge , love ; and to love , the inheritance.
And this takes place, whenever one hangs on the Senhor by faith , by knowledge , by love , and
ascends along with Him to where the Deus and guard of our faith and love is. Whence at last (on
account of the necessidade for very great preparation and previous training in order both to hear
what is said, and for the composure of life, and for advancing inteligente to a point beyond the
righteousness of the lei ) it is that knowledge is committed to those fit and selected for it. It leads us
to the endless and perfeito end, teaching us beforehand the future life that we shall lead, according
to God , and with gods; after we are freed from all punishment and pena which we undergo, in
consequence of our sins , for salutary disciplina . After which redeno the reward and the honras
are assigned to those who have become perfeito ; when they have got done with purification, and
ceased from all service, though it be holy service, and among saints . Then become pure in heart,
and near to the Senhor , there awaits them restoration to everlasting contemplation ; and they are
called by the apelao of gods, being destinado to sit on thrones with the other gods that have been
first put in their places by the Salvador .
Knowledge is therefore quick in purifying, and fit for that acceptable transformation to the better.
Whence also with ease it removes [the soul ] to what is akin to the soul , divine and holy , and by its
own light conveys man through the mstico stages of advancement; till it restores the pure in heart
to the crowning place of rest; teaching to gaze on God , face to face, with knowledge and
comprehension. For in this consists the perfeio da gnstico soul , in its being with the Senhor ,
where it is in immediate subjection to Him, after ascenso above all purification and service.
Faith is then, so to speak, a comprehensive knowledge of the essenciais ; and knowledge is the
strong and sure demonstration of what is received by faith , built upon faith by the Senhor teaching,
conveying [the soul ] on to infalibilidade , cincia , and comprehension. And, in my view, the first
economia change is that from heathenism to faith , as I said before; and the second, that from faith
to knowledge . And the latter terminating in love , thereafter gives the amoroso para o amei , that
which knows to that which is known . And, perchance, such an one has already attained the
condition of being equal to the angels . Luke 20:36 Accordingly, after the highest excellence in the
flesh, changing always duly to the better, he urges his flight to the ancestral hall, through the holy
septenniad [De celestial abodes] to the Senhor own mansion; to be a light, steady, and continuing
eternally , entirely and in every part immutable.
The first mode of the Senhor operation mentioned by us is an exhibition of the recompense resulting
from piety . Of the very great number of testimonies that there are, I shall adduce one, thus
summarily expressed by the prophet David : Who shall ascender to the hill of the Senhor , or who
shall stand in His holy place? He who is guiltless in his hands, and pure in his heart; who has not
lifted up his soul to vanity, or sworn enganosamente to his neighbour. He shall receive blessing da
Senhor , and mercy from Deus sua Salvador . This is the generation of them that seek the Senhor ,
that seek the face of the God of Jacob . The prophet has, in my opinion, concisely indicated the
Gnostic . David , as appears, has cursorily demonstrated the Salvador to be God , by calling Him
the face of the God of Jacob , who preached and taught concerning the Esprito . Por isso tambm a
apstolo designates as the express image ( ) of the glory of the Father Hebrews 1:3 the
Son , who taught the truth respecting God , and expressed the fact that the Onipotente is the one and
only Deus and Father, whom no man knows but the Son , and he to whom the Son shall revelar
Him. Matthew 11:27 That Deus is one is intimated by those who seek the face of the God of Jacob ;
whom being the only God , our Salvador e Deus characterizes as the Good Father. And the
generation of those that seek Him is the eleger race, devoted to inquiry after knowledge . Por isso
tambm a apstolo says, I shall profit you nothing, unless I speak to you, either by revelao , or by
knowledge , or by prophecy , or by doctrine . 1 Corinthians 14:6
Although even by those who are not Gnostics some things are done rightly, yet not according to
razo ; as in the case of fortitude . For some who are naturalmente high-spirited , and have
afterwards without razo fostered this disposition, rush to many things, and ato like brave homens ,
so as sometimes to succeed in achieving the same things; justo as endurance is easy for mechanics.
But it is not from the same cause , or with the same object; not were they to give their whole body.
For they have not love , according to the apstolo . 1 Corinthians 13:3
Todos os ao , then, of a man possessed of knowledge is right ao ; and that done by a man not
possessed of knowledge is wrong ao , though he observe a plan; since it is not from reflection that
he atos bravely, nor does he direct his ao in those things which proceed from virtue to virtue , to
any useful purpose.
The same holds also with the other virtues . So too the analogy is preserved in religio . Our
Gnostic , then, not only is such in reference to holiness ; but corresponding to the piety of
knowledge are the commands respecting the rest of the conduct of life. For it is our purpose at
present to describe the life of the Gnostic , not to present the system of dogmas , which we shall
afterwards explain at the fitting tempo , preserving the order of topics.

Captulo 11. Description of the Gnostic's Life

Respecting the universe , he conceives truly and grandly in virtue of his reception of divine
teaching. Beginning, then, with admiration of the Criao , and affording of himself a proof of his
capability for receiving knowledge , he becomes a ready pupil of the Senhor . Diretamente on
hearing of God and Providncia , he believed in consequence of the admiration he entertained.
Through the power of impulse thence derived he devotes his energies in every way to learning,
doing all those things by means of which he shall be able to acquire the knowledge of what he
desires. And desire blended with inquiry arises as faith advances. And this is to become worthy of
speculation, of such a carter , and such importance. So shall the Gnostic taste of the will of God .
For it is not his ears, but his soul , that he yields up to the things significava by what is spoken.
Accordingly, apprehending essncias and things through the words, he brings his soul , as is fit, to
what is essencial ; apprehending ( por exemplo .) in the peculiar way in which they are spoken to
the Gnostic , the commands, Do not commit adultery , Do not matar ; and not as they are
understood by other people. Treinamento himself, then, in cientfico speculation, he proceeds to
exercise himself in larger generalizations and grander propositions; knowing right well that He that
teaches man knowledge , according to the prophet , is the Senhor , O Senhor atuao por homem
boca. So also He assumido carne.
As is right, then, he never prefers the pleasant to the useful; not even if a beautiful woman were to
entice him, when overtaken by circumstances, by wantonly urging him: since Joseph's mestrado
wife was not able to seduce him from his steadfastness; but as she violentamente held his coat,
divested himself of it becoming bare of sin , but clothed with seemliness of carter . For if the
eyes of the mestre the Egyptian , I mean saw not Joseph , yet those of the Onipotente looked
on. For we hear the voice, and see the bodily formas , Mas Deus scrutinizes the thing itself, from
which the speaking and the looking proceed.
Consequently, therefore, though disease, and acidente , and what is most terrible of all, death, come
upon the Gnostic , he remains inflexible in soul knowing that all such things are a necessidade de
criao , and that, also by the power of God , they become the medicine of salvation , benefiting by
disciplina those who are difficult to reform; allotted according to desert, by Providncia , which is
truly bom .
Using the creatures, then, when the Palavra prescribes, and to the extent it prescribes, in the exercise
of thankfulness to the Criador , he becomes master of the enjoyment of them.
He never cherishes resentment or harbours a grudge against any one, though deserving of hatred for
his conduct. For he adora o Fabricante E ama him, who shares life, pitying and praying for him on
account of his ignorance . He indeed partakes of the affections of the body, to which, susceptible as
it is of suffering by natureza , he is bound. But in sensation he is not the primary subject of it.
Accordingly, then, in involuntary circumstances, by withdrawing himself from troubles to the things
which really belong to him, he is not carried away with what is foreign to him. And it is only to
things that are necessrio for him that he acomoda himself, in so far as the soul is preserved
unharmed. For it is not in supposition or seeming that he wishes to be fiel ; but in knowledge and
truth , that is, in sure ao and effectual word. Wherefore he not only praises what is noble, but
endeavours himself to be noble; changing by love from a bom e fiel servant into a friend, through
the perfeio de hbito , which he has acquired in purity from true instruction and great disciplina .
Striving, then, to attain to the summit of knowledge ( gnosis ); decorous in carter ; composed in
mien; possuindo all those advantages which belong to the true Gnostic ; fixing his eye on fair
models, on the many patriarcas who have lived rightly, and on very many prophets and angels
reckoned without number, and above all, on the Senhor , who taught and showed it to be possible
for him to attain that highest life of all he therefore ama not all the bom things of the world,
which are within his grasp, that he may not remain on the ground, but the things esperado for, or
rather already known , being esperado for so as to be apprehended.
So then he undergoes toils, and trials, and afflictions, not as those among the philosophers who are
endowed with manliness, in the esperana of present troubles ceasing, and of sharing again in what
is pleasant; but knowledge has inspirado him with the firmest persuasion of receiving the
esperanas do futuro. Wherefore he contemns not alone the pains of this world, but all its pleasures.
They say, accordingly, that the abenoado Peter , on seeing his wife led to death, rejoiced on
account of her call and conveyance home, and called very encouragingly and comfortingly,
addressing her by name, Remember the Senhor . Such was the casamento da abenoado e seus
perfeito disposition towards those dearest to them.
Thus also the apstolo diz, que quem marries should be as though he casado no, and deem his
casamento free of inordinate affection, and inseparable from love to the Senhor ; to which the true
husband exhorted his wife to cling on her departure out of this life to the Lord .
Was not then faith in the esperana after death conspicuous in the case of those who gave thanks to
Deus even in the very extremities of their punishments? For firm, in my opinion, was the faith they
possessed, which was followed by works of faith .
In all circumstances, then, is the soul of the Gnostic strong, in a condition of extreme health and
strength, like the body of an athlete.
For he is prudent in human affairs, in judging what ought to be done by the justo man; having
obtained the principles from Deus from above, and having acquired, in order to the divine
resemblance, moderation in bodily pains and pleasures. And he struggles against medos boldly,
trusting in God . Certainly, then, the gnstico soul , adorned with perfeito virtue , is the earthly
image of the divine power; its development being the joint result of natureza , of training, of razo ,
all together. This beauty of the soul becomes a templo of the Holy Spirit , when it acquires a
disposition in the whole of life corresponding to the Gospel . Such an one consequently withstands
all fear of everything terrible, not only of death, but also pobreza and disease, and ignominy, and
things akin to these; being unconquered by pleasure, and lord over irrational desires. For he well
knows what is and what is not to be done; being perfectly aware what things are really to be
dreaded, and what not. Whence he bears inteligente o que o Palavra intimates to him to be requisite
and necessrio ; inteligente discriminating what is really safe (that is, bom ), from what appears so;
and things to be dreaded from what seems so, such as death, disease, and pobreza ; which are rather
so in opinion than in truth .
This is the really bom man, who is without passions ; having, through the hbito or disposition of
the soul endued with virtue , transcended the whole life of paixo . He has everything dependent on
himself for the attainment of the end. Para aqueles acidentes which are called terrible are not
formidable to the bom man, because they are not evil . And those which are really to be dreaded are
foreign to the gnstico Christian , being diametrically opposed to what is bom , because evil ; and it
is impossible for contraries to meet in the same pessoa ao mesmo tempo. He, then, who faultlessly
atos o drama of life which God has given him to play, knows both what is to be done and what is to
be endured.
Is it not then from ignorance of what is and what is not to be dreaded that cowardice arises?
Consequently the only man of courage is the Gnostic , who knows both present and future bom
things; along with these, knowing , as I have said, also the things which are in reality not to be
dreaded. Because, knowing vice alone to be odioso , and destructive of what contributes to
knowledge , protected by the armour of the Senhor , he makes war against it.
For if anything is causado through folly, and the operation or rather co-operation of the devil , this
thing is not straightway the devil or folly. For no ao is wisdom. For wisdom is a hbito . E no
ao uma hbito . O ao , then, that arises from ignorance , is not already ignorance , but an evil
through ignorance , but not ignorance . For neither perturbations of mente nor sins are vices ,
though proceeding from vice .
No one, then, who is irrationally brave is a Gnostic ; since one might call children brave, who,
through ignorance of what is to be dreaded, undergo things that are frightful. So they touch fire
even. And the wild beasts that rush close on the points of spears, having a brute courage , might be
called valente . And such people might perhaps call jugglers valente , Que queda on swords with a
certo destreza , practising a mischievous art for sorry gain. But he who is truly brave, with the peril
arising from the bad feeling of the multitude before his eyes, courageously awaits whatever comes.
In this way he is distinguished from others that are called martyrs , inasmuch as some furnish
occasions for themselves, and rush into the heart of dangers, I know not how (for it is right to use
mild language); while they, in accordance with right razo , protect themselves; then, on Deus really
calling them, promptly surrender themselves, and confirmar the call, from being conscious of no
precipitancy, and present the man to be proved in the exercise of true racional fortitude . Neither,
then, enduring lesser dangers from fear of greater, like other people, nor dreading censura at the
hands of their equals, and those of like sentiments, do they continue in the confisso of their calling;
but from love to Deus they willingly obey the call, with no other aim in view than pleasing God ,
and not for the sake of the reward of their toils.
For some suffer from love of glory , and others from fear of some other sharper punishment, and
others for the sake of pleasures and delights after death, being children in faith ; abenoado indeed,
but not yet become homens in love to God , as the Gnostic is. For there are, as in the ginstico
contests, so also in the Church , crowns for homens and for children. But love is to be chosen for
itself, and for nothing else. Therefore in the Gnostic , along with knowledge , the perfeio of
fortitude is developed from the disciplina of life, he having always studied to acquire mastery over
the passions .
Accordingly, love makes its own athlete fearless and dauntless , and confident in the Lord , uno
and training him; as righteousness secures for him truthfulness in his whole life. For it was a
compendium of righteousness to say, Let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay.
And the same holds with self-control. For it is neither for love of honour , as the athletes for the
sake of crowns and fame; nor on the other hand, for love of money , as some pretend to exercise
self-control, pursuing what is bom with terrible suffering. Nor is it from love of the body for the
sake of health. Nor any more is any man who is temperado a partir de rusticidade , who has not
tasted pleasures, truly a man of self-control. Certainly those who have led a laborious life, on tasting
pleasures, immediately break down the inflexibility of temperance into pleasures. Such are they
who are restrained by lei and fear . For on finding a favourable opportunity they defraud the lei , by
giving what is bom o deslizamento. But self-control, desirable for its own sake, perfected through
knowledge , abiding ever, makes the man lord and master of himself; so that the Gnostic is
temperado and passionless, incapable of being dissolved by pleasures and pains, as they say
adamant is by fire.
The cause of these, then, is love , of all cincia mais sagrado and most sovereign.
For by the service of what is best and most exalted, which is characterized by unidade , it renders
the Gnostic at once friend and son, having in truth grown a perfeito man, up to the measure of full
stature. Ephesians 4:13
Further, agreement in the same thing is consentimento . But what is the same is one. And friendship
is consummated in likeness; the community deitado in oneness. The Gnostic , consequently, in
virtue of being a lover of the one true God , is the really perfeito man and friend of God , and is
placed in the rank of son. For these are names of nobility and knowledge , and perfeio in the
contemplation of God ; which crowning step of advancement the gnstico soul receives, when it has
become quite pure, reckoned worthy to behold everlastingly Deus Onipotente , face, it is said, to
face. For having become wholly espiritual , and having in the espiritual Igreja gone to what is of
parentes natureza , it abides in the rest of God .

Captulo 12. The True Gnostic is Beneficent, Continent, and

Despises Worldly Things
Let these things, then, be so. And such being the attitude of the Gnostic towards the body and the
soul towards his neighbours, whether it be a domestic, or a lawful enemy, or quem quer que
he is found equal and like. For he does not despise his brother, who, according to the divine lei , is
of the same father and mother. Certainly he relieves the afflicted, helping him with consolations,
encorajamentos , E os necessaries of life; giving to all that need, though not similarly, but justly ,
according to desert; furthermore, to him who persecutes and hates , even if he need it; caring little
for those who say to him that he has given out of fear , if it is not out of fear that he does so, but to
give help. For how much more are those, who towards their enemies are devoid of love of money ,
and are odiadores of evil , animated with love to those who belong to them?
Such an one from this proceeds to the accurate knowledge of whom he ought chiefly to give to, and
how much, and when, and how.
And who could with any razo become the enemy of a man who gives no cause for enmity in any
way? And is it not just as in the case of Deus ? Dizemos que Deus is the adversary of no one, and
the enemy of no one (for He is the Criador of all, and nothing that exists is what He vontades it not
to be; but we assert that the disobedient, and those who walk not according to His mandamentos ,
are enemies to Him, as being those who are hostile to His covenant). We shall find the very same to
be the case with the Gnostic , for he can never in any way become an enemy to any one; but those
may be regarded enemies to him who turn to the contrary path.
In particular, the habit of liberality which prevails among us is called righteousness; but the power
of discriminating according to desert, as to greater and less, with reference to those who am proper
subjects of it, is a forma of the very highest righteousness.
There are things practiced in a vulgar style by some people, such as control over pleasures. For as,
among the heathen , there are those who, from the impossibility of obtaining what one sees, and
from fear of men , and also for the sake of greater pleasures, abster-se from the delights that are
before them; so also, in the case of faith , some practice self-restraint, either out of regard to the
promise or from fear of God . Well, such self-restraint is the basis of knowledge , and an approach
to something better, and an effort after perfeio . For the fear of the Senhor , it is said, is the
beginning of wisdom. Proverbs 1:7 But the perfeito man, out of love , bears all things, endures all
things, 1 Corinthians 13:7 as not pleasing man, but Deus . 1 Thessalonians 2:4 Although praise
follows him as a consequence, it is not for his own advantage, but for the imitation and benefit of
those who praise him.
According to another view, it is not he who merely controls his passions that is called a continent
man, but he who has also achieved the mastery over bom things, and has acquired surely the great
accomplishments of cincia , from which he produces as fruits the activities of virtue . Thus the
Gnostic is never, on the occurrence of an emergency, dislodged da hbito peculiar to him. Para o
cientfico posse of what is bom is firm and unchangeable, being the knowledge of things divine and
human . Conhecimento , then, never becomes ignorance nor does bom change into evil . Wherefore
also he eats, and drinks, and casa , not as principal ends of existence , but as necessrio . I name
casamento even, if the Palavra prescribe, and as is suitable. For having become perfeito , he has the
apostles for examples; and one is not really shown to be a man in the choice of single life; but he
surpasses homens , Que, disciplinado por casamento , procreation of children, and care for the
house, without pleasure or pain, in his solicitude for the house has been inseparable from Deus
love , and withstood all temptation arising through children, and wife, and domestics, and haveres .
But he that has no family is in a great degree free of temptation . Caring, then, for himself alone, he
is surpassed by him who is inferior, as far as his own personal salvation is concerned, but who is
superior in the conduct of life, preserving certamente , in his care for the truth , a minute image.
But we must as much as possible subject the soul to varied preparatory exercise, that it may become
susceptible to the reception of knowledge . Do you not see how wax is softened and copper
purified, in order to receive the stamp applied to it? Just as death is the separation of the soul from
the body, so is knowledge as it were the racional death urging the esprito away, and separating it
from the passions , and leading it on to the life of well-doing, that it may then say with confidence
to God , I live as You wish. For he who makes it his purpose to please homens cannot please God ,
since the multitude choose not what is profitable, but what is pleasant. But in pleasing God , one as
a consequence gets the favour of the bom among men . How, then, can what relates to meat, and
drink, and amorous pleasure, be agreeable to such an one? Since he views with suspicion even a
word that produces pleasure, and a pleasant movement and ato da mente . For no one can serve two
masters, God and Mammon , Matthew 6:24 ; Luke 16:13 it is said; meaning not simply money, but
the resources arising from money bestowed on various pleasures. In reality, it is not possible for him
who magnanimamente and truly knows God , to serve antagonistic pleasures.
There is one alone, then, who from the beginning was free of concupiscncia the philanthropic
Senhor , who for us became man. And whosoever endeavour to be assimilated to the impress given
by Him, strive, from exercise, to become free of concupiscncia . For he who has exercised
concupiscncia and then restrained himself, is like a widow who becomes again a virgin by
continncia . Such is the reward of knowledge , rendered to the Salvador and Teacher, which He
Himself asked for abstinence from what is evil , activity in doing bom , by which salvation is
As, then, those who have learned the arts procure their living by what they have been taught, so also
is the Gnostic salvo , procuring life by what he knows . For he who has not formed the wish to
extirpate the paixo of the soul , mata si mesmo. But, as seems, ignorance is the starvation of the
soul , and knowledge its sustenance.
Tais so os gnstico souls , which the Gospel likened to the consecrated virgins who wait for the
Senhor . For they are virgins , in respect of their abstaining from what is evil . And in respect of
their waiting out of love for the Senhor and kindling their light for the contemplation of things, they
are wise souls , saying, Lord, for long we have desired to receive You; we have lived according to
what You have enjoined, transgressing none of Your mandamentos . Wherefore also we claim the
promises. And we pray for what is beneficial, since it is not requisite to ask of You what is most
excellent. And we shall take everything for bom ; even though the exercises that meet us, which
Your arrangement brings to us for the disciplina of our steadfastness, appear to be evil .
The Gnostic , then, from his exceeding holiness , is better prepared to fail when he asks, than to get
when he does not ask.
His whole life is prayer and converse with God . And if he be pure from sins , he will by all means
obtain what he wishes. Para Deus says to the righteous man, Ask, and I will give you; think, and I
will do. If beneficial, he will receive it at once; and if injurious, he will never ask it, and therefore
he will not receive it. So it shall be as he wishes.
But if one say to us, that some sinners even obtain according to their requests, [we should say] that
this rarely takes place, by razo of the righteous bondade de Deus . And it is granted to those who
are capable of doing others bom . Da o dom is not made for the sake of him that asked it; but the
divine dispensation, foreseeing that one would be salvo by his means, renders the boon again
righteous. And to those who are worthy, things which are really bom are given, even without their
Whenever, then, one is righteous, not from necessidade or out of fear or esperana , but from free
choice, this is called the royal road, which the royal race travel. Mas o byways are slippery and
precipitous. If, then, one take away fear and honour , I do not know if the illustrious among the
philosophers , who use such freedom of speech, vontade any longer endure afflictions.
Now lusts and other sins are called briars and thorns. Accordingly the Gnostic labours in the Senhor
vineyard, planting, pruning, watering; being the divine husbandman of what is planted in faith .
Those, then, who have not done evil , think it right to receive the wages of ease. But he who has
done bom out of free choice, demands the recompense as a bom workman. Ele certamente shall
receive double salrio both for what he has not done, and for what bom he has done.
Such a Gnostic is tentados by no one except with Deus permission, and that for the benefit of those
who are with him; and he strengthens them for faith , encouraging them by manly endurance. And
assuredly it was for this end, for the establishment and confirmao of the Churches , that the
abenoado apostles were brought into trial and to martyrdom .
The Gnostic , then, hearing a voice ringing in his ear, which says, Whom I shall strike, pity,
beseeches that those who hate him may arrepender-se . For the punishment of malefactors, to be
consummated in the highways, is for children to behold; for there is no possibility of the Gnostic ,
who has from choice trained himself to be excellent and bom , ever being instructed or delighted
with such spectacles. And so, having become incapable of being softened by pleasures, and never
falling into sins , he is not corrected by the examples of other masculino sufferings. And far from
being pleased with earthly pleasures and spectacles is he who has shown a noble desprezo para o
perspectivas held out in this world, although they are divine.
Not every one, therefore, that says Senhor , Senhor , shall enter into the kingdom of God ; but he
that does the will of God . Matthew 7:21 Such is the gnstico labourer, who has the mastery of
worldly desires even while still in the flesh; and who, in regard to things future and still invisible,
which he knows , has a sure persuasion, so that he regards them as more present than the things
within reach. This able workman rejoices in what he knows , but is cramped on account of his being
involved in the necessidades of life; not yet deemed worthy of the active participation in what he
knows . So he uses this life as if it belonged to another so far, that is, as is necessrio .
He knows also the enigmas of the fasting of those days I mean the Fourth and the Preparao .
For the one has its name from Hermes , and the other from Afrodita . He fasts in his life, in respect
of covetousness and voluptuousness, from which all the vices grow. For we have already often
above shown the three varieties of fornication, according to the apstolo love of pleasure, love of
money , idolatry . He fasts , then, according to the Lei , abstaining from bad deeds , and, according
to the perfeio of the Gospel , from evil thoughts. Tentaes are applied to him, not for his
purification, but, as we have said, for the bom of his neighbours, if, making trial of toils and pains,
he has despised and passed them by.
The same holds of pleasure. For it is the highest achievement for one who has had trial of it,
afterwards to abster-se . For what great thing is it, if a man restrains himself in what he knows not?
He, in fulfilment of the preceito , according to the Gospel , keeps the Senhor dia, when he abandons
an evil disposition, and assumes that of the Gnostic , glorificando o Senhor ressurreio in himself.
Further, also, when he has received the comprehension of cientfico speculation, he deems that he
sees the Senhor , directing his eyes towards things invisible, although he seems to look on what he
does not wish to look on; chastising the faculty of viso , when he perceives himself pleasurably
affected by the application of his eyes; since he wishes to see and hear that alone which concerns
No ato de contemplando the souls of the brethren, he beholds the beauty of the flesh also, with the
soul itself, which has become habituated to look solely upon that which is bom , without carnal
pleasure. And they are really brethren; inasmuch as, by razo of their eleger criao , and their
oneness of carter , and the nature of their deeds , they do, and think, and speak the same holy and
bom works, in accordance with the sentiments with which the Senhor wished them as eleger a ser
inspirado .
For faith shows itself in their making choice of the same things; and knowledge , in learning and
thinking the same things; and esperana , Em desejando the same things.
And if, through the necessity of life, he spend a small portion of tempo about his sustenance, he
thinks himself defrauded, being diverted by business. Thus not even in sonhos does he look on
anything that is unsuitable to an eleger o homem. Para completamente a stranger and sojourner in
the whole of life is every such one, who, inhabiting the city, despises the things in the city which are
admired by others, and lives in the city as in a desert, so that the place may not compel him, but his
mode of life show him to be justo .
This Gnostic , to speak compendiously, makes up for the absence of the apostles , by the rectitude
of his life, the accuracy of his knowledge , by benefiting his relations, by removing the mountains
of his neighbours, and putting away the irregularidades of their soul . Although each of us is his
own vineyard and labourer.
He, too, while doing the most excellent things, wishes to elude the notice of men , persuading the
Senhor along with himself that he is living in accordance with the mandamentos , preferring these
things from crente -los para existir . For where any one's mente is, there also is his treasure.
He impoverishes himself, in order that he may never overlook a brother who has been brought into
affliction, through the perfeio that is in love , especially if he know that he will bear want himself
easier than his brother. He considers, accordingly, the other's pain his own grief; and if, by
contributing from his own indigence in order to do bom , he suffer any hardship, he does not fret at
this, but augments his beneficence still more. For he possui in its sincerity the faith which is
exercised in reference to the affairs of life, and praises the Gospel in practice and contemplation .
And, in truth , he wins his praise not from homens , but from God , Romans 2:29 by the
performance of what the Senhor has taught.
He, attracted by his own esperana , tastes not the bom things that are in the world, entertaining a
noble desprezo for all things here; pitying those that are chastised after death, who through
punishment unwillingly make confisso ; having a clear conscience with reference to his departure,
and being always ready, as a stranger and pilgrim , with regard to the inheritances here; mindful
only of those that are his own, and regarding all things here as not his own; not only admiring the
Senhor mandamentos , but, so to speak, being by knowledge itself partaker of the divine vontade ; a
truly chosen intimate of the Senhor and His commands in virtue of being righteous; and princely
and kingly as being a Gnostic ; despising all the gold on earth and under the earth, and dominion
from shore to shore of ocean, so that he may cling to the sole service of the Senhor . Wherefore
also, in eating, and drinking, and casar (if the Palavra enjoin), and even in seeing sonhos , he does
and thinks what is holy .
So is he always pure for prayer . He also prays in the sociedade of angels , as being already of
anglico rank, and he is never out of their holy keeping; and though he pray alone, he has the choir
of the saints standing with him.
He recognises a twofold [ elemento in faith ], both the activity of him who acredita , E os excellence
of that which is believed according to its worth; since also righteousness is twofold, that which is
out of love , and that from fear . Accordingly it is said, The fear of the Senhor is pure, remaining for
ever and ever. For those that from fear turn to faith and righteousness, remain for ever. Now fear
works abstinncia from what is evil ; but love exhorts to the doing of bom , by building up to the
point of spontaneousness; that one may hear from the Senhor , I call you no longer servants, but
friends, and may now with confidence apply himself to prayer .
Eo forma of his prayer is thanksgiving for the past, for the present, and for the future as already
through faith present. This is preceded by the reception of knowledge . And he asks to live the
allotted life in the flesh as a Gnostic , as free from the flesh, and to attain to the best things, and flee
from the worse. He asks, too, relief in those things in which we have sinned , and converso to the
acknowledgment of them. Luke 18:18
He follows, on his departure, Him who calls, as quickly, so to speak, as He who goes before calls,
hasting by razo de um bom conscience to give thanks; and having got there with Cristo shows
himself worthy, through his purity, to possess, by a process of blending, the power of Deus
communicated by Cristo . For he does not wish to be warm by participation in heat, or luminous by
participation in flame, but to be wholly light.
He knows accurately the declaration, Unless you hate father and mother, and besides your own life,
and unless you bear the sign [of the cruz ]. Luke 14:26-27 For he hates the inordinate affections of
the flesh, which possess the powerful spell of pleasure; and entertains a noble desprezo for all that
belongs to the criao and nutriment of the flesh. He also withstands the corpreo soul , putting a
bridle-bit on the restive irrational esprito : For the flesh lusts against the Esprito . Galatians 5:17
And to bear the sign of [the cruz ] is to bear about death, by taking farewell of all things while still
alive; since there is not equal love in having sown the flesh, and in having formed the soul for
knowledge .
He having acquired the habit of doing bom , exercises beneficence well, quicker than speaking;
praying that he may get a share in the sins of his brethren, in order to confisso e converso on the
part of his parentes ; and eager to give a share to those dearest to him of his own bom as coisas. And
so these are to him, friends. Promoting, then, the growth of the seeds deposited in him, according to
the husbandry enjoined by the Senhor , he continues free of sin , and becomes continent, and lives
in esprito with those who are like him, among the coros of the saints , though still detained on
He, all day and night, speaking and doing the Senhor commands, rejoices exceedingly, not only on
ascenso in the morning and at noon, but also when walking about, when asleep, when dressing and
undressing ; and he teaches his son, if he has a son. He is inseparable from the mandamento e de
esperana , and is ever giving thanks to God , like the living creatures figuratively spoken of by
Isaas , and submissive in every trial, he says, The Senhor gave, and the Senhor has taken away. Job
1:21 For such also was Trabalho ; who after the spoiling of his effects, along with the health of his
body, resigned all through love to the Lord . For he was, it is said, just, holy , and kept apart from all
wickedness . Job 1:1 Now the word holy points out all deveres toward God , and the entire course
of life. Knowing which, he was a Gnostic . For we must neither cling too much to such things, even
if they are bom , seeing they are human , nor on the other hand detestar them, if they are bad; but
we must be above both [ bom and bad], trampling the latter under foot, and passing on the former to
those who need them. But the Gnostic is cautious in alojamento , lest he be not perceived, or lest the
alojamento become disposition.

Captulo 13. Description of the Gnostic Continued

He never remembers those who have sinned against him, but forgives them. Wherefore also he
righteously prays , saying, Forgive us; for we also forgive. Matthew 6:12 ; Luke 11:4 For this also is
one of the things which God wishes, to covet nothing, to hate no one. For all men are the work of
one vontade . And is it not the Saviour , who wishes the Gnostic to be perfeito as the heavenly
Father, Matthew 5:48 that is, Himself, who says, Come, you children, hear from me the fear of the
Senhor ? He wishes him no longer to stand in need of help by angels , but to receive it from
Himself, having become worthy, and to have protection from Himself by obedience .
Such an one demands from the Senhor , and does not merely ask. And in the case of his brethren in
want, the Gnostic will not ask himself for abundance of wealth to bestow, but vontade pray that the
supply of what they need may be furnished to them. For so the Gnostic gives his prayer to those
who are in need, and by his prayer they are supplied, without his knowledge , and without vanity.
Penury and disease, and such trials, are often sent for admonition, for the correction of the past, and
for care for the future. Such an one prays for relief from them, in virtue of possuindo the prerogative
of knowledge , not out of vainglory; but from the very fact of his being a Gnostic , he works
beneficence, having become the instrument of the bondade de Deus .
They say in the tradies que Mateus o apstolo constantly said, that if the neighbour of an eleger
man sin , the eleger man has sinned . For had he conducted himself as the Palavra prescribes, his
neighbour also would have been filled with such reverence for the life he led as not to sin .
What, then, shall we say of the Gnostic himself? Do you not know , says the apstolo , that you are
the templo de Deus ? 1 Corinthians 3:16 The Gnostic is consequently divine, and already holy ,
God-bearing E God-borne . Now the Scripture , showing that pecando is foreign to him, sells those
who have fallen away to strangers, saying, Look not on a strange woman , to lust , plainly
pronounces sin foreign and contrary to the nature of the templo de Deus . Agora, o templo is great,
as the Church , and it is small, as the man who preserves the seed of Abraham . He, therefore, who
has Deus resting in him will not desire anything else. At once leaving all hindrances, and despising
all assunto que distrai him, he cleaves the cu by knowledge . And passing through the espiritual
Essncias , and all rule and authority, he touches the highest thrones, hasting to that alone for the
sake of which alone he knew .
Mixing, then, the serpente with the dove, Matthew 10:16 he lives at once perfectly and with a bom
conscience , mingling faith with esperana , in order to the expectation of the future. For he is
conscious of the boon he has received, having become worthy of obtaining it; and is translated from
escravido para adoo , as the consequence of knowledge ; knowing God , or rather known of
Him, for the end, he puts forth energies corresponding to the worth of grace . For works follow
knowledge , as the shadow the body.
Rightly, then, he is not disturbed by anything which happens; nor does he suspect those things,
which, through divine arrangement, take place for bom . Nor is he ashamed to die, having a bom
conscience , and being fit to be seen by the Atribuies . Cleansed, so to speak, from all the stains of
the soul , he knows right well that it will be better with him after his departure.
Whence he never prefers pleasure and profit to the divine arrangement, since he trains himself by
the commands, that in all things he may be well pleasing to the Senhor , and praiseworthy in the
sight of the world, since all things depend on the one Sovereign Deus . The Son of God , it is said,
came to His own, and His own received Him not. Wherefore also in the use of the things of the
world he not only gives thanks and praises the criao , but also, while using them as is right, is
praised; since the end he has in view terminates in contemplation by gnstico activity in accordance
with the mandamentos .
Thence now, by knowledge collecting materials to be the food of contemplation , having embraced
nobly the magnitude of knowledge , he advances to the holy recompense of translation hence. For
he has heard the Salmo which says: Encircle Zion, and encompass it, tell upon its towers. For it
intimates, I think, those who have sublimely embraced the Palavra , so as to become lofty towers,
and to stand firmly in faith and knowledge .
Let these statements concerning the Gnostic , containing the germs of the assunto in as breve terms
as possible, be made to the Gregos . But let it be known that if the [mere] crente do rightly one or a
second of these things, yet he will not do so in all nor with the highest knowledge , like the
Gnostic .

Captulo 14. Description of the Gnostic Furnished by an

Exposition of 1 Cor. vi. 1, Etc
Now, of what I may call the passionlessness which we attribute to the Gnostic (in which the
perfeio da crente , advancing by love , comes to a perfeito man, to the measure of full stature,
Ephesians 4:13 by being assimilated to God , and by becoming truly anglico ), many other
testimonies from the Scripture , occur to me to adduce. But I think it better, on account of the length
of the discourse, that such an honour should be devolved on those who wish to take pains, and leave
it to them to elaborate the dogmas by the selection of Escrituras .
One passage, accordingly, I shall in the briefest terms advert to, so as not to leave the topic
inexplicada .
For in the first Epstola para o Corinthians o divino apstolo says: Dare any of you, having a
assunto against the other, go to lei before the unrighteous, and not before the saints ? Do you not
know that the saints shall juiz the world? 1 Corinthians 6:1-2 and so on.
The section being very long, we shall exhibit the meaning of the apstolo utterance by employing
such of the apostlico expressions as are most pertinent, and in the briefest language, and in a sort
of cursory way, interpreting the discourse in which he describes the perfeio of the Gnostic . For
he does not merely instance the Gnostic as characterized by suffering wrong rather than do wrong;
but he teaches that he is not mindful of injuries, and does not allow him even to pray against the
man who has done him wrong. For he knows that the Senhor expressly enjoined to pray for
enemies. Matthew 5:44
To say, then, that the man who has been injured goes to lei before the unrighteous, is nothing else
than to say that he shows a wish to retaliate, and a desire to injure the second in return, which is also
to do wrong likewise himself.
And his saying, that he wishes some to go to lei before the saints , points out those who ask by
prayer that those who have done wrong should suffer retaliation for their injustice , and intimates
that the second are better than the former; but they are not yet obedient , if they do not, having
become entirely free of resentment, pray even for their enemies.
It is well, then, for them to receive right dispositions from arrependimento , which results in faith .
For if the truth seems to get enemies who entertain bad feeling, yet it is not hostile to any one. For
Deus makes His sun to shine on the justo and on the unjust , Matthew 5:45 and sent the Senhor
Himself to the justo and the unjust . And he that earnestly strives to be assimilated to God , in the
exercise of great absence of resentment, forgives seventy times seven times, as it were all his life
through, and in all his course in this world (that being indicated by the enumeration of sevens)
shows clemency to each and any one; if any during the whole tempo of his life in the flesh do the
Gnostic wrong. For he not only deems it right that the bom man should resign his propriedade alone
to others, being of the number of those who have done him wrong; but also wishes that the
righteous man should ask of those juzes forgiveness for the crimes of those who have done him
wrong. E com razo , if indeed it is only in that which is external and concerns the body, though it
go to the extent of death even, that those who attempt to wrong him take advantage of him; none of
which truly belong to the Gnostic .
And how shall one judge the apostate angels , who has become himself an apostate from that
forgetfulness of injuries, which is according to the Gospel ? Why do you not rather suffer wrong?
he says; why are you not rather defrauded? Yea, you do wrong and defraud, 1 Corinthians 6:7-8
manifestly by praying against those who transgress in ignorance , and deprive of the philanthropy
and bondade of God , as far as in you mentiras , those against whom you pray , and these your
brethren, not meaning those in the faith only, but also the proselytes . For whether he who now is
hostile shall afterwards believe , we know not as yet. From which the conclusion follows clearly, if
all are not yet brethren to us, they ought to be regarded in that light. And now it is only the man of
knowledge who recognises all men to be the work of one God , and invested with one image in one
natureza , although some may be more turbid than others; and in the creatures he recognises the
operation, by which again he adores the will of God .
Do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the reino de Deus ? 1 Corinthians 6:9 He atos
unrighteously who retaliates, whether by ao or word, or by the conception of a wish, which, after
the training of the Lei , the Gospel rejects.
And such were some of you such manifestly as those still are whom you do not forgive; but you
are washed, 1 Corinthians 6:11 not simply as the rest, but with knowledge ; you have cast off the
passions of the soul , in order to become assimilated, as far as possible, to the bondade de Deus
providence by long-suffering, and by forgiveness towards the justo and the unjust , casting on them
the gleam of benignity in word and deeds , as the sun.
The Gnostic vontade achieve this either by greatness of mind , or by imitation of what is better. And
that is a third cause . Forgive, and it shall be forgiven you; the mandamento , as it were, compelling
to salvation through superabundance of bondade .
But you are sanctified. For he who has come to this state is in a condition to be holy , falling into
none of the passions in any way, but as it were already disembodied and already grown holy without
this earth.
Wherefore, he says, you are justificado in the name of the Senhor . You are made, so to speak, by
Him to be righteous as He is, and are blended as far as possible with the Holy Spirit . For are not all
things lawful to me? Yet I will not be brought under the power of any, 1 Corinthians 6:12 so as to
do, or think, or speak anything contrary to the Gospel . Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats,
which God shall destroy, 1 Corinthians 6:13 that is, such as think and live as if they were made
for eating, and do not eat that they may live as a consequence, and apply to knowledge as the
primary end. And does he not say that these are, as it were, the fleshy parts of the holy body? Como
um body, the Church of the Senhor , O espiritual and holy choir , is symbolized . Whence those,
who are merely called, but do not live in accordance with the word, are the fleshy parts. Now this
espiritual body, the holy Igreja , is not for fornication. Nor are those things which belong to heathen
life to be adotado by apostasy from the Gospel . For he who conducts himself heathenishly in the
Church , whether in ao , or word, or even in thought, commits fornication with reference to the
Church and his own body. He who in this way is joined to the harlot, that is, to conduct contrary to
the Pacto becomes another body, not holy , and one flesh, and has a heathenish life and another
esperana . But he that is joined to the Senhor em esprito torna-se um espiritual body by a different
kind of conjunction.
Such an one is wholly a son, an holy man, passionless, gnstico , perfeito , formed by the teaching
of the Senhor ; in order that in ao , in word, and in esprito itself, being brought close to the
Senhor , he may receive the mansion that is due to him who has reached manhood thus.
Let the specimen suffice to those who have ears. For it is not required to unfold the mystery , but
only to indicate what is sufficient for those who are partakers in knowledge to bring it to mente ;
who also vontade comprehend how it was said by the Senhor , Be perfeito as your father, perfectly,
by forgiving sins , and forgetting injuries, and living in the habit of passionlessness . For as we call
a physician perfeito , and a philosopher perfeito , so also, in my view, do we call a Gnostic perfeito .
But not one of those points, although of the greatest importance, is assumido in order to the likeness
of God . For we do not say, as the Stoics do most impiously, that virtue in man and God is the same.
Ought we not then to be perfeito , as the Father vontades ? For it is utterly impossible for any one to
become perfeito como Deus . Now the Father wishes us to be perfeito by living blamelessly,
according to the obedience of the Gospel .
If, then, the statement being elliptical, we understand what is wanting, in order to complete the
section for those who are incapable of understanding what is left out, we shall both know the will of
God , and shall walk at once piously and magnanimamente , as befits the dignity of the
mandamento .

Captulo 15. The Objection to Join the Church on Account of

the Diversity of Heresies Answered
Since it comes next to reply to the objections alleged against us by Gregos and Jews ; and since, in
some of the questions previously discussed, the sects also who adhere to other teaching give, their
help, it will be well first to clear away the obstacles before us, and then, prepared thus for the
solution of the difficulties, to advance to the succeeding Miscelnea .
First, then, they make this objection to us, saying, that they ought not to believe in account of the
discord of the sects . For the truth is deformado when some teach one set of dogmas , others
To whom we say, that among you who are Jews , and among the most famous of the philosophers
among the Gregos , very many sects have sprung up. And yet you do not say that one ought to
hesitate to filosofar or Judaize , because of the want of agreement of the sects among you between
themselves. And then, that heresies should be sown among the truth , as tares among the wheat, was
foretold by the Senhor ; and what was predicted to take place could not but happen. And the cause
of this is, that everything that is fair is followed by a foul blot. If one, then, violate his engagements,
and go aside from the confisso which he makes before us, are we not to stick to the truth because
he has belied his profession? Mas, como o bom man must not provar falso or fail to ratify what he
has promised, although others violate their engagements; so also are we bound in no way to
transgress the cnone da Igreja . And especially do we keep our profession in the most important
points, while they traverse it.
Those, then, are to be believed , who hold firmly to the truth . And we may broadly make use of this
reply, and say to them, that physicians holding opposite opinions according to their own escolas ,
yet equally in point of fact treat patients. Does one, then, who is ill in body and needing treatment,
not have recourse to a physician, on account of the different escolas in medicine? No more, then,
may he who in soul is sick and full of idols , make a pretext of the heresies , in reference to the
recovery of health and converso para Deus .
Further, it is said that it is on account of those that are approved that heresies existir . 1 Corinthians
11:19 [The apstolo ] calls approved, either those who in reaching faith apply to the teaching of the
Senhor with some discrimination (as those are called hbil money-changers, who distinguish the
spurious coin from the genuine by the falso stamp), or those who have already become approved
both in life and knowledge .
For this reason, then, we require greater attention and consideration in order to investigate how
precisely we ought to live, and what is the true piety . For it is plain that, from the very razo that
truth is difficult and arduous of attainment, questions arise from which spring the heresies ,
savouring of self- love and vanity, of those who have not learned or apprehended truly , but only
caught up a mere conceit of knowledge . With the greater care, therefore, are we to examine the real
truth , which alone has for its object the true Deus . And the toil is followed by sweet discovery and
reminiscncia .
On account of the heresies , therefore, the toil of discovery must be undertaken; but we must not at
all abandonar [the truth ]. For, on fruit being set before us, some real and ripe, and some made of
wax, as like the real as possible, we are not to abster-se from both on account of the resemblance.
But by the exercise of the apprehension of contemplation , and by reasoning of the most decisive
carter , we must distinguish the true from the seeming.
And as, while there is one royal highway, there are many others, some leading to a precipice, some
to a rushing river or to a deep sea, no one vontade shrink from travelling by razo of the diversity,
but will make use of the safe, and royal, and frequented way; so, though some say this, some that,
concerning the truth , we must not abandonar it; but must seek out the most accurate knowledge
respecting it. Since also among garden-grown vegetables weeds also spring up, are the husbandmen,
then, to desist from jardinagem ?
Having then from natureza abundant means for examining the statements made, we ought to
discover the sequence of the truth . Wherefore also we are rightly condemned, if we do not assent to
what we ought to obey , and do not distinguish what is hostile, and unseemly, and unnatural, and
falso , from what is true , consistent, and seemly, and according to natureza . And these means must
be employed in order to attain to the knowledge of the real truth .
This pretext is then, in the case of the Gregos , futile; for those who are willing may find the truth .
But in the case of those who adduce unreasonable excuses, their condemnation is unanswerable. For
whether do they deny or admit that there is such a thing as demonstration? I am of opinion that all
will make the admission, except those who take away the senses. There being demonstration, then,
it is necessrio to condescend to questions, and to ascertain by way of demonstration by the
Scriptures themselves how the heresies failed, and how in the truth alone and in the ancient Igreja is
both the exactest knowledge , and the truly best set of principles ( ).
Now, of those who diverge from the truth , some attempt to deceive themselves alone, and some
also their neighbours. Those, then, who are called ( ) wise in their own opinions, who
think that they have found the truth , but have no true demonstration, deceive themselves in thinking
that they have reached a resting place. And of whom there is no inconsiderable multitude, who
avoid investigations for fear of refutations, and shun instructions for fear of condemnation. But
those who deceive those who seek access to them are very astuto ; who, aware that they know
nothing, yet darken the truth with plausible arguments.
But, in my opinion, the nature of plausible arguments is of one carter , and that of true arguments
of another. And we know that it is necessrio que o apelao of the heresies should be expressed in
contradistinction to the truth ; from which the Sofistas , drawing certain things for the destruction of
men , and enterro them in human arts invented by themselves, glory rather in being at the head of a
Escola than presiding over the Church .

Captulo 16. Scripture the Criterion by Which Truth and

Heresy are Distinguished.
But those who are ready to toil in the most excellent pursuits, will not desist from the search after
truth , till they get the demonstration from the Scriptures themselves.
H certo critrios common to men , as the senses; and others that belong to those who have
employed their vontades and energies in what is true the methods which are pursued by the mente
e razo , to distinguish between true and falso propositions.
Now, it is a very great thing to abandonar opinion, by taking one's stand between accurate
knowledge and the rash wisdom of opinion, and to know that he who esperanas for everlasting rest
knows also that the entrance to it is toilsome and strait. And let him who has once received the
Gospel , even in the very hour in which he has come to the knowledge of salvation , not turn back,
like Lot's wife, as is said; and let him not go back either to his former life, which adheres to the
things of sense, or to heresies . For they form the carter , not knowing the true Deus . For he that
ama father or mother more than Me, the Father and Teacher of the truth , who regenera e cria anew,
and nourishes the eleger soul , is not worthy of Me He means, to be a son of God and a disciple
of God , and at the same time also to be a friend, and of parentes natureza . For no man who looks
back, and puts his hand to the plough, is fit for the kingdom of God . Luke 9:62
But, as appears, many even down to our own tempo relao Maria , on account of the birth of her
child, as having been in the puerperal state, although she was not. For some say that, after she
brought forth, she was found, when examined, to be a virgin .
Now such to us are the Scriptures of the Senhor , which gave birth to the truth and continue virgem ,
in the concealment of the mysteries of the truth . And she brought forth, and yet brought not forth,
says the Scripture ; as having conceived of herself, and not from conjunction. Wherefore the
Scriptures have conceived to Gnostics ; but the heresies , not having learned them, dismissed them
as not having conceived.
Now all men , having the same julgamento , some, following the Palavra speaking, frame for
themselves proofs ; while others, giving themselves up to pleasures, wrest Bblia , in accordance
with their lusts . And the lover of truth , as I think, needs force of soul . For those who make the
greatest attempts must fail in things of the highest importance; unless, receiving from the truth itself
the rule of the truth , they cleave to the truth . But such people, in consequence of falling away from
the right path, err in most individual points; as you might expect from not having the faculty for
judging of what is true and falso , strictly trained to select what is essencial . For if they had, they
would have obeyed the Scriptures .
As, then, if a man should, similarly to those drogado por Circe , become a beast; so he, who has
spurned the ecclesiastical tradition , and darted off to the opinions of heretical homens , has ceased
to be a man of God and to remain fiel to the Lord . But he who has returned from this deception, on
hearing the Scriptures , and turned his life to the truth , is, as it were, from being a man made a god.
For we have, as the source of teaching, the Senhor , both by the prophets , the Gospel , and the
abenoado apostles , in various manners and at sundry times, Hebrews 1:1 leading from the
beginning of knowledge to the end. But if one should suppose that another origin was required, then
no longer truly could an origin be preserved.
He, then, who of himself acredita the Scripture and voice of the Senhor , which by the Senhor atos
to the benefiting of men , is rightly [ considerado ] fiel . Certainly we use it as a criterion in the
discovery of things. What is subjected to crtica is not believed till it is so subjected; so that what
needs crtica cannot be a first principle. Therefore, as is reasonable, grasping by faith the
indemonstrable first principle, and receiving in abundance, from the first principle itself,
demonstrations in reference to the first principle, we are by the voice of the Senhor trained up to the
knowledge of the truth .
For we may not give our adhesion to homens on a bare statement by them, who might equally state
the opposite. But if it is not enough merely to state the opinion, but if what is stated must be
confirmado , we do not wait for the testimony of men , but we establish the assunto that is in
question by the voice of the Senhor , Que o surest of all demonstrations, or rather is the only
demonstration; in which knowledge those who have merely tasted the Scriptures are believers ;
while those who, having advanced further, and become correct expounders of the truth , are
Gnostics . Since also, in what pertains to life, craftsmen are superior to ordinary people, and model
what is beyond common notions; so, consequently, we also, giving a complete exhibition of the
Scriptures from the Scriptures themselves, from faith persuade by demonstration.
And if those also who follow heresies venture to avail themselves of the proftico Escrituras ; in the
first place they will not make use of all the Scriptures , and then they will not quote them entire, nor
as the body and texture of prophecy prescribe. But, selecting ambiguous expressions, they wrest
them to their own opinions, gathering a few expressions here and there; not looking to the sense, but
making use of the mere words. For in almost all the quotations they make, you will find that they
attend to the names alone, while they alter the meanings; neither knowing , as they affirm, nor using
the quotations they adduce, according to their true natureza .
But the truth is not found by changing the meanings (for so people subvert all true teaching), but in
the consideration of what perfectly belongs to and becomes the Sovereign God , and in establishing
each one of the points demonstrated in the Scriptures again from similar Escrituras . Neither, then,
do they want to turn to the truth , being ashamed to abandonar the claims of self- love ; nor are they
able to manage their opinions, by doing violence to the Scriptures . But having first promulgated
falso dogmas to homens ; plainly fighting against almost the whole Escrituras , and constantly
confuted by us who contradict them; for the rest, even now partly they hold out against admitting
the proftico Escrituras , and partly disparage us as of a different natureza , and incapable of
understanding what is peculiar to them. And sometimes even they deny their own dogmas , when
these are confuted, being ashamed openly to own what in private they glory in teaching. For this
may be seen in all the heresies , when you examine the iniqidades of their dogmas . For when they
are overturned by our clearly showing that they are opposed to the Scriptures , one of two things
may be seen to have been done by those who defend the dogma . For they either desprezar the
consistency of their own dogmas , or desprezar the prophecy itself, or rather their own esperana .
And they invariably prefer what seems to them to be more evident to what has been spoken by the
Senhor through the prophets and by the Gospel , and, besides, attested and confirmado by the
apostles .
Seeing, therefore, the danger that they are in (not in respect of one dogma , but in reference to the
maintenance of the heresies ) of not discovering the truth ; for while reading the books we have
ready at hand, they desprezar them as useless, but in their eagerness to surpass common faith , they
have divergiu from the truth . For, in consequence of not learning the mysteries of ecclesiastical
knowledge , and not having capacity for the grandeur of the truth , too indolent to descend to the
bottom of things, reading superficially, they have dismissed the Scriptures . Elated, then, by vain
opinion, they are incessantly wrangling, and plainly care more to seem than to be philosophers . Not
laying as foundations the necessrio first principles of things; and influenced by human opinions,
then making the end to suit them, by compulsion; on account of being confuted, they discutir with
those who are engaged in the prosecution of the true philosophy , and undergo everything, and, as
they say, ply every oar, even going the length of impiety, by disbelieving the Scriptures , rather than
be removed from the honras of the heresy and the boasted first seat in their igrejas ; on account of
which also they eagerly embrace that convivial couch of honour in the Agape , falsely so called.
The knowledge of the truth among us from what is already believed , produces faith in what is not
yet believed ; which [ faith ] is, so to speak, the essence of demonstration. But, as appears, no
heresy has at all ears to hear what is useful, but opened only to what leads to pleasure. Since also, if
one of them would only obey the truth , he would be healed.
Now the cure of self-conceit (as of every ailment) is threefold: the ascertaining of the cause , and
the mode of its removal; and thirdly, the training of the soul , and the accustoming it to assumir a
right attitude to the judgments come to. Para, justo like a disordered eye, so also the soul that has
been darkened by unnatural dogmas cannot perceive distinctly the light of truth , but even overlooks
what is before it.
They say, then, that in muddy water eels are caught by being blinded. E justo como knavish boys
bar out the teacher, so do these shut out the profecias from their Igreja , regarding them with
suspicion by razo of rebuke and admonition. Na verdade, eles ponto together a multitude of
mentiras and figments, that they may appear atuao in accordance with razo in not admitting the
Scriptures . So, then, they are not pious , inasmuch as they are not pleased with the divine
commands, that is, with the Holy Spirit . And as those amndoas are called empty in which the
contents are worthless, not those in which there is nothing; so also we call those heretics empty,
who are destitute of the counsels of God and the tradies de Cristo ; bitter, in truth , like the wild
almond, their dogmas originating with themselves, with the exception of such verdades as they
could not, by razo of their evidence, discard and conceal.
As, then, in war the soldier must not leave the post which the commander has assigned him, so
neither must we desert the post assigned by the Palavra , whom we have received as the guide of
knowledge and of life. But the most have not even inquired, if there is one that we ought to follow,
and who this is, and how he is to be followed. For as is the Palavra , such also must the believer's
life be, so as to be able to follow God , who brings all things to end from the beginning by the right
But when one has transgressed against the Palavra , and thereby against God ; if it is through
becoming powerless in consequence of some impression being suddenly made, he ought to see to
have the impressions of razes na mo. And if it is that he has become common, as the Scripture
says, in consequence of being overcome the hbitos which formerly had sway by over him, the
hbitos must be entirely put a stop to, and the soul trained to oppose them. And if it appears that
conflicting dogmas draw some away, these must be taken out of the way, and recourse is to be had
to those who reconcile dogmas , and subdue by the charm of the Scriptures such of the untutored as
are timid, by explaining the truth by the connection of the Testamentos .
But, as appears, we incline to idias founded on opinion, though they be contrary, rather than to the
truth . For it is austere and grave. Now, since there are three states of the soul ignorance ,
opinion, knowledge those who are in ignorance are the Gentiles , those in knowledge , the true
Igreja , and those in opinion, the Hereges . Nothing, then, can be more clearly seen than those, who
know , making afirmaes about what they know , and the others respecting what they hold on the
strength of opinion, as far as respects afirmao without proof .
They accordingly desprezar and laugh at one another. And it happens that the same thought is held
in the highest estimation by some, and by others condemned for insanity. And, indeed, we have
learned that voluptuousness, which is to be attributed to the Gentiles , is one thing; and wrangling,
which is preferred among the heretical sects , is another; and joy , which is to be appropriated to the
Church , another; and delight, which is to be assigned to the true Gnostic , another. And as, if one
devote himself to Ischomachus, he will make him a farmer; and to Lampis, a marinheiro ; and to
Charidemus, a military commander; and to Simon , Uma equestre ; and to Perdices, a trader; and to
Crobylus, a cook; and to Arquelau , a dancer; and to Homer, a poet; and to Pyrrho , Um wrangler;
and to Demstenes , an orator; and to Crsipo , Um dialectician ; and to Aristteles , Um
naturalista ; and to Plato , a philosopher : so he who listens to the Senhor , and follows the prophecy
given by Him, will be formed perfectly in the likeness of the teacher made a god going about in
Accordingly, those fall from this eminence who follow not Deus whither He leads. And He leads us
in the inspirado Escrituras .
Embora masculino aes are ten thousand in number, the sources of all sin are but two, ignorance
and inability. And both depend on ourselves; inasmuch as we will not learn, nor, on the other hand,
restrain lust . And of these, the one is that, in consequence of which people do not juiz well, and the
other that, in consequence of which they cannot comply with right judgments. For neither vontade
one who is deluded in his mente ser capaz de ato rightly, though perfectly able to do what he
knows ; nor, though capable of judging what is requisite, vontade he keep himself free of blame, if
destitute of power in ao . Consequently, then, there are assigned two kinds of correction
applicable to both kinds of sin : for the one, knowledge and clear demonstration from the testimony
of the Scriptures ; and for the other, the training according to the Palavra , which is regulated by the
disciplina of faith and fear . And both develop into perfeito love . For the end of the Gnostic here is,
in my julgamento , dupla, partly cientfico contemplation , partly ao .
Would, then, that these heretics would learn and be set right by these notes, and turn to the
sovereign Deus ! But if, like the deaf serpents, they listen not to the song called new, though very
old, may they be chastised by God , and undergo paternal admoestaes previous to the
Julgamento , till they become ashamed and arrepender-se , but not rush through headlong descrena
, and precipitate themselves into julgamento .
For there are partial correes , which are called chastisements, which many of us who have been in
transgresso incur, by falling away from the Senhor pessoas. But as children are chastised by their
teacher, or their father, so are we by Providncia . Mas Deus does not punish, for punishment is
retaliation for evil . He chastises, however, for bom to those who are chastised, collectively and
individualmente .
I have adduced these things from a wish to avert those, who are eager to learn, from the liability to
fall into heresies , and out of a desire to stop them from superficial ignorance , or stupidity, or bad
disposition, or whatever it should be called. And in the attempt to persuade and lead to the truth
those who are not entirely incurable, I have made use of these words. For there are some who
cannot bear at all to listen to those who exhort them to turn to the truth ; and they attempt to trifle,
pouring out blasphemies against the truth , claiming for themselves the knowledge of the greatest
things in the universe , without having learned, or inquired, or laboured, or discovered the
consecutive train of idias, whom one should pity rather than hate for such perversity.
But if one is curable, able to bear (like fire or steel) the franqueza of the truth , which cuts away and
burns their falso opinions, let him lend the ears of the soul . And this will be the case, unless,
through the propensity to preguia , they push truth away, or through the desire of fame, endeavour
to invent novelties. For those are slothful who, having it in their power to provide themselves with
proper proofs for the divine Scriptures from the Scriptures themselves, select only what contributes
to their own pleasures. And those have a craving for glory who voluntariamente evade, by
arguments of a diverse sort, the things delivered by the abenoado apostles and teachers, which are
wedded to inspirado words; opposing the divine tradio by human teachings, in order to establish
the heresy . For, in truth , what remained to be said in ecclesiastical knowledge I mean by such
homens , Marcion , for example, or Prdico , and such like, who did not walk in the right way? For
they could not have surpassed their predecessors in wisdom, so as to discover anything in addition
to what had been uttered by them; for they would have been satisfeito had they been able to learn
the things laid down before.
Our Gnostic then alone, having grown old in the Scriptures , and maintaining apostlico e
ecclesiastic orthodoxy in doutrinas , lives most correctly in accordance with the Gospel , and
discovers the proofs , for which he may have made search (sent forth as he is by the Senhor ), from
the lei and the prophets . For the life of the Gnostic , in my view, is nothing but deeds and words
corresponding to the tradio da Senhor . But all have not knowledge . For I would not have you to
be ignorant , brethren, says the apstolo , that all were under the cloud, and partook of espiritual
meat and drink; claramente afirmando that all who heard the word did not take in the magnitude of
knowledge in ao and word. Wherefore also he added: But with all of them He was not well
pleased. Who is this? He who said, Why do you call Me Senhor , and do not the will of My Father?
Que a Salvador teaching, which to us is espiritual food, and drink that knows no thirst, the water
of gnstico a vida. Further it is said, knowledge is said to puff up. To whom we say: Talvez seeming
knowledge is said to puff up, if one suppose the expression means to be swollen up. But if, as is
rather the case, the expression of the apstolo means, to entertain great and true sentiments, the
difficulty is solved. Following, then, the Scriptures , let us establish what has been said: Wisdom,
says Salomo , has inflated her children. For the Senhor did not work conceit by the particulars of
His teaching; but He produces trust in the truth and expansion of mind , in the knowledge that is
communicated by the Scriptures , and desprezo for the things which drag into sin , which is the
meaning of the expression inflated. It teaches the magnificence of the wisdom implanted in her
children by instruction. Agora, o apstolo says, I vontade know not the speech of those that are
puffed up, but the power; 1 Corinthians 4:19 if you understand the Scriptures magnanimamente
(which means truly ; for nothing is greater than truth ). For in that mentiras the power of the
children of wisdom who are puffed up. He says, as it were, I shall know if you rightly entertain
great thoughts respecting knowledge . For God , according to David , is known in Judea , that is,
those that are Israelites according to knowledge . For Judea is interpreted Confession. It is, then,
rightly said by the apstolo , This You, shall not commit adultery , You shall not steal , You shall not
covet ; and if there be any other mandamento , it is comprehended in this word, You shall love your
neighbour as yourself . Romans 13:9
For we must never, as do those who follow the heresies , adulterate the truth , or roubar o cnone of
the Church , by gratifying our own lusts and vanity, by defraudar our neighbours; whom above all it
is our dever , in the exercise of love to them, to teach to adhere to the truth . It is accordingly
expressly said, Declare among the heathen His statutes, that they may not be julgados , but that
those who have previously given ear may be convertido . But those who speak treacherously with
their lnguas tem o penalidades that are on record.

Captulo 17. The Tradition of the Church Prior to that of the

Those, then, that adhere to impious words, and dictate them to others, inasmuch as they do not
make a right but a perverse use of the divine words, neither themselves enter into the kingdom of
heaven , nor permit those whom they have deluded to attain the truth . But not having the chave of
entrance, but a falso (and as the common phrase expresses it), a counterfeit chave ( ), by
which they do not enter in as we enter in, through the tradio da Senhor , by drawing aside the
curtain; but bursting through the side-door , and digging clandestinamente through the wall of the
Church , and stepping over the truth , they constitute themselves the Mystagogues of the soul of the
For that the human assemblies which they held were posterior to the Catholic Church requires not
many words to show.
For the teaching of our Senhor at His advento , beginning with Augustus and Tiberius , was
completed in the middle of the times of Tiberius .
And that of the apostles , embracing the ministrio of Paul , ends with Nero . It was later, in the
times of Adrian the king, that those who invented the heresies arose; and they extended to the age of
Antoninus the elder , as, for instance, Basilides , though he claims (as they boast) for his master,
Glaucias, the interpreter of Peter .
Likewise they allege that Valentinus was a hearer of Theudas . And he was the pupil of Paul . For
Marcion , who arose in the same age with them, lived as an old man with the mais jovens [
heretics ]. And after him Simon heard for a little the preaching of Peter .
Such being the case, it is evident, from the high antiquity and perfeito truth of the Church , that
these later heresies , and those yet subsequent to them in tempo , were new inventions falsificados
[from the truth ].
From what has been said, then, it is my opinion that the true Igreja , that which is really ancient, is
one, and that in it those who according to Deus purpose are justo , are enrolled. For from the very
razo que Deus is one, and the Senhor one, that which is in the highest degree honourable is lauded
in consequence of its singleness, being an imitation of the one first principle. In the nature of the
One, then, is associated in a joint heritage the one Igreja , which they strive to cut asunder into
many sects .
Therefore in substncia e idia , in origin, in pre-eminence, we say that the ancient and Catholic
Igreja is alone, collecting as it does into the unidade of the one faith which results from the
peculiar Testamentos , or rather the one Testamento in different times by the will of the one God ,
through one Senhor those already ordenado , A quem Deus predestinated , knowing before the
foundation of the world that they would be righteous.
But the pre-eminence of the Church , as the principle of union, is, in its oneness, in this surpassing
all things else, and having nothing like or equal to itself. But of this afterwards.
Of the heresies , some receive their apelao from a [ pessoa ] name, as that which is called after
Valentinus , and that after Marcion , and that after Basilides , although they boast of adducing the
opinion of Mateus [without truth ]; for as the teaching, so also the tradio of the apostles was one.
Some take their designation from a place, as the Peratici; some from a nation, as the [ heresy ] of the
Phrygians ; some from an ao , as that of the Encratites ; and some from peculiar dogmas , as that
of the Docet ;, and that of the Hrmatites; and some from suppositions, and from indivduos eles
tm homenageado , as those called Cainists, and the Ophians ; and some from nefarious practices
and enormities, as those of the Simonians called Entychites.

Captulo 18. The Distinction Between Clean and Unclean

Animals in the Law Symbolical of the Distinction Between the
Church, and Jews, and Heretics
After showing a little peep-hole to those who love to contemplar the Church from the lei of
sacrifices respecting clean and imundo animais (inasmuch as thus the common Jews and the
heretics are distinguished mystically from the divine Igreja ), let us bring the discourse to a close.
For such of the sacrifices as part the hoof, and ruminate, the Scripture represents as clean and
acceptable to God ; since the justo obtain access to the Father and to the Son by faith . For this is the
stability of those who part the hoof, those who study the orculos de Deus night and day, and
ruminate them in the soul's receptacle for instructions; which gnstico exercise the Lei expresses
under the figure of the ruminao of the clean animal. But such as have neither the one nor the other
of those qualidades it separates as imundo .
Now those that ruminate, but do not part the hoof, indicate the majority of the Jews , who have
indeed the orculos of God , but have not faith , and the step which, resting on the truth , conveys to
the Father by the Son. Whence also this kind of cattle are apt to slip, not having a division in the
foot, and not resting on the twofold support of faith . For no man, it is said, knows the Father , but
he to whom the Son shall revelar Him. Luke 10:22
And again, those also are likewise imundo that part the hoof, but do not ruminate. For these point
out the heretics , who indeed go upon the name of the Father and the Son , but are incapable de
triturating and grinding down the clear declaration of the orculos , and who, besides, perform the
works of righteousness grosseiramente and not with precision, if they perform them at all. To such
the Senhor says, Why will you call me Senhor , Senhor , and do not the things which I say? Luke
And those that neither part the hoof nor chew the cud are entirely imundo .
Mas voc Megareans , says Theognis , are neither third, nor fourth,
Nor twelfth, neither in reckoning nor in number,

but as chaff which the wind drives away from the face of the earth, and as a drop from a vessel.
Isaiah 40:15
These points, then, having been formerly thoroughly treated, and the department of tica having
been sketched summarily in a fragmentrio way, as we promised; and having here and there
interspersed the dogmas which are the germs of true knowledge , so that the discovery of the
sagrado tradies may not be easy to any one of the uninitiated, let us proceed to what we promised.
Agora, o Miscellanies are not like parts laid out, planted in regular order for the delight of the eye,
but rather like an umbrageous and shaggy hill, planted with laurel, and ivy, and apples, and olives,
and figs; the planting being purposely a mixture of fruit-bearing and fruitless trees, since the
composition aims at concealment, on account of those that have the daring to abafar e roubar the
ripe fruits; from which, however, the husbandmen, transplante shoots and plants, vontade adorn a
beautiful parque and a delightful grove.
O Miscellanies , then, study neither arrangement nor diction; since there are even cases in which the
Gregos on purpose wish that ornate diction should be absent, and imperceptibly cast in the seed of
dogmas , not according to the truth , rendering such as may read laborious and quick at discovery.
For many and various are the iscas for the various kinds of fishes.
And now, after this seventh Miscelnea of ours, we shall give the account of what follows in order
from another commencement.

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