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Presented article attempts to show sense of life perspective as a determinant of decision making. It is assumed that the sense of life perspective described as life attitudes is significant in assessment of decision problem defined in the... more
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      Canonical Correlation AnalysisFinancial Decisionssense of life
The presented article replies the need for a more complete understanding the category of safety as a concept applied in various fields of knowledge – the interdisciplinary notion. It aims at the characteristics of safety in the... more
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    • Social Psychology and Political Science
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Artykuł ma na celu zbadanie powiązań pomiędzy oceną demokracji i zaangażowaniem w aktywność obywatelską z jednej strony a poglądami politycznymi i udziałem w wyborach politycznych z drugiej. Badane czynniki stanowią elementy... more
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      Political ScienceImpact of Social Sciences and Humanities
The local elections that were held in November 2014 stirred up considerable controversy in Poland. The article is an attempt to describe how Poles evaluated the overall functioning of democracy in the context of these elections and what... more
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      Political SciencePatriotismSystem Justification
The article is aimed at showing the theoretical model of civic activity understood as a social activity in the context of being a citizen in a democratic state. Humans as social beings take actions as members of their own group and in the... more
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      SociologySocial PsychologyCitizenshipDemocracy and Citizenship Education
Civic activity is a foundation of civil society. Its has been largely researched by sociologists and recently attracts a growing attention of psychologists. This paper outlines the theoretical background and a procedure for creating and... more
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      Social PsychologyPolitical ParticipationCommunity Engagement & ParticipationMeasurement and Evaluation
The article shows theoretical assumptions and empirical verification of the safety experience model. The theoretical model describes the presented phenomenon as consisting of two aspects: sense and reflection on safety. The first... more
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The local elections that were held in November 2014 stirred up considerable controversy in Poland. The article is an attempt to describe how Poles evaluated the overall functioning of democracy in the context of these elections and what... more
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      Political ScienceDemocracyCivic Engagement
Artykuł przedstawia charakterystykę postawy, jaką wykazują się studenci wobec samochodów elektrycznych oraz znaczenie wyróżnionych elementów postawy w tworzeniu zainteresowania zakupem takich pojazdów. Samochody elektryczne to nowy rodzaj... more
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The article discusses the dependencies between selected social determinants and various types of civic engagement in young adults. The determinants included two aspects of national identification-patriotism and nationalism-and system... more
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      Civic EngagementSystem JustificationYoung AdultsNational Identification
W artykule dyskutowana jest zależność między wybranymi uwarunkowaniami społecznymi a różnymi rodzajami aktywności obywatelskiej młodych dorosłych. Analizowane uwarunkowania to identyfikacja narodowa w dwóch aspektach: patriotyzmu i... more
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      aktywność obywatelskamłodzi dorośli
Artykuł ma na celu zbadanie powiązań pomiędzy oceną demokracji i zaangażowaniem w aktywność obywatelską z jednej strony a poglądami politycznymi i udziałem w wyborach politycznych z drugiej. Badane czynniki stanowią elementy... more
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      Political ScienceHumanities and Social SciencesImpact of Social Sciences and Humanities
Artykuł dotyczy zaleĪnoĞci pomiĊdzy typami sensu Īycia a treĞciami celów podejmowanych do realizacji. Jest próbą łączenia perspektywy psychologii egzystencjalnej z poznawczą. Sens Īycia jest opisany przez cztery typy, okreĞlone przy... more
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This article aims to examine the relationships between various forms of civic engagement and values, using a four-form model of civic engagement and the Shalom Schwartz model of values. The forms of civic engagement are social... more
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    • Humanities and Social Sciences
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      PsychologyPrayerCivic EngagementReligiosity
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Streszczenie. W artykule omówiono problematykę rozwoju konkurencyjności Unii Europejskiej poprzez innowacyjność oraz kwestie oceny polityki innowacyjnej prowadzonej w regionach UE. Pomiar innowacyjności i oceny skutków interwencji... more
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    • Political Science
The purpose of the paper is to develop indicators and standards for assessing the remuneration policy in terms of decent work at the regional level and to approbate the developed tools for assessing the data of remuneration policy... more
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    • Business and Management
Findings and statements in the book are the results of interactive consultations within the ProAct consortium. Experts from eight countries–Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia and the United... more
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      Regional policyPolitical ScienceInnovation PolicyCentral and Eastern Europe