This post is the 'Love' part of Piece & Love!
There was no quilting this week due to me being away at girls camp!!
Girls camp started out with a tragic accident and two of our valiant
girls were killed in a car accident. We weren't sure if we were even going to attend girls camp this year because of the accident. Late Tuesday evening our Bishop met with all the girls and leaders to make a decision to go or not. Our Bishop followed the council of our Stake leaders and the answer was 'yes', we would attend camp.

The mountain is beautiful!

I get giddy every time I look at this picture! It's a never-ending convoy of cars headed up the mountain packed with girls age 12-18. The trailers are packed to the ceiling with tents, food and everything else needed to make camp a success.

Our theme was "Eternity University"! We took the theme and added a sorority. We were Omega Delta Phi which means...Logandale 5th Ward has the most awesome girls in the Stake!! We grouped the girls as big sisters and little sisters. Each big sister was responsible for two little sisters to make sure they certified in camp along with making sure they were included in activities and having a good time.

Here is Dancer (in black)sitting next to her big sister(the one on the right with the look of, "why are you taking my picture?")!! We are making inspirational journals.

The journals turned out so cute!! Our girls are so creative!!

We played "Robin Hood"! I even got a bulls eye!! I can't show you the picture because the battery died on my you will just have to take my word for it!!
EDIT: Dancer got a bulls eye too!! Sorry, Dancer!!

Here we all are!! Camp was a success!!
Here are a few more things we did...
We laughed
We cried
We ate
We screamed
We certified
We shot arrows with bows
We hiked
We asked "Why?"
We sang
We learned
We stuffed marshmallows in our mouths
We created
We prayed
We did all this to become closer to our Heavenly Father!
Piece & love,