He told me in one of the first conversations we had that what can be seen in the series “Glória”, about a Portuguese spy, may even have happened…
There may have been. It is perfectly possible that what was fictionalized by Pedro Lopes could have happened. There were about 20 to 30 translators from Eastern countries in Portugal, the Portuguese officials did not know those languages. There had to be someone who edited, who chose the broadcasts, who translated at Maxuqueira [receiving center] what came from Munich. There could be a risk of rebroadcasting Radio Moscow broadcasts and that would be a shot in the foot. Therefore, these people could be infiltrated. And that happened in Munich, where there was even an attack on the premises of Radio Free Europe, which were destroyed. There are even stories of insiders who got to know each other thanks to news coverage. They were from the Romanian and Bulgarian secret services, for example. Not here.
But is it a possibility?
Yes. The PIDE, for example, had important control over the people who entered RARET.
This is visible in the series.
There is a report from the PIDE describing the safety of the Monumental garage. When Portugal joined NATO, the army was restructured. And one of the structures that were flagged as critical is RARET. As a concession, a private thing, it is immediately included in this defense plan for the interior as a critical point, like hospitals or refineries. For the Santarém military zone, since there were not enough forces, the responsibility, in case of an uprising, is assigned to the National Legion. RARET, right from the start, has a GNR post. It wasn't in Gloria, it was there. When we arrived on the 25th of April, the following week, a platoon of troops went there, which did not leave until August 1974. It was, therefore, of great importance. If there was no risk, they wouldn't go.
Didn't anyone in the Armed Forces Movement want to take over RARET?
No, no. They wanted to defend her.
With few documents and records from Portugal, what did you discover on the North American side in your research?
At first, Salazar only authorized the retransmission. It may look smaller, but no. He had the chance to say, on an international level, that nothing was transmitted from there. In the 1961 contract, it was already possible to transmit. At the headquarters, in Lisbon, there was a group of studios, in which everything was set up to change, at the last minute, certain events. The translators were even there to give voice to new recordings. But there was no newsroom. The content was produced in the USA. Here there was only one backup .
TThen, another of the reasons for RARET to be based here is that at the time we were at a stage where, in the North American perspective, it could reach the level of the conflict in Germany. And radio would be one of the places the Soviets would want to occupy. Having this backup at the far end of the Iberian Peninsula provided guarantees. As for the figures that made up RARET, there are many Portuguese linked to the regime. António Ferro's son, Tomás Pinto Basto, António de Cértima, who will remain until 1974. In fact, Pinto Basto will stay until the 80s.