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Showing posts with label Phalanx. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phalanx. Show all posts

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Anti-Drone Weapons

Vulcan Cannon Smashes Drones in Iraq
Dark Footage

I don't particularly care for the narrator's breathless delivery, although I do wonder how he manages to keep it up, video after video. However, he does give us some good footage of CRAM's (Counter-Rockets, Artillery and Mortars) in operation. It's hard to get a sense of how big these things are from the video. This picture fixes that.

Centurian C-RAM

Problem is the Centurian is shooting zillions of 20 mm bullets and those bullets aren't cheap. According to John Hoh on Quora, each 20 mm shell costs $27. Since this gun fires 75 rounds per second, a full second of firing costs like two grand. You can buy a drone with enough carrying capacity to carry a small bomb for about one thousand dollars. The cost of the fuel oil and fertilizer necessary to make the bomb is negligible, and jihadists work for free, so turning a drone into a bomb costs almost nothing.

C-RAM is pretty effective, I don't think any of those bursts of fire in the video lasted a full second, so the cost of shooting down a bomb laden drone is about the same as the cost of the drone. However, that doesn't include the cost of the weapon system, or the cost of operating it on the other side of the world where everything, including the ammunition has to be shipped in. 

High Speed Intaglio Printing Press

US soldiers are paid something like $40K a year. However, it costs about one million dollars a year to have a soldier in the combat zone. Using the same multiple of 25 (one million divided by 40 thousand), I'm guessing it is costing us in the neighborhood of $25,000 to shoot down a drone. I would say that at that rate with a zillion cheap drones the ragheads could force us into bankruptcy. Well, they could if we were spending real money, but ever since the mint got that tune-up on their printing presses, we can print another zillion dollars in the time it takes you to sneeze.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021


U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Hamilton WMSL-753 transits Istanbul strait towards Black Sea- April 27, 2021
Cavit Ege Tulça

I thought the U.S. Coast Guard was supposed to protect the U.S. coast. Looks like I am wrong again.

The Legend-class national security cutter USCGC Hamilton (WMSL 753) pulls into Batumi, Sakartvelo (the official name of Georgia)

Supposedly, we are sending warships to the Black Sea to counter Russia's massive military buildup along the border with the Ukraine. I wasn't surprised by Russia doing that, I mean Ukraine declared war on them. It was kind of weird though, the declaration wasn't accompanied by any fanfare, it was done kind of quietly. Then Russia pulls back their forces claiming it was just part of a regularly scheduled military exercise.

Black Sea. Batumi at lower right, Istanbul at lower left and
Sevastopol (Russia's big naval base)  near the center.

One theory I heard is that the Biden's are pushing on Russia so they will keep using Ukraine's pipelines to ship natural gas to Europe because Ukraine gets paid for the use of their pipelines. I can't imagine they get paid very much, but maybe because it goes on 24 hours a day for years on end, it ends up being a pretty penny, and since the pipeline is already built, it's all gravy.

Hard to imagine that they are willing to go to war with Russia over this. I suspect the U.S. is just claiming Russia is the bad guy and is using this imaginary conflict to gain some political power points on the home court.

I haven't seen any evidence of Russia getting ready to attack Europe, but I've been wrong before and I am liable to be wrong again.

USCG Cutter Hamilton 753 carries a two inch gun on the bow and a CIWS (Close In Weapons System) on the aft portion of the superstructure.

Video via The Drive. Photo via Defense Blog.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Rocket Attack

The bad guys are shooting rockets and mortars at the US Embassy and the C-RAM automatic defense system shot back. I couldn't detect any incoming shells in the video, but then I don't have magic RADAR vision. 

What you are seeing in the video is a dense string of M-940 20mm Multipurpose Tracer-Self Destruct (MPT-SD) rounds. The ammunition is specially engineered to self-destruct at a certain distance so that the string of shells doesn't take out a city block miles away. - Tyler Rogoway at The Drive