Γ' Συνέδριο Νέων Ερευνητών by PANAGIOTIS DIMAS

by Σύλλογος Μεταπτυχιακών Φοιτητών Ιστορίας και Αρχαιολογίας ΕΚΠΑ Postgraduate Association of the Faculty of History and Archaeology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Pavla Drapelova, PANAGIOTIS DIMAS, Marilia Lykaki, Paolo Daniele Scirpo, maria anemodoura, Dr Vasilis Nedos, Michael Naidos, Αντώνης Αμπούτης, Panagiotis G . M . Stamatopoulos, Kleanthis Zouboulakis, and Nafsika Vassilopoulou Η βία ως μέσο πολιτικής δράσης των Ισπανών αναρχικών κατά το πρώτο τρίτο του 20ου αιώνα: το παράδ... more Η βία ως μέσο πολιτικής δράσης των Ισπανών αναρχικών κατά το πρώτο τρίτο του 20ου αιώνα: το παράδειγμα της Ισπανικής υπαίθρου Σκοπός της ανακοίνωσης αυτής είναι η διερεύνηση του βαθμού διείσδυσης της βίας στο πλαίσιο της δράσης των Ισπανών αναρχικών στην ύπαιθρο. Μετά από μια σύντομη παρουσίαση των διαφορετικών ιστοριογραφικών προσεγγίσεων του φαινομένου του ισπανικού αναρχισμού θα επιχειρήσουμε να εντοπίσουμε τις ρίζες του, που φαίνεται ότι ξεκινούν από τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες του 19ου αιώνα. Στη συνέχεια θα επικεντρωθούμε στη μελέτη του τρόπου διείσδυσης του αναρχισμού κατά το πρώτο τρίτο του 20ού αιώνα. Στην προσπάθειά μας αυτή θα πρέπει να αναφερθούμε διεξοδικά σε ορισμένες «χρονολογίες-σταθμούς» όπως οι περίοδοι αγροτικών απεργιών και κινητοποιήσεων (1902)(1903)(1904)(1905)(1918)(1919)(1920) και τα χρόνια συνύπαρξης μιας ειδικής αναρχικής αγροτικής ομοσπονδίας με την Εθνική Συνομοσπονδία Εργασίας (CNT) (1913)(1914)(1915)(1916)(1917)(1918).
Heritage Interpretation as a Means of Social Integration of Refugees in the EU
Conference Presentations by PANAGIOTIS DIMAS

Being as they are complex works of human activity and natural environment, historical settlements... more Being as they are complex works of human activity and natural environment, historical settlements are characteristic, homogeneous historical compounds, which can be defined topographically, and whose maintenance is deemed necessary due to their historical, architectural, social, technical, ethnographic or other value, always in conjunction with the conservation of the immediate or wider environment allowing them to be perceived of as functionally identifiable units. Therefore, the historical heritage of settlements is not restricted to the building stock. Rather, it is extended to the sum of man-made structures and the natural surroundings associated with them, as well as to intangible values of both the free and the built space, which must be identified and documented. The remaining historical complexes can be distinguished according to: a. the period they were developed, which may include more than one historical phase, b. their geographical position in conjunction with its geomorphological characteristics, c. their urban planning, demographic and economic development possibilities. With their roots in the culture and architectural expression established especially after the Middle Byzantine period, historical settlements developed until the late Ottoman rule each time in relation to the variables in effect, demonstrating a polymorphic distribution of architectural wealth within the wider Balkan Peninsula and Asia Minor. Production, political power and catering to the religious, economic or military needs and functions in place defined residential continuity after the Fall of Constantinople. Construction in the aforementioned period is a perfect sample of absolute adaptability to the natural environment and its geomorphological features, of ergonomic use of the available natural resources and building materials, of maximum self-sufficiency within the natural space, and of synthetic and constructional simplicity. Therefore, the result is a configured historical landscape where the architectural and the natural environment demonstrate an unbroken relationship, to the point that we cannot conceive of one without the other. This could be considered as the manifestation of the ideal relationship between man and nature, albeit the influence of the cultural roots of a society is also important. The architecture of the period under scrutiny is customarily conventionally called "traditional", a term making its appearance after 1960. At this point, it would be worth it to make a brief note on the interpretation of tradition. The term "tradition" usually includes everything handed to us from the past. However, this generalised interpretation, in which the term acquires a liquid dynamic, as well as the charm of national pride, in the end does not allow it to define the content it is summoned to convey. The essence of tradition lies in providing a fertile ground for inspiration and for transformation of culture.
Γ' Συνέδριο Νέων Ερευνητών by PANAGIOTIS DIMAS
Conference Presentations by PANAGIOTIS DIMAS