Check it out!!

I've completely given up trying to hide the fact that I AM a total nerd, along with the fact I work in eMarketing, love pottery and Time Team, I also ADORE the Saturday Times Jumbo Crossword. SPECIFICALLY the Saturday Times Jumbo Crossword. It's big, it's intelligent and the answers come out 2 weeks after it's printed.
I'm yet to completely finish one, although I've practiced a LOT. I'm so excited at how far through I got this week, and I'd done all of this in 3 days!!
Check it out!!
And, because I'm a total dork, these are the rules I play by:
- I do the clues at the bottom of the page, not the cryptic ones at the top
- Completed clues are neatly crossed out
- I cannot use the Internet or ask for help (this is of course cheating)
- If I get to the point where I absolutely HAVE to cheat, cheated question is marked by being circled (to remind myself that there is no glory in finishing the crossword if I've cheated)
- If an answer is put in, and later found to be incorrect, that's basically the end of the game
I'm so excited because I finished this much with one TWO cheat questions!!! I'm somewhat ashamed that I despited my literary tendencies in High School, I didn't know King Lear's daughters name, but I wont forget it now.
It's a bit hard to see, but if you click on the image above, it should open a larger image (input on any missing answers appreciated)