Wednesday, November 30, 2011
461. Murder Weapon
460. ApaPasaiMurah?
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
459. 'BeatMeKindly'
Monday, November 28, 2011
458. Tangan Kanan
Sunday, November 27, 2011
457. fit previous post
A short post.
Cant post too long,
My net connection is 'less'
last post was about blurting out
word without thinkin first.
Here is another sample that fits
previous post nicely.
Here I am waking up in the morning
of sunday 27hbNov, looking at the tv
that shows of maalhijrah n everything
Asking ...
'Maalhijrah? Bila yek??'
Friday, November 25, 2011
456. stupid
If u can buy a car that cost hundreds
thousand. Why bother bout the fuel
Asking about fuel consumption in a BMW selling centre would make u look foolish.
A couple who were married for 6 years
but never granted with child would
definitely felt sad n be working hard
to get one dont u think?
Asking the stupid question like...
'xrasa rumah u sunyi ke?'
'u tak try tanya doktor ke?'
...would make u look stupid no?
Think before blurting out question ok!
Even if we are stupid beyond comparison,
let us atleast appear intelligent okeh?
455. BuatPening...

Thursday, November 24, 2011
454. ItamPuteh Logo

Wednesday, November 23, 2011
453. YangBaik...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
452. Lesson Learnt
451. HausmetTersayang.
Monday, November 21, 2011
450. Camca Plastik
palastit?' tanya maktuk kehairanan.
'umph... dah buang dah ... ado lagi dalam
plastik sampah tu tuk... tuk nak buat apa?'
busy driving the KayBiPiThree'O'Five
'Laaa... yang hang pi buang tu buat apaaa...
simpan laa... buleh jugak buat cedok apa apa...'
'Berapa banyak la nak simpan tuk?
maktuk diam sambil geledah beg plastik sampah,
Other day... Other occasion ...
'okeh maktuk .. nak pi kl dah... dekwan bawak
bubur maktuk ni na.. buleh jugak makan dalam
'naa.. amik la camca palastit ni...
'umph.. bak mai...'
I can see a slight senyum at the corner of her lips.
'hummm.. nasib baik jugak ada aku ni yang duk
amik simpan camca palastit nii...tu la hampa.'
basically she have proven her action of keeping
those plastic spoon which u receive inside the
takeaway sauce n tissue pack
is right after all
is worth doin after all...

Sunday, November 20, 2011
449. Makes U Wonder...

Saturday, November 19, 2011
448. Curi Orang Punya!!

Friday, November 18, 2011
447. Curi Siapa Punya?
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
446. WW: Mentang Mentang Buffet
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
entry cemas
Short post.
Tgh dok borıng gıla sekarang nı,
Bısnes trıp ke shah alam.
Tapı dıorang book kan hotel saujana
untuk kamı, Free ınternet koneksyen takdak
Harap mahal je, ınternet pun kena caj.
38 hınggıt seharı plak tu!
Dah la surroundıng tak der apa apa
yang menarık.
Mcm bıasa,
Rındu nak balık,
Rındu housemet yg bısıng
dok tengok wınter sonata tu.
.(punya la lama drama tu)
Rındu nk BW mcm bıasa.
Rındu kamu ..pocketeers.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
444. Jiwa Raga
Saturday, November 12, 2011
443. Survival Tools
Friday, November 11, 2011
442. Meretun Terakhir
(Pocket pun dah tak larat nak mengarang
dah ooiii ^^, tak larat nak dub dab dub dab)
let her be,
its not like all of her victims didnt cried,
didnt beg, didnt tried to run.
They were worst, they were terrified
of the 'unknown'. Atleast maria know
what is hitting her...
Her own hammer under her own cloak.

Thursday, November 10, 2011
441. Meretun Keempat
Sambungan dari 440. Meretun Ketiga
i am sorry but i could not conclude
the whole story in 3 post.
it had to be more.
so here goes the fourth meretun...
..was having the idea of punishing Maria
himself, thought that that was the best idea
he could think off. If he hand Maria to the
police, the cloak will be confiscated. tak ker rugi tu?
and so he went on to where maria worked.
The laundry area.
When u'r invisible, it was not hard walking towards
the laundry area even though its the middle of the
night, even though you are not suppose to be there.
u'r invisible, no one can see u,
and even if anyone see a door opened
by itself, there is always the wind to blame.
He opened the door and there she is..
working all by herself washing customer's
bedsheet filled with sweat from ladies doing it,
blood from pakcik scratching their kurap,
and vomit from the drunken abang who drink
too much. eeeuuuu!!!
Pocket didnt say much,
the hammer is in his hand, he swung one hard blow to
maria's left cheek and down she goes. She didnt scream,
she didnt see it coming. 'Siaall!! ko hamik baju aku!!'
she cried after, ohh that was fast thinking..
budak U.. memang gitu
blood coming from her mouth.
She spat out a broken tooth.
That one was for Fatihah the waitress,
hospitalized with broken jaw.
'Camana ko rase Maria? sekarang ko plak jadi mangsa?'
'Pocket? sial kau!! aku bunu...ngh*' she could not
finish her words as another hard swing to her rib.
That was for Azie from the kitchen.
Her siku broke and she had to quit.
the hotel just could not pay for
her paid medical leave.
More and more swing of the hammer
let loose by the pocket. let her rip,
let her feel the pain she so proudly let.
'eh maria! ko ok ker?' her colleague
who dont understand a thing came asking.
Someone came in and must have heard
her crying from the opened door.
No.. i'm not kantul yet,
she just came in,
she didnt see anything.
She didnt see me.
'ko cakap kater ko pening jer sikit...
jangan tengok dia!! kang kantul la mulut
tu darah' pocket warned her.
The punishment is not finished.
'aku ok jer linda.. peningm jer sikit'without even looking
Maria obeyed, she had to, the cold steel
of the hammer was touching her left forehead.
Linda looked puzzle, she looked left and right,
and leave the place.
Sound of foot steps leaving the laundry room.
Pocket checked.. yes, Linda is no longer there.
The door was closed.
This is better.
Cause after this, there will be
the sound of steel breaking bones.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Bersambung xxxxxxxxxx
Remember that last pantun
from the post : 435. OK Dah Abaang.. ??
kinda fit this post too kan?
440. Meretun Ketiga
Sambungan dari 439. Meretun Kedua
what do u do when u'r seing something
awesome right infront of u and u are
allowed to anything (Within reason)
...with that thing?
U try it on!
Moto besor!
try naik nak amik feel...
keter cantik!
try duduk sambil pegang pegang stereng
Senapang sniper macho!
amik la belakon mcm nak tembak orang kejap.
awek comel! ......
try sembang je la kot..
within reason kan :D
dah tu takkan nak....
And so pocket tried the invisible cloak,
the material was thick with ornament design
that look like jawi writings on it.
it must be the jampi srapah.
the sleeve was longer with bigger
opening at the end. if the material
on the sleeve is a see through,
this cloak would pass for those
recent bride wedding dress everybody
is in craze about.
the button was awkwardly
normal for something magical
like that.
Big button for big holes.
Top button was up to the nose..
the lower portion was so long dragging
by the floor that the floor sweeper
would be thankful seeing u in it.
Cause u'd be doing his job instead.
Pocket was in amaze as he was wearing
the invisible cloak, the best part was
the hood. It was a hood u often see
movies describing necromancer.
A hood that elevates to the front
till its shadow will cast upon
your face blocking any light
from your eyes.
thus if worn in daylight even.
people cant see your face.
huiyooo!! sikit lagi macam purdah jee!! :D
Completed wearing this,
pocket turned around towards
that big mirror by the wall.
And all he can see was his background.
Since he is the one holding the hammer,
he might as well be the 'Invisible Hammer'
himself... ohh the power
Then the devil came flying by pocket's ear
and start whispering devilish thoughts.
Ohh.. i can do a lot of good in this cloak.
wah, i can be a super hero and help the poor.
i can stalk people more easily with this cloak.
and the final words were....
i can bring justice for the victim,
Hani's sister Maria can have a taste
of her own medicine with me in this robe..
xxxxxxxxxxxxx Bersambung xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Macam tu la bisikan 'lalat' tu,
munyiknya macam ikhlas jer,
then.. sedar sedar... dah pun
terlanggar border... ohh
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
439. Meretun Kedua
pocketeers, sambungan dari 438.Meretun Pertama
was the dream that vivid?
well no, it was just flashes of scenes
compiled by my sick brain as a story.
The whole 'me-stalkin-in-the-ladies-locker'
was true in my dream, but people coming
in and out changing to their uniform was
a total 'made-up'. Hey i'm allowed to put
some belacan in my sambal right?
After a few hot chicks coming in and out,
Pocket was also entertained by makcik's
from the cleaning and kitchen division
changing to their uniforms or the other
way around. Ohh my eyess!!
it buuuurrrnnnnssss!!!
Well what can he say,
stay the course!!
stay the course!!
Waiting for the 'Invisible Hammer' to appear,
all of a sudden, the door closed and u can
hear footsteps even though there was no one
The heart that never stops thumping
from the beginning of this stalking activity
just starts to thump faster..
oh when will this stop!?
Pocket was trying to make out where was
the foot steps sound originated.
The foot steps seems like wondering around
the locker room, definitely checking out the
area. I bet she'll reveal herself if there was
no one there.
And so she did, a locker miraculously swung
opened and there she was taking off her
Invisible cloak right by pocket's row,
from the reflection of the mirror,
he can see the figure clear enough..
but unlike 'Hani' the QA lady,
she was much shorter,
fair skin with small frame.
The cloak starts to reveal
its owner as soon as she
took it off from her body.
No, the invisible Hammer was not Hani,
she was Hani's little sister. Maria.
An 18 years old girl who just joined in.
she is from the laundry division.
She must be listening to her sister hate
story every night on their way home thus
she's taking action on all the person who
have been hurting Hani lately. Or atleast
that was pocket's theory that is.
Pocket waited. she left.
After confirming she have left the locker area,
pocket went on and picked the lock from the locker.
There it was.. the invisible cloak.
It looked like a baju hujan covering every inch
of your body down to the tumit. The colour was
black with marking of somewhat jawi writing.
Pocket inspected the cloak. He could find
the heavy hammer in the hidden area inside.
ohh so this is the murder weapon...
blood dried up on the metal.
Ohh.. how could u do the thing u do.
some people love with hate in their gut.
and Maria's love got blood all over it.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Bersambung xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
we love people and we show it,
some in the most pleasant way we could.
proud of it, taking picture as we should.
some is not so much we can be proud of.
secret we keep even from the one we love.
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
438. Meretun Pertama
Monday, November 07, 2011
437. Kami Punya la Awal...
Saturday, November 05, 2011
436. Cuti, sila hati hati..
Thursday, November 03, 2011
435. Ok daah bang..
434. Jobs
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
433. Teloq Hang!!
today he bought a slightly bigger eggs for the family,
Its nuttin much actually, the usual eggs he bought
for the family is those that sells for 260 per ten pcs.
Today he bought a slightly bigger one. 350per ten pcs.
His son's birthday is around the corner.
Bet this eggs would taste better in cakes.
hence the extra money for the eggs. He started to notice
the big changes in his life after he quit smoking, extra
cash to buy popia basah for the wife and a whole chicken
instead of the usual half chicken he use to supply to his freezer.
After a while he heard foot steps stomping
the papan floor squeaking here and there..
'waalaikumsalam, abang dah balik,
awi dok main tunggu abang tadi,
dia tidoq dah. banyak jual ari ni bang?'
'habih! nii haa abang bli teloq'
'la teloq hari tu ada lagi.. eh popiaaa!!'
'heheh' farid is smiling from ear to ear,
its nice to see her face shining with
happiness. Even if its just for 3 nights
per week. The pasar malam night
'bagi ima basuh teloq ni dulu sat na'
as ima finishes off washing the eggs,
she let it dry and arranging it nicely
in the eggs compartment inside the fridge.
And then she noticed..
'Eh besaq nya teloq?' the usual eggs falls
right down on the trays floor. This one floats.
'abang bli yg besaq sikit, buleh buat kek untuk awi'
'la selama ni abang duk beli yang kecik saja ka?'
farid hugs his wife from behind as she is
comparing from today's eggs and the one
from last week.
He couldnt face her,
hoping his hug can tell her something.
'hooh' a feeling of shame sinks in,
disgusted with his poverty.
'so selama ni dok kata duit habih,
tapi dok beli teloq murahan,
lebihnya dok simpan buat apa!?
abang duk melencong ke mana?
baik abang cakap!'
she turned around to face him,
one slap to the shoulder
'orang suruh beli teloq..
dok isap rokok lah tu!?
yang abang selalu beli tu berapa?
yang ni berapa? jangan nak tipu ima,
ima tau la! abang isap rokok lagi kan?
loh! kesitu plak?
Have pity for me sayang,
for i am just in love with u,
Forgive me sayang, for these two hands
earns only this much,
Believe in me sayang,
i'll even stop breathing for u,
Have faith in me sayang,
we'll work things out for awi...
...was one of the story a friend told me.
sedih kan.. life is hard people, maybe
not for us, but sure is for others ^^