
Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Birthday Week

Yesterday was our "baby girl's" 26th birthday. Her party at her in-laws' home was held after Sunday morning worship services. We were invited to be part of their celebration. Lunch was a delicious potato bar. YUM! Today was also her first wedding anniversary so we took the top layer of the wedding cake that had been in our freezer this past year. We had triple wrapped it in Saran Wrap and then double wrapped it in aluminum foil. It held up quite well and was still delicious. It was a delicious and fun time!

Another fun birthday party this week was for a coworker and her husband. They were both born the same day and both turned fifty. What are the odds that not only would they share the same day but also the same year? Their daughter came into town to take them out to supper. Then she blindfolded them and brought them to a "secret" location where their friends and son were waiting to SURPRISE them. It was a great night for them. This couple is very active working with the youth in our church - - taking them on hikes, overnight camping, as well as many other fellowship activities.

They shall still bring forth fruit in old age. Psalm 92:14a

Sunday, October 25, 2009

H.B, M.J.

Happy Birthday, Mary Jane! I know it was last week but I did not get your gift done until this week.

Mary Jane is my daughter's mother-in-law and my son-in-law's mother! I have never seen her without a smile. She loves my daughter as her own. She is a precious sister-in-Christ to me. As you can see, her gift is a money tree. I found the pattern on the internet a year or two ago. We parents have given cash or gift cards to each other to celebrate birthdays. I decided to do it this way this time. I told her this plant only blooms once but if she could figure out how to make it grow larger, she should share her secret! Today was such a gorgeous day. This is a beautiful season to be born. It's like all nature is celebrating with you!

Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Proverbs 31:28