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      Indigenous StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryPeasant StudiesCentral America and Mexico
According to the latest U.S. Census projection, the arrival of immigrants and their higher birthrates, projected forward at current rates, will turn the U.S. into a “minority–majority” society in 2042, 8 years earlier than the Census used... more
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      Ethnic StudiesGlobalizationMigrationGlobal Citizenship
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      Critical TheoryLatin American StudiesAnthropologyLiterary Theory
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      Economic SociologyDevelopment EconomicsEthnographyMexican Studies
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      Guatemala (History)Social movements and revolutionGuatemala
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      Genocide StudiesWar CrimesGuatemala (History)Guatemala
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      Ethnic StudiesIndigenous StudiesEthnic and Racial StudiesIndigenous Peoples Rights
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No incident in Guatemalan history is more debated than the occupation of the Spanish embassy on January 31, 1980 by protesters including Rigoberta Menchú's father Vicente. The revolutionary movement and its defenders have long insisted... more
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    • Guatemala (History)
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      Labor EconomicsBorder StudiesLabor MigrationMigration Studies
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      Human RightsGenocide StudiesGuatemala (History)Guatemalan Civil War
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      Human RightsGenocide StudiesGuatemalan Genocide20th Century Guatemalan History
In the 1990s there were two new ideas to make the Ixil Mayas of Nebaj, Guatemala, self-sufficient. The first idea, conceived by microcredit consultants, was to make it easier for the Ixils to borrow money so that they could become... more
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      Critical TheoryAnthropologyEthnographyPostcolonial Studies
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      AnthropologyLatin AmericanAmerican Ethnologist
Quiche Rebelde: Religious Conversion, Poli-here. In llotenango, Traditionalists comprise tics, and Ethnic Identity in Guatemala. Ricardo cofradfa members (cofradias are syncretistic Falla. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001.... more
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      AnthropologyEthnic IdentityHistorical StudiesAmerican Ethnologist
¿De la migración por mejores salarios a la migración para pagar deudas? Crédito fácil, fracaso en El Norte y desalojos en una economía burbuja del Altiplano de Guatemala
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    • Centro Paraguayo de Estudios Sociologicos
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      AnthropologyRepresentationLatin AmericaDIALECTICAL ANTHROPOLOGY
Some years ago, when the idea of peace accords seemed like an impossible dream, I was the object of undeserved respect for doing fieldwork where soldiers and civil patrollers still occasionally clashed with guerrillas. The Ixil country of... more
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