Michigan State University
Community Sustainability
The commercial seed industry has undergone tremendous consolidation in the last 40 years as transnational corporations entered this agricultural sector, and acquired or merged with competing firms. This trend is associated with impacts... more
Visualization of the changing structure of the food system has played an important role in the Missouri School of Agrifood Studies’ research and outreach. The analogies and diagrams Missouri researchers have used to describe concentration... more
Significant structural changes have accompanied the phase-in of a national organic standard in the United States over the last decade. The organic processing sector was particularly amenable to change due to its location downstream from... more
Background The prevalence of obesity and overweight in youth has increased dramatically since the 1980s, and some researchers hypothesize that increased consumption of low-nutrient, energy-dense foods is a key contributor. The potential... more
Involving many people in community-based research provides any benefits, such as more labor power and increased buy-in. Traditional meeting formats, however, are not well suited to attracting broad engagement. One way to address this... more
Sustainability marketing trends have typically been led by smaller, more mission-driven firms, but are increasingly attracting larger, more profit-driven firms. Studying the strategies of firms that are moving away from these two poles... more
Producers are interested in developing labelling schemes that go 'beyond organic' to address ethical criteria not included the US Department of Agriculture organic standards. However, consumer interests in labels that are not as widely... more
This article considers how geospatial analyses can influence cartographic outputs in studies of the spatial structure of food environments. We make two contributions. First, we present a new approach to conceiving and visualizing urban... more
Discusses the restructuring of the food production, processing and retailing sectors in the USA. Describes different methods of vertical and horizontal integration that have occurred. Goes on to discuss the consolidation of business in... more
The global beer industry has transformed dramatically in recent decades. Two key trends include 1) consolidation resulting from mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures, and 2) the largest firms expanding into new regions. While beer was... more
Intellectual property protections on seeds have increased dramatically in recent decades, from the granting of patent-like protections on certain types of seeds in 1970 to the enforcement of contract provisions for seeds beyond the first... more