I've received this lovely award from the very talented
Tara!!!. Thank you sooo much for passing this award onto me Tara.

The rules to accepting my award are as follows:
A) first list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!
B) Pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.
Okay...so the 10 HONEST things about me are:
1. I can be really impatient
2. I love chinese food
3. I was on the Big Breakfast (UK tv programme) one morning with Lily Savage Line Dancing
4. In the 80's I was obsessed with Madness, the group not my mind, lol
5. I hate window shopping. I only go if I have something specific in mind, but if it's craft related then it doesn't count, lol.
6. I love crisps and chocolate
7. I really wish that I could sing. Sometimes I think I can, but then I see the look on DH's face then I realise I can't, lol.
8. I'm allergic to fruit. If I eat kiwis' & melons' my tongue swells up and gets really itchy. Also if it touches my lips I end up looking like Mike Jagger, lol.
9. I can be quite messy, which really annoys my DH at times.
10. I wish that I never gave up my ballet lessons for batman when I was younger, as I could have been the next Darcy Bussell (well actually before her but you know what I mean, lol)
I hope this was interesting enough, but I did try to dig deep,lol!!!!
Here are the 7 bloggers that I would like to pass this on to Donna, Linda, Rina, Kim, Rach, Joey and Debby