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Lingvo komitato

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This page is a translated version of the page Language committee and the translation is 40% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Ĉi paĝo provizas informojn pri la komitato pri lingvoj.
Lingva komitato
Lingva komitato
Lingva komitato
For requesting users
Por anoj
Closing projects (voluntarily)
This box: vidi · diskuti · redakti

The Wikimedia Foundation language committee is in charge of developing a clear policy and documentation for new language projects and their proposal, processing those requests, and supporting and coordinating new projects to optimize their success.

Historically, it was founded as a subcommittee of the Special Projects Committee. With that committee now defunct, it reports directly to the Wikimedia Board of Trustees.

The Language Committee mainly acts in the Requests for new languages process by reviewing the requests, giving advice and eventually recommending the creation of new language versions to the Board. Individual Langcom members also take care of the proposals for closing projects. If you have any questions (for example about the possible requesting of a new language version), please direct these to the talk page or directly to any member.


This is a proofread version of the original charter with a later amendment authorizing request approval.


La komitato estas tasko jene.

  1. The development and maintenance of:
    1. a clear step-by-step policy (based on quantitative indicators) for evaluating the feasibility of new language wikis, with an automated procedure for project development;
    2. support and policy development for script and localization related problems;
    3. documentation to support new language communities towards a stable growth rate;
    4. support and coordination for cross-language projects, helping smaller communities share resources and maximize their results;
    5. support and coordination to maintain compatibility among the different MediaWiki installations, in order to reduce the amount of development needed to upgrade the program base as far as localization is concerned.
  2. The processing of requests for new language subdomains of existing Wikimedia projects, providing it gives the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees four days advance notice before approving a request.


The goals of the committee are to:

  1. minimize the political aspects connected to the release of new projects, moving the focus towards purely quantitative decision criteria;
  2. minimize the need of localization-related funding and development by providing a common shared policy;
  3. maximize the reuse of proven marketing techniques among different editions;
  4. maximize the co-operation level among different language communities by providing common fields of activity;
  5. achieve the widest possible localization level for MediaWiki at the lowest cost, in order to maintain and improve its leading role as an open-source content management system.


  • La tuta aro de agadoj de la lingvo komitato estas publika , kaj ajna konsilo de la komunumo estas bonvenaj.
  • La komitato taksas la fakton ke projektoj estas propraĵo de la sola redaktantoj, kiuj faras ĝin kaj konsideru uzulajn necesaĵoj kiel la primara fonto por politiko.
  • La komitato estas precipe interesita en aŭdi tiujn, kiuj proponas novan vikio en la pasinteco kaj got ĉu rifuzis aŭ aprobitaj.


If you want to make a proposal to the committee, for example to approve a certain project, please do so on the talk page.

Ĉiu povas sekvi la diskutojn de la lingvo komitato aboninte al la publika dissendolisto langcom at lists.wikimedia.org, sur kiu la internaj proceduroj estas faritaj. Ne-membroj devus ĝenerale ne partoprenas en diskutoj. Kiam estas necesa tamen, ili povas sendi retleteron kiu liston administranto devos akcepti permane.

Antaŭ April 2013, la diskutoj okazis en privata posxtlisto. De junio 2011 ĝis aprilo 2013, membroj de la komunumo povis peti fariĝi "langcom observantoj". Ili tiam ricevis kopiojn de la retpoŝtoj senditaj al la internaj komitato dissendolisto.

The committee resumed the use of a private mailing list for the discussion of confidential or personal matters in 2017.


Se vi interesiĝas fariĝi membro, bonvolu sendi retmesaĝon al langcom(_AT_)lists.wikimedia.org aŭ kontakti ajna membro private.


Member Languages Region Special tasks
Amir E. Aharoni (Amire80) ru, he-5, en-4, ca-3, eo-2, es-2, fr-2, pt-2, it-2, be-2, uk-2, pl-2, ht-1, ar-1, el-1, sv-1 North America, United States, Rhode Island, Providence
Middle East, Israel, Jerusalem (until 2023)
Europe, Russia, Moscow (until 1991)
Anass Sedrati ar, ary, sv, fr, en-5, es-4, pt-3, no-3, it-2, ru-1 Europe, Sweden, Stockholm
Africa, Morocco, Salé
Antony D. Green en, de-4, fr-2, ga-1, cy-1 Europe, Germany, Berlin
North America, United States, Texas (formerly)
Maor Malul (Maor X) es, en-5, lad-4, pt-4, de-3, he-3, ca-3, af-2, guc-2, ar-1 Middle East, Israel, Jerusalem
South America, Venezuela, Caracas (until 2013)
Jan Wohlgemuth (Janwo) de, en-5, id-3, nds-2, gsw-1, ru-1, el-1, fr-1, tpi-1
lgs. of Indonesia, Australia, PNG, Pacific Islands
Asia/Pacific, Indonesia, Jakarta
Europe, Germany, Westphalia (till 2019)
Jon Harald Søby nb, en-4, nn-4, sv-3, da-2, de-2, sw-2, eo-1, es-1, ro-1, se-1 Europe, Norway, Fredrikstad
Kimberli Mäkäräinen (Yupik) en, fi-4, es-4, ca-3, se-3, sv-3, et-2, smn-2 (written only), sms-2, nb-2, fr-2, it-2 Europe, Finland, Helsinki
(MF-Warburg) de, en-3, fr-2, la-2, tet-1, es-1 Europe, Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia
Europe, France, Occitania (formerly)
Closing projects
Michael Everson (Evertype) en, da-3, de-3, es-3, ga-3, fr-2, et-1, it-1, nl-1, nn-1,
no-1, pt-1, ro-1, ru-1, sv-1, tlh-1, yi-1
Europe, Scotland, Dundee
North America, United States, Pennsylvania (formerly)
Satdeep Gill pa, en-4, pnb-4, hi-3, ur-3, es-2, fa-2, fr-2, io-1 Asia, India, Punjab
(Sotiale) ko, en-2, ja-1, zh-1, eo-1, bi-1 Asia, South Korea
Tochi Precious ig, en-4, de-3, fr-2 Africa, Nigeria, Abuja
Vito Genovese tr, en-4, de-2 Europe, Germany and Turkey

Board liaison


Member Period
Akash Shah (Aksi great) 2007–2008
Maria Fanucchi (Arria Belli) 2007–2017
Ascánder 2006–2008
Huib Laurens (Abigor) 2010–2013
Bèrto 'd Sèra 2006–2017
Jesse Plamondon-Willard (Pathoschild) 2006–2011
Michal Zlatkovský (Timichal) 2006–2008
Sabine Cretella (SabineCretella) 2006–2009
Shanel Kalicharan (Shanel) 2007–2017
Tangotango 2007–2008
Zacharias Diakonikolaou (ZaDiak) 2011–2017
Oliver Stegen (Baba Tabita) 2011–2018
André Müller (N-true) 2017–2019
Santhosh Thottingal (santhosh.thottingal) 2011–2019
Milos Rancic (Millosh) 2008–2013, 2014–2021
Karen Broome (Klbroome) 2006–2021
Robin Pepermans (SPQRobin) 2009–2021
Gerard Meijssen (GerardM) 2006–2023
Steven White (StevenJ81) [Clerk] 2017–2024


User:VictoriaUser:NTymkiv (WMF)User:Doc JamesUser:TochipreciousUser:Anass SedratiUser:SotialeUser:Janwo:fi:User:YupikUser:Vito GenoveseUser:StevenJ81User:N-trueUser:Satdeep GillUser:Maor XUser:MF-WarburgUser:ZaDiakUser:Santhosh.thottingaluser:Baba TabitaUser:AbigorUser:Amire80User:SPQRobinUser:Antony D. GreenUser:MilloshUser:EvertypeUser:TangotangoUser:Aksi greatUser:Arria BelliUser:ShanelUser:PathoschildUser:KlbroomeUser:TimichalUser:SabineCretellaUser:AscánderUser:Jon Harald SøbyUser:GerardMUser:Bèrto 'd Sèra


This is an unofficial log of the committee's progress. For a log of requests and closures, see requests for new languages.

Timeline of the Language Committee
Dato Evento Ĝisdatigu
2006-06-06 policy SabineCretella draft proposed.
2006-07-03 langcom Subcommittee initially proposed, but the proposal is never received.
2006-09-16 langcom Subcommittee is proposed again, and accepted.
2006-11-11 policy Pathoschild draft unofficially proposed.
2006-11-21 policy Pathoschild draft implemented through the community without subcommittee approval.
2007-01-02 policy GerardM draft proposed.
2007-01-14 policy GerardM-Pathoschild policy draft proposed.
2007-02-06 policy GerardM-Pathoschild policy draft selected; discussion begins on adjustments needed before the final version.
2007-02-20 policy GerardM-Pathoschild policy draft finalized and forwarded to the Special projects committee for comment.
2007-02-26 policy GerardM-Pathoschild draft implemented.
2007-04-28 policy Subcommittee authorized to approve without board approval, given the board receives five days advance notice.
2009-01-20 langcom The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees decided that the Subcommittee becomes a Committee.
2011-05-13 langcom The committee holds its first-ever real-life meeting in Berlin.
2011-06 langcom Introduction of observers
2013-04-13 langcom switch to a public mailing list, mail:langcom

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