Papers by Esma Dumanlı Kadızade
International Journal of Languages' Education and Teaching, Apr 1, 2015
Social learning theory is one of the important theories of gender role education in children. Acc... more Social learning theory is one of the important theories of gender role education in children. According to this theory, children imitate the role models that they created from the same-sex selection of people that they encounter in their entourage, by means of visual media, through the lecture books they read in the school or fictional story books that are suitable for their age, and that they imagined in their fantasies through these inputs. By this way, the children adopt the gender role by the conditioning of these stimulus generated by their social environment. In this study, twenty two novels have been chosen among approximately three hundred children’s and young adult novels of Kemalettin Tugcu with simple random sampling. Document analysis technique within qualitative research methodology has been applied. The aim of the study is to investigate the gender roles phenomenon in Children’s Literature through Tugcu’s work in terms of the gender division of labour within the household, stereotypes and occupational stereotypes.
Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık eBooks, 2019
Journal Of History School, 2015
International Journal of Language Academy, 2015
This study analyzes fairy tales, which have an important role within child literature, in terms o... more This study analyzes fairy tales, which have an important role within child literature, in terms of values education. The social values reflected in tales are examined in this study. Books, starting from the first reading books, are significant not only for the development process of the child, but also for the acquisition of social values. Social values are the factors maturing individuals within the socialization process with its local and universal dimensions. By means of these values, individuals, who approach and address social problems through logic, propose solutions to social problems based on common sense and avoid isolation and marginalization as a result of urban life, can be integrated into society. For this reason, tales should have fiction that includes values education. When reading or listening to tales, without even noticing, one can learn about the culture, language, religion, tradition and customs with which the story is associated. Based on this consideration, the examples used in this study were sourced not from foreign children’s literature, but instead from a Turkish source, namely Tahir Hafizoglu’s book entitled “Billur Kosk (Crystal Manor)”, which is read and taught in elementary schools. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the evaluated tales contributed various values to education. Ozet
International Journal of Language Academy, 2014
Turkish Studies - Language and Literature
Turk edebiyatinda bircok elestirmenin etkilendigi Izlenimci elestiri anlayisi Fethi Naci’nin eser... more Turk edebiyatinda bircok elestirmenin etkilendigi Izlenimci elestiri anlayisi Fethi Naci’nin eserlerinde de gorulur. Ancak Fethi Naci’nin ekonomi ogrenimi gormesi, ekonomik ve toplumsal bilimlere ilgisi, onun Marksist estetigi ve Marksizm’i de kolaylikla incelemesini saglar. Fethi Naci’nin elestiri seruveni bu iki anlayis cercevesinde olusur. Bu calismada ise, elestirmenin yazin hayatinin birinci doneminde etkisi altinda kaldigi Marksist elestiri unsurlari sorgulanmistir. Daha sonra ise yine eserlerinden yola cikilarak elestirmenin ikinci doneminde dikkat ceken Izlenimci elestiri anlayisi vurgulanmistir
This study aims to compare and evaluate acquisitions and activities related with speaking skill i... more This study aims to compare and evaluate acquisitions and activities related with speaking skill in 2005-2006 primary school. In the research qualitative research method was used and primary school Turkish program and Turkish text books of 6th, 7th and 8th grade were scanned by document examination method. As a result of scanning, the number of speaking skill activities detected was 60 in 6th grade Turkish text book, 75 in 7th grade Turkish text book and 50 in 8th grade Turkish text book. Besides it was observed that the same or similar speaking activities given as an example in the program were not present in Turkish text books. On the other hand, it was determined that compliant activity example for "self speaking evaluation" of speaking skill took place in 6th grade text book although it did not take place in the program. In this context, it was concluded that the activities taking place in the text book was in accordance with speaking skill aims and acquisitions but act...
Aytul Akal’in ilk genclik grubuna yonelik yazdigi “Super Gazeteciler-1, Super Gazeteciler 2- Park... more Aytul Akal’in ilk genclik grubuna yonelik yazdigi “Super Gazeteciler-1, Super Gazeteciler 2- Parktaki Esrar, Super Gazeteciler 3- Likorlu Cikolata ve Super Gazeteciler 4- Belali Davetiye” den olusan dort roman serisinde, yedinci sinifa giden dort arkadasin kendi cabalariyla hazirladiklari gazeteyi olustururken karsilastiklari maceralar anlatilmaktadir. Roman boyunca dort arkadasin yasantilari birlikte hazirladiklari Super Gazete’ye her zaman ilham kaynagi teskil edecektir. Calismada, Aytul Akal’in cocuk romani serisinde “abartilmis merak” ogesi tarama yontemi kullanilarak incelenmistir. Bu dogrultuda cocuk okurda merak uyandiran noktalar romanda tespit edilerek siralanmis ve bu noktalardan hareketle merak ogesine iliskin alti kod olusturulmustur. Bu kodlar ve kodlardaki merak ogesine iliskin frekans degerlerinin dagilimi dort roman serisinde toplam soyledir: “Kahramanlari Tanima” (f:4), “Kahramanlarin Olayla Baglantisi Kuruluyor” (f:11), Kahramanlarin Olaya Katilmasi (f:14), Kahrama...
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2021
OZET Bu calisma, 2005- 2006 Ilkogretim Turkce Programindaki konusma becerisine dair kazanim ve et... more OZET Bu calisma, 2005- 2006 Ilkogretim Turkce Programindaki konusma becerisine dair kazanim ve etkinlikler ile Ilkogretim Turkce 6., 7. ve 8. sinif calisma kitaplarindaki konusma becerisine ait kazanim ve etkinlikleri karsilastirmak ve degerlendirmek amaci tasimaktadir. Arastirmada nitel arastirma yontemi kullanilmis olup, Ilkogretim Turkce Programi ile 6., 7. ve 8. sinif Turkce calisma kitaplari “dokuman incelemesi” yoluyla taranmistir. Tarama sonucunda 6.sinif Turkce calisma kitabinda toplam 60 adet, 7.sinif Turkce calisma kitabinda toplam 75 adet ve 8.sinif Turkce calisma kitabinda ise toplam 50 adet konusma becerisi etkinligi tespit edilmistir. Ayrica programda ornek olarak verilen konusma becerisi etkinliklerinin aynisi veya benzerinin Turkce calisma kitaplarinda yer almadigi gorulmustur. Ote yandan konusma becerisinin “kendi konusmasini degerlendirme” amacina uygun etkinlik ornegine programda verilmedigi halde, 6. Sinif Turkce kitabinda bu amac ve kazanimlarina uygun etkinlik ...
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2020
Route Educational and Social Science Journal, 2019
Journal of International Social Research, 2019
Route Educational and Social Science Journal, 2017
the Journal of Academic Social Sciences, 2015
Journal of Turkish Studies, 2018
Papers by Esma Dumanlı Kadızade