Friday, October 23, 2009


Hello Nice People,

A few weeks ago, Rachel from Life 'N Stuff had a good post on the things she sees on her way to work. She always gives me a good chuckle with her stories. HER morning scene includes a pooping donkey. Well, she got me to thinking about some of the things I pass day after day. Sunrise on the East Coast is at 7:15, so my early mornings on the road are spent pretty much in the dark at this time of the year. Just about the time the sun is coming up, I pass these little guys
Now I don't know much about pigs, but they are the cutest little things. Early, just when its getting light they are sleeping in a pile. there are six of them. I guess they keep each other warm. After about an hour, I come back the same route and now they are up and routing around. If I stop and open the door, they come running over to the fence. I know not to get to attached to them because one day I will come by and they won't be there.

Here's another odd sight.

I have never seen a mushroom like this before.
Maybe this is a common mushroom but its sure a new one to me.
About two weeks ago, on my usual route, a two lane highway, there was a dog laying on the yellow line. He must have been hit by a car not long before I came by. Up ahead, a trash truck and 2 or 3 trash men emptying cans. I kind of had a feeling they would be the good guys and move him out of the middle of the road. Well, they did.....and every day for the past two weeks, the poor little thing lays there in the grass silently waiting for someone to come along and claim his lifeless body. He has lain there through four days of rain last week and one or two this week. Its supposed to rain tonite and all day tomorrow, and I can't help thinking of him. I think I secretly wish that the rain would reconstitute his little stiff body and he would just get up, stretch and continue on with his adventure. I guess I think too much!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mysterious No More

Hello nice people,
Here is a picture of me and Hubby taken last week at a family party. Its a fairly good one of us, so I thought I would post it. Has anyone noticed how all the mystery is gone on the internet? In the beginning, everyone used screenames only, never a real name. I think we were all afraid of stalkers. We never posted a picture of our face or let anyone know where we lived. I have read blogs recently where people actually give out there town and street, and say come to my yard sale. I think much of this openess is due to FACEBOOK or maybe MYSPACE, although I have never logged into the latter. Yeah, there is my picture and with Hubby too. He is not computer savvy (sp) , and he still worries about every little thing. He put a disk in 6 years ago with poker and solitaire and thats as far as he ever got. He has no clue of how to get on the internet. I asked him recently if Ronnie (his friend) is a computer person and his answer....."Oh yeah, he even looks up the weather." Really? !

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hello Nice People,
I always check this little guy out on the comics page in the Atlantic City Press. For some reason, the delivery gentleman puts the Sunday comics page and all the ads for Sunday into the Saturday paper. I guess it makes it easier on him. But I get to see the Sunday comics before you do. How lucky can I get! But here is Lio for today, Sunday. And how much more appropriate can you get. Lio's world is full of monsters under the bed and bizzare little happenings from his science fiction life. And todays Cartoon is the best. Here's cute but nasty little Lio ringing someones door bell and running away. But there he is hiding in the bushes with the remote to a big mean Robodog that says WELCOME TO PHILADELPHIA. And whose front door is it but MICHAEL (DOG KILLER) VICK. Hee hee, I love it.